Status: Yeah I know terrible summary but hey I tried!



Before I left the nurses office I looked back at the kid and he was already staring at me. He was gorgeous. He had the prettiest blue eyes that I've ever seen. They were even prettier then Josh's.

Oh my god did I just say that! I'm not gay. I like vagina not penis. I like vagina not penis!

"I like vagina not penis!" I accidently shouted. Ghost looked back at me and started giggling. "Trying to reassure yourself, Ry?" he said with a slight smile on his face.

I swatted him on the arm and chuckled. "No."

"You know its okay if you are gay."

"I'm not gay."

"I'm just saying."

Ghost smirked at me and we kept walking to class.

---------------Short time Lapse--------------------

When we walked into class we were both given detentions for being late. I just rolled my eyes at Mr. Ritchter and sat down next to Ghost.

I put my feet up on the desk and put my earphones in, drowning out Mr. Richter's voice. No sense in doing work if we only have a few minutes left anyway.

When class was over I walked out with Ghost and we met up with the rest of the guys outside.

"I need a cigarette." I reached into my pocket for my pack of cancer sticks. Only to find nothing. "Shit! I must of left them at home."

"Chris will you be a sweetheart and go buy me some cig-" he cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

"No." he said shaking his head. "Why not!" I whined.

"Go buy your own. You still haven't paid me back from the last I bought you some." he said crossing his long arms across his chest.

I huffed and leaned against the wall behind me closing my eyes and enjoying the silence. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around about to yell at them for disturbing my quiet time, but it was the boy from earlier and he had a cigarette in his hand.

"H-here you g-go." he said quietly. I smiled and thanked him before realizing I didn't have a lighter either. "Need t-this?" he said handing me the bright yellow lighter. This is boy is just too cute.

I placed the cigarette between my lips and lit it up, blowing out a puff of smoke. "Hey Ricky!" Ghost yelled jumping on the kid. Ricky was startled by this and let out an adorable little cry of surprise.

What the hell is wrong with me? Maybe I am gay.

"H-hi." Ricky stuttered once Ghost got off of him. "Ghost leave him alone. He doesn't even know who you are." I said blowing out another puff of smoke.

"Hi I'm Devin. My friends call me Ghost cause I'm so damn pale." Ghost introduced himself. "See now he knows me and were gonna be the best of friends!"

I saw Ricky smile at that and I smiled. He probably doesn't have any friends and that made my heart break a little.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay Ricky has one friend so far!!

Thank you to those who reccommended, subcribed, and commented. *throws oreos* And to those who didn't rec, sub, and comment, I don't bite. You don't have to be afraid of me. You can at least let me know you read the story. ^.^
