Torn Between Two

Chapter 1

Someone once told that if you scream loud enough people will listen, they will stop and give you a moment, but not me for as loud as I scream they wont listen, they don't care. If only they would stop and knew what was happening.

Tick tock, went the clock as Sam sat in classroom, as she waited. Sam was different to the other 'A' crowd girls; she would rather dress in a punk metro style than the other girls who wore short little skirts that showed their ass and a shirt covering from the belly button to the top of their boobs.
Suddenly the bell rang, then everyone grabbing there books and hurrying to get out of the hot room.
"Hey Sam" Yelled Tom from behind her.
Tom was a nerdier guy who had had a crush on Sam since forth grade, she thought by now that he would have got over it because it was the 11 grade now.
"Are you free this afternoon?" He asked.
"In your dreams Tom" Sam said as she walked out the door.

"Another day" she thought as she shoved her books into her locker, grabbing her compact mirror from her bag.
"Hey Sam are you coming to mine this afternoon for the party, because we're going soon?" Rachael asked.
Rachael was a tall girl who had chocolate brown hair that was cut in a metro style with enough product on to cover the country. She wore a light pink shirt saying princess and a denim skirt with a pair of pink heals on. She was a beautiful girl who could get any guy she wanted. She had hazel eyes and a smile that could win a crowd. She was one of the high up 'A' crowd girls.
"Yeah I’ll be there in a second" Sam said as she pulled her bag out not noticing that the zip was open. Her bag exploded everywhere, "God damn it" she said as she bent down and started picking up her stuff.
"Hey let me help you there" A guy said as he bent down and started to help her.
He was a tall guy with jet black hair and he had blue eyes like the sky on a clear day.
"Thanks for the help" Sam said.
"Oh it’s cool" He said as he extended his hand and shacked hers. "My name Jason, what's yours?" Jason asked.
She was looking down at his hand noticing his black nail polish and sweat band.
"Oh umm it's Sam" She said diverting her eyes towards his face as she pulled her bag onto her shoulder.
"This is a long shot but there's a party on tonight at my friends house it would be cool if you came" Sam said with a smile hoping to win him over so he would come.
"I'll see; do you have the address?" Jason asked
"Yeah I'll write it down for you" Sam said pulling out a piece of paper and a pen leaning over the locker and writing it down for him.
"Heaps of people from school should be there so you can't miss it" She said.
With a smile Sam turned on her heels and walk out the door and over to where the car was, where her friend Rachael was with some other friends were waiting.
"So what took you so long?" Rachael asked.
"Oh my bag was open and everything fell out, and some guy helped me pick it all up" She said as she got into the car.
"Some guy aye" said one of the other girls looking at Sam with a smirk.
The drive wasn't too long to get the house which was built high up in the mountains but still close to the suburbs. Pulling up the long driveway, the trees making a straight line leading up towards the house. The house was two stories high with vines going up the sides. Hedges surrounded the front of the house and a lake out the back connecting to grassy fields. The outside of the house was white as snow with a black tiled roof. It had a porch that surrounded the whole building.

Pulling up in the drive way the four girls hopped out of the car and collected their bags, and headed over to the house. Inside was huge, white walls could be seen everywhere within. At the entrance there was a waterfall that took up the front wall. The girls began walking down the hall way which led to the lounge room.
"You guys just wait here while I tell mum that we're here and that she can go" Rachael said as she walked back up the hall and out of sight.

Soon enough Rachael came back and introduced her mother to her friends.
"Mum these are my friends" Rachael said as she looked at Sam, Julie and Lisa.
"Hey" said the three girls all at once.
"Hey girls, hope you guys have fun tonight, Rachael, your father and I will be back on Sunday so don't get up to too much trouble ok" Rachael's mum said as she walked out of the room and out the front door to get in her car.
As soon as Rachael mums car was gone the girls grabbed there things and walked back down the hall to the other end where a set of stairs led up to the second floor. The bedrooms where upstairs and so were the bathrooms and on laundry. The house had six bed rooms and out of those six only two were used.
"So this is my room Rachael said with a smile, I'll show you guys to your own rooms. Not far down the hall was a room which Julie was to stay in and then a little further down was another room which Lisa would also be staying in.
The other girls walked into there rooms putting there stuff away while Rachael and Sam kept walking down to the end of the hall.
"So this is yours, sorry its at the end but its the only other room, but i guess the bonus is that the bath room is just across from you" Rachael said with another one of her beautiful smile and her eyes shinning so bright.
The room was a large room and it had a double bed which Sam thought was good as she dropped her bags on the floor and sat on the bed.

As Jason made his way out to his car in the school parking lot he pulled out the piece of paper from his pocket which amber had given him. Still holding it in his hand he got in to the car and started it up. Placing the piece of paper back in his pocket, he pulled out of the car park and drove away from the school. Jason didn't live to far away from the school so it didn't take long before he was pulling into his parents drive way.
He lived in a medium sized house which had a large garden that his mother was attending to at that very moment. It had dark brick on the out side and dark blue for the roof. Getting out of the car Jason grabbed his school bag and walked over to his mum.
"Hey mum" Jason said with a smile.
"Hey dear, how was your day?" She asked
"Yeah it wasn't to bad, I got an invite to a party from this girl" said Jason, and its on tonight so I wont be home for dinner and I might be staying there.
Waiting a few moments Jason turned on his heels and walked over to the front door. Opening the door, a large dog greeted him with a slobbery smile.
"Hey boy" He said as he ruffled the dogs fur, walking into the kitchen where he found his father reading the news paper contently with a coffee in his hand sipping away at it time to time.
Jason wasn't close to his farther, all his childhood he neglected him and would sit by himself smoking a pipe most nights of the week. On his first day of school Jason's father wasn't in sight, his mother on the other hand was always there. Ever since the loss of Jason's older brother his father was different towards everything. Jason always guessed that it was because his father didn't want to form any kind of bond to strong because of the fear of losing another son. Jason grabbed a glass of water and made his way to his room throwing his bag on the ground and sitting at his computer table. After a few minutes of fooling around on the computer he turned it off and looked at the time. Guessing he should start to get ready he slowly got up and took off his shirt and tossed it into the dirty clothes basket.

Looking over at the long curtains on one side of the room Sam got up and walked over and touched the fine fabric. It was pure silk and the colour was a deep purple which slid through her fingers like melted butter. Finding her way to the area where each curtain collided into one other she slipped her hand into the gap grasping it and slowly pulling one of them open. Outside was a beautiful view of a little lake that resided at the back of the house. Ducks were bobbing on the top of the surface and lily pads laying perfectly clustered together floating in the cool water.
"It's gorgeous isn't it" said Rachael walking over, best view from any of the other rooms you guys are staying in.
"Yeah it's amazing" Sam said with a side ways glance at her.
"So grab your bag because were going to all help each other choose our clothes" Rachael said with a smile.
So Sam gathered her clothes and walked down the hall to Rachael’s room where the others were. My Chemical Romance playing on the stereo as Sam walked in and put her few items of clothing she brought with her on the bed, knowing that Rachael was going to give everyone clothes to wear. Doors to her closet were open revealing the collection of clothes hung up on the hangers and her draws stuffed with other goodies to wear. There were six shelves where all sorts of shoes ranging from sneakers, high heels, flats ballerina style slippers, boots and stilettos. The room was huge with a double bed, she also had a view from her room over looking the lake.

"So ladies what are you going to wear tonight?" Asked Rachael sitting on her bed looking at them, "Lets go take a look at what I have in my closet."
The four girls walk over to the hanging clothes and sifted through them finding what they were going to wear.