Could Life Be Any Better

How Will it Work

Athena sent a video chat request to Adelyn and Hayleigh, who both got onto their computers a few minutes after Athena sent the request. Adelyn:” Hey, what’s up?” Athena:” I sort of had a date with Nick!” Hayleigh:” Ok, spill with the details, please.” Athena:” Well, you know you both were at the house earlier, he took me out to lunch and a concert where I got to go onstage and sing with *Nsync. Justin loved the energy with which I got the crowd more amped up. It was great, then we went to get some hot chocolate since we both didn’t want the night to end. He asked me if I just didn’t want my time to be over with him just yet or was there another reason. When I told, him I didn’t want my time with him to end especially not at that time, he smiled. I asked him if he was starting to fall for me or has he already. Know what he said?” Both Girls:” Yes!” Athena nodded beaming and blushing, she went on explaining what else was said. Adelyn:” You know, he really will find a way to make it work with you. If he’s already promising to find a way, to leave little messages then that alone should prove just how much he likes you already.” Hayleigh:” Ok, that was yesterday, did anything else happen today?” Athena was beaming with a smile, while the girls waited to hear. Athena:” Before I forget, that night when he brought me home, I was the one who stopped giving him a kiss.” They told her they know about that they want to hear about the other date…Athena told them and they all just waited. Athena:” I got to spend time with Nick and Joe, Joe was surprised when I mentioned that I’ve never had a boyfriend, due to the conversation we were having at the time. The look on his face was funny as hell too. Joe also realized that for both Nick and I, it’s love at first sight. By the way, I found out that I met Nick all thanks to Joe! Nick and I held hands going into the building where their photoshoot was too, and after that was two radio interviews, an album signing then a small surprise concert for a contest winner. I got to meet his parents where again Nick grabbed my hand. His dad said that he sees why Nick doesn’t stop talking about me. His mother Denise, asked me if I love Nick. I realized that yes, I do but I’m not going solely on how I’m feeling. That I don’t want to rush into anything and get hurt or hurt him. Told her what he said when I asked if he was falling for me. I informed her what he said which made her smile, Denise told me that she knows that we love each other just by how we look at each other. Plus, if he promises anything take his word on him, take her word for it, he keeps his promises. She thinks he already has some ideas in that head of his. She knows she doesn’t have to worry about how I treat him since I’m such a beautiful and amazing young woman. Denise is also happy that Nick wanted both her and Paul to meet myself. The meal was great, I helped set the table, got to meet Dani who’s a sweetheart by the way. I got to play football after dinner with Frankie and the guys. The football game was fun, Dani even played. His parents are very nice but after dinner was the surprise concert. Oh, Nick told me that since the first time he saw me, he couldn’t stop thinking about me. Now that we’ve not only met but have been hanging out, he still can’t believe and even finds himself dreaming of me all the time! (both girls said Awe, again. Enjoying every details) I was tempted to kiss him but at the last-minute I kissed his cheek. As they got ready for the show I grabbed his hand pulling him back, which was when I kissed him telling him to have a good show. They played a new song, then Nick called me out to dance with him during “Pom Poms”. And that’s what took place yesterday/last night!” “No way, you actually kissed him finally?” asked Adelyn. “I know, wow.” Hayleigh said.
Hayleigh asked if she’s going to try to make it work out with him. Athena:” You know what, yes I might. Only because I’m in love with him!” “Of course, you are. At the slightest mention of his name and you not only smile but you seem to glow. Your whole face just lights up like we’ve never seen before. We shall talk to you later, maybe we could hang out.” She agreed, all of them getting off while she helped clean a little. Mrs. Thorne:” You seem to be getting along with Nick, have you met his parents yet?” “Yes mom, just last night and they’re quite lovely people. His mom Denise told me that she’s glad Nick and I found each other. She knows we love each other and make each other happy. Why do you ask, mom?” Athena wondered. Mrs. Thorne:” Oh, I was just curious that’s all. It’d be good if down the road, we could invite them over for dinner.” “Yes, that’d be a great idea. Wait, just his parents? I ask because he has three brothers; Kevin, Joe (older brothers) and Frankie (younger brother)?” Athena stated. Mrs. Thorne:” Oh of course, his brothers are welcomed as well.” Athena giggled, hugging her mom. She went back to her room when she got a text. What are you doing babe? <3 Nick Just got done talking with my mom. Why? <3 A Joe invited me to some concert with him and I want you there if you want, that is? <3 Nick Yes, of course. Is Joe dating anyone btw? <3 A No why, what are you thinking? <3 Nick My friend Adelyn who just so happens to like Joe the most. You both met her when you met me, she’d be great for him. <3 A Yes, I think he liked her. Maybe he should get to know her more! <3 N Lol, see you soon. <3 A Of course. See you soon, babe <3 N
Athena ran downstairs to talk to her mom, “Nick will be here soon. I’m calling Adelyn when I’m done so she can join us. We will be at a concert.” Before her mom could even utter a sound, she bolted back up to her room. “Hey, what’s up A?” Adelyn asked. “I want you to join me at a concert. Joe invited Nick and when he mentioned it to me I thought of you and wanted you to come. Please say yes?” Athena spoke fast, breezing through it. “Ah, yes sure. I’m on my way.” Adelyn said already leaving the house. As soon as she got there (, so did Nick who gave them both a hug. “Adelyn, excuse us a moment. I’ve to talk to Nick about something,” Athena pulled him aside. “Is everything, ok?” Nick asked, curiously. “yes, I just needed to tell you that I’m in love with you if I haven’t said it before. I will make it work with us if you will?” she stated. Nick smiled, he pulled her into his arms very happy to hear that. They kissed, Nick:” Yes, I will make it work too because I love you as well Athena. I don’t know how my life would be if I met you sooner or later, but never had the chance to hang out with you or even get to know you. I wouldn’t be so surprised if you tagged along on the tour from time to time. I’m sure my mom has informed you of my always thinking ahead, and thinking ideas. I just might have an idea that will take you touring with us! Is that all you had to tell me?” She giggled, “oh my mom mentioned having your family over for dinner so my parents can meet yours and they’ll get to know each other!” Athena informed him. Nick smiled grabbing her hand, “I might be able to help with that,” he pointed out. As they were walking back downstairs, she asked if that meant they’re not bf & gf. Nick:” Yes, and the world will know once they see you wearing some of my shirts, jackets and hats!” Athena giggled letting him know she couldn’t wait.
Nick kissed the top of her hand as they went to the car where Adelyn was already in the back seat waiting. Nick drove the way while both girls were singing along to the music. “Are we going to get Joe?” asked Adelyn. “Yes, but the concert isn’t until later, so Joe has decided to treat us all to lunch!” Nick pointed out. They all enjoyed their lunch, both Nick and Athena were loving how Joe was hitting it off well with Adelyn. Nick took Athena to his place, while Adelyn and Joe hung out more. “I love your place,” Athena exclaimed. She asked him what he needed to get, which Nick pulled her over and spun her around, they began dancing. He grabbed two of his favorite hats, he put one on her. He also grabbed a few of his shirts and jackets, plus some glasses. She watched as he put them into a bag, then handed it to her. “Anything else you might want? All you have to do is ask!” he smiled, letting her know. Athena bit her lip smiling, she got up going into the bedroom to change. She put on one of the shirts and jackets (, then she quietly got out some of his boxers. She put them in the bag at the bottom, so he couldn’t see. When she opened the door, he saw her in his clothes and pulled her into a kiss, instantly. “you look very cute, in my clothes. All you’re missing is this!” he smiled, taking off one of the necklaces he was wearing, placing it around her neck. “Awe, thanks babe. But I’ll forget it, so you should put it back on.” She pointed out. Nick shook his head no, “It’s not my necklace, it’s yours. I’m wearing mine, see.” He pulled his out from under his shirt, showing her. She picked hers up, examining it, when she looked up at him, he was smiling. “I got one just like mine but for you!” Nick stated. She gave him a kiss, then they just left to rejoin both Joe and Adelyn.