‹ Prequel: Tell Me You Need Me

You're Dying to Please

I sew my eyes shut just to sleep.

I walked into the lounge seeing Ricky sitting on the couch, next to Angelo. Great. The one person I wanted to avoid. Angelo has been acting weird to me ever since last night, he confessed feelings he's had toward me. I haven't told anyone about it and I didn't think I wanted to. Although I didn't know why he likes me like that, I'm a married man.
I took a seat next to Ricky, and I placed my arm around his shoulder. He snuggled into my chest and I watched the tv screen. He had Sleepy Hollow on. Within a few minutes Ricky was asleep. So much for a movie night, Rick.
"Hey Chris," Angelo spoke up.
Oh no, I thought. "Yeah?"
"Do you and Ricky mind getting off the couch? Devin kicked me out of our bunk."
Phew, I thought he was going to ask me something else. "There's extra bunks, you know."
"Yeah but they're the bunks that have everyone's stuff on it. Plus I gotta drive in an hour," he sighed.
He looked so exhausted and I wouldn't believe I was giving up precious sleep for him..."I'll drive for you. You need sleep."
"Really?" he smiled. "Thanks Chris."
Maybe that's why he started to get feelings for me. I'm too fucking nice.
"You're welcome."
I carried Ricky into our bunk and I stripped him into his boxers so he would be comfortable. I wrapped the blankets around him and he slowly opened his eyes.
"Why aren't you sleeping with me?" he sleepily asked. He looked so cute.
"I told Angelo I would drive for him," I said before I kissed his forehead. "Good night babe."
He groaned. "Good night."
I started walking toward the front of the bus, only to be stopped by Angelo.
"Chris," he said as he stood in front of me.
I was getting kind of fed up with him. "What?"
"Thank you," he whispered as he ran his hand up and down my arm.
"You're welcome, now I got to go drive. Balz is calling," I said as I pushed him away.
I happily walked up to the front, finally getting away from him. Balz broke my thoughts.
"Chris, what are you doing?" he asked.
"I offered to drive for Angelo," I sighed.
He laughed. "I'll sit up here with you."
"Thanks," I smiled as I got in the drivers seat. I started driving.
The couple of hours I had to drive were very awkward. Balz sat next to me to keep me company, although he didn't say much. I wish I had Ricky up here.
"You know," Balz spoke up. "I might be annoyed by your constant love fests with Ricky, but I'm happy you found him. You guys are so happy together and it better stay that way."
I smiled. "Well we are married."
"I know," he chuckled.
After my couple of hours of driving were up, I gave it over to Ryan. I walked back to the bunks trying not to wake anyone up.
I quickly went pee and I crawled into my bunk, cuddling up next to Ricky. He shifted in his sleep so he was facing me. He smiled in his sleep.
"You're so cute," I whispered. I knew he couldn't hear me but he just looked so fucking adorable.
I wrapped my arms around him and I drifted off into a deep sleep.
I woke up to Ricky crawling over me. I saw him peek his head through the curtain.
"What are you doing?" I sleepily asked.
He looked at me and placed his hands on the sides of my face. He placed his lips on mine. "Go back to sleep baby."
Within seconds, I was out again.
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Sorry, this is a short filler.

Chapter title credit: Black Damask (The Fog) by Motionless In White