Status: Ongoing


Chapter 1 - Waking Up

I don't know... I don't remember... I just... Woke up and here I am, in the middle an unknown white, snowy place. I looked around and saw things I've never seen before, strange creatures. And things that looked like... Trees? But why would there be so many in one place?

"Hey," I heard someone say to me.

I looked up and I saw two people, a woman, probably in her 30s and a teenager with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hello, I'm Linda. Linda Allen, are you alright?" the woman, Linda said,"and this is my son, Roy," she added as Roy waved at me.

"So, we're wondering, what are you doing around here? People don't normally come around here" Roy asked, curious.

"I... Don't know...," I weakly replied.

"Umm... Do you know your name?" He asked.
I shook my head, no. But it was the truth. I don't remember anything, my name, my birthdate, my parents, nothing. I only remember one thing...

"I remember one, it's this necklace," I said, holding up the necklace so they can see, it had N.7, with a pattern on it. "I've had this necklace ever since I was a child."

Their eyes widened. Although I'm not certain, but I assumed it's because of the necklace. And I was correct.

"Hey... Isn't that... Uh... Just a sec," Roy said as pointing to my necklace he turned around and whispered some things to Linda.

They turned around some time later after bickering but trying to keep it at a whisper, which didn't really work, although I didn't catch any of it.

"Do you want to come live with us, Jessica?" Linda said with a smile.

"Jessica?" I replied, confused.

"I've decided to give you that name, I hope you like it," she said.


"So do you want to?" She repeated.

"Yes, I would like to if it isn't too much trouble..." I said.

"Of course it's not trouble!" Roy exclaimed, "By the way, how old are you?"

"Umm... I not exactly sure but... I think eighteen," I replied, unsure.

"Alright, then you're birthday's March 3rd."

"March 3rd?" I asked.

"It's today's date." He said.

"Oh." I had to admit, I felt a little stupid.

"Well, we shouldn't stay out in the cold forever," Linda said, starting to walk back, "You should get some rest Jessica, we'll explain everything to you tomorrow."

I nodded, but what was there to explain? This was just a village with kind people who took me in. Right? As we were walking back, I noticed that Linda and Roy also has a necklace on. It had the same patterns but Roy's says N.6 and Linda's says N.4

As we were going to the village, we had to go through a lot of trees and many turns until the village was in our sight of vision. The village was basically camouflaged with the white snowy forest.

When we got home, Linda says that she'll tell the village about me and everything that I need to know tomorrow, and Roy gave me a tour of the house and he showed me my bedroom. I took that opportunity and went to sleep, preparing for the next day.
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This is my first story, and I hope you liked it so far.