Torn Between Two

Chapter 3

The next morning Sam woke up in Jason’s arms, looking up he was still asleep. His face looked so peaceful and frail; she thought if she touched it, it might break. Sighing quietly her lifted his arm off her skin and slowly moved to the beds edge trying not to wake him. She made her way over to the door and opened it, slipping through the crack and into the hall. Walking down the steps and along the hall can and bottles littered the floor. Walking into the lounge room she found a few people passed out on the couch and floor. Rachael who was all showered and clean was picking up the bottles and cans off the ground then looked up and saw Sam.
“Hey sleepy head grab a bag and help me” She said pointing at the large green garbage bags.
Walking over and grabbing a bag, she started to pick up the rubbish one by one. Slowly making her way over to where Rachael was stepping over pass out bodies.
“So what time did you go to bed, well what time did the party end?” Sam asked looking over at Rachael.
“Oh um, about one in the morning I think” Rachael said looking up at Sam, and noticing the hickey on her neck. “What’s that I see there, could that be a hickey?” She said grinning from ear to ear.
Looking surprised Sam went bright red and walked over to the mirror and looked at the hideous thing on her neck. A rush of embarrassment ran through her body, turning around and looking back at Rachael.
“Who did you go to bed with last night you naughty girl?” Rachael said with a giggle.
Sitting on the couch next to her, Sam let out a sigh “You know that guy I was telling you about yesterday that helped me, well I gave him the address of the party. So he came last night and we talked, had a few drinks and then we went up to my room because the party was dying down”.
“Well now don’t hold back on the details of what you got up to in the bed room now” Rachael said laughing then sitting next to Sam.
“We talked and then we were standing by the window and like I don’t know one thing led to another and we were kissing, then we laid down on the bed and kept kissing, he undid my zip to my corset and took it off and I took off his. We fooled around and then, he undid my button on my pants and I stopped him”.
Looking at her, Rachael wide eyed said “So you didn’t have sex with him?”
“No, I don’t know him well enough to do that” Sam said as if they were in a crowded room of with people that were awake.

Waking up Jason noticed Sam was gone so he pulled on his pants and grabbed his shirt still half asleep and he had a pounding head ache. Walking into the living room, he pulled on his shirt and saw Sam and her friend picking up the rubbish. The people that had been sleeping on the floor earlier had woken up and gone home, not bothering to help clean.
“Oh hey” Rachael said looking up and noticing Jason walking over towards Sam.
“Hey” he said looking over at her before he walked up to Sam and gave her a hug.
“I’m Rachael” She said extending her hand towards him.
“Oh yeah you’re the girl who answered the door last night, I take it you live here” Jason said trying to strike up conversation to avoid the creeping silence.
“Yeah this is my parents’ house, so did you have fun last night?” Rachael said with a smirk looking over at Sam.
Sam shooting a look of don’t go there, then tying the bag closed she dropped it on the floor. Rachael tying her bag up as well and placing it on the ground walked over to the kitchen and the three of them a glass of juice.
“These hangovers are going to kill me one day” Jason said looking over at Sam.
Drinking her juice fast Sam looked over at Jason and smile saying “I might have a shower, so are you fine down here or do you want to come up and wait in my room?”
“I’ll wait in the room, I have a head ache so I might lie down or something” He said back placing his empty glace on the counter, getting up and heading towards the hallway.
Getting up Sam looked at Rachael to see her mouthing to her he’s hot with a look of envy on her face.

Walking into the bed room Jason turned around and gave Sam a startling hug, wrapping his arms around her. “Sorry about last night” He said as he released her from the hug.
“Oh it’s ok” She said as she sat on the bed grabbing her bag and finding close that she could change into.
Lying on the bed Jason looked at the ceiling wondering what would happen now, would they be friends or would they just part ways and not speak again. He had only spent a night with this girl and yet he felt like he new her all his life and last night he got a chance to be close. Thoughts rushed through his head; he looked over at Sam watching her rummaged through her things seeing her underwear poking out the top of her black boxers.

Looking over her shoulder Sam noticed the bodge in Jason’s pants, with a grin she told him she was going to go have her shower and wouldn’t be long. Getting up she walked over to the door opened it and then closed it behind her stepping across the tiles on the hallways floor and into the bathroom. Placing her close on the bench Sam started the shower letting the water run to the temperate that wasn’t to hot. Taking off her clothes she stepped into the shower and under the running water. Letting it run through her hair she let out a sigh, the water soothing the migraine she had been trying to forget about all morning. The water rushing down her body her mind turned to the guy lying in the bed in the room across the hall.

Thinking of what happened last night, she got goose bumps all over. He was really good looking and had a pretty good body as images popped into her head when she had taken his shirt off in the heat of the moment. Turing off the shower, she grabbed the towel hanging over the rail and wiped down her body then putting her close on. Walking back across the hall she opened the door again and then closing it. Looking at the bed Jason had been lying on, he had fallen asleep. Crawling onto the bed she sat next to him, looking at his blank face.

Opening his eyes he saw Sam looking down at him, sitting up he sat and look at her with a smile.
“So are you going to have a shower?” She asked looking into his blue eyes.
“Nah ill have one when I get back home I think” He said looking at he watch, noticing the time.
“Oh crap, it’s late” He said looking back up at Sam.
“Yeah it is, my mum will be wondering where I am soon” She said still looking at him.
“Do you want a ride home?” He asked her sliding off the bed.
“Um yeah if not too much trouble, but its up to you” She said standing up and making the bed.
“No I don’t mind doing it” Jason said helping her.

Once they had mad the bed Sam grabbed her bag and made sure she had everything in it before going over to the door where Jason was waiting for her with the door open. Walking into the lounge room again they said goodbye and thanks for letting them stay and that they’d see her at school on Monday. Walking to the front door and opening it they walked out to where Jason’s car was park and got in. Placing her bag in the back Sam fasten her seat belt as the car drove down the long lane and out onto the road. As they were driving Sam looked over at Jason, his eyes fixed on the road.

“How come I have never seen you in school” Sam said looking back at the road.
“I just transferred to this school a month ago” He glancing out the corner of his eye, we moved hear because of my fathers work and so now I’m finishing year twelve here.
Sitting in silence for a while as they drove back to town Sam watched the tree fly by as the car got close to its destination.
“Where about do you live” Jason asked pulling into a fuel station, then halting at a stop. Undoing his seat belt he wound down his window then getting out and shutting the door.
Getting out Sam lent on the side of the car as Jason stood there filling the car, his black hair falling into his eyes, then pushing it behind his ear and out of the way.
“I live not far from the school, it’s about five blocks away on Oliver St” She said looking over at the store.
“Oh true that’s like down the road from me” Jason said wide eyed.
Taking the fuel pump out of the car Jason hooked it up to the bowser and look over at the shop then back to Sam.
“I’m just going to pay for the fuel so do you want to wait here or come with me” He said grabbing his wallet from his pocket.
“No it’s ok ill wait here” Sam said getting back in the car.
Walking over to the shop Jason looked back at the car seeing Sam sitting there he felt butterflies in his stomach. After paying for the fuel Jason made his way back to the car and got in. Pulling away from the station, they head back towards there destination. After half an hour they reached Sam’s house pulling up the drive way, getting out Jason walked over the side Sam was on and opened the door.
“Thanks for taking me home” She said with a smile as they walked over to her front door.
“Oh it’s cool, it was good to drive back with someone instead of being alone” He said taking his phone out of his pocket, so just in case you need another ride sometime.
“Yeah sure” She said grabbing out her own and going into a new contact file, what’s your number?
Giving her the number, she typed it and selected done on the phone.
“Well I guess ill see you at school on Monday” Sam said as she went to give him a hug and opening the door then saying with a smile, thanks again, then closing the door behind her.

Walking back to his car Jason started it up and pulled out onto the road and drove back to his home.