Torn Between Two

Chapter 4

Shutting the door Sam pressed her back against it breathing in and out slowly. Thinking of the party and what happened, images of the guy who she had spent the previous night with and now had just taken her home. Finally pulling her away from the door, she noticed her bag wasn't with her.
"Shit" She said as she remembered placing it in the back of the car, when she had got in earlier.
Shrugging it off she walked into the living room living room where she found her mum and dad watching TV. Her parents were normal people who fell in love when they were teenagers and now work hard to support themselves.
"Hey there sweetie, how was the party" Her mum said with a questioning stare.
"Oh it was good, Rachael's house is awesome!" Sam said slowly walking out of the living room and into the kitchen.
Opening the fridge she grabbed out the milk container, then forcing the lid off and taking a drink. Putting it back in and closing the door, she walked up the hall and into her bedroom. Closing the door behind her she flung herself onto her bed. Shutting her eyes, the thought of Jason flooding into her head. Grabbing her phone from her pocket she clicked on her contacts and clicked on Jason's number. Selecting create message Sam sat there for a few seconds as it opened.
"Hey there, thought I'd message you to give you my number and to tell you I left my bag in the beat seat! Then clicking send.

Pulling into his drive way Jason heard his phone go off. Grabbing it, it said new message received, clicking on it; it opened up Sam's message. Reading it, he looked into the back of his car seeing her bag, just where she said she left it. Reaching out and grabbing it then getting out of the car. Walking through the front door, he walked straight to his room, opening and then closing his door. Placing the bag on his desk then sat down on his bed looking at it. Taking his shirt off and tossing it in the cloth basket. Leaning back on the bed he let out a sigh, as he thought about the girl he had spent the night with. His pants began to bulge, as he thought of what she looked like. Looking over at her bag he started to get curious on what was it holding inside it, what things that could tell him about Sam? Hesitating for a second he read over to the table and grabbed her bag and laid it on him bed. Unzipping it he looked in, pushing his hand in he pulled out her wallet. It was a black leathery one with white stitches making a star on the front, pulling the magnetized clip he opened it to see her ID. Closing it up again, he put it beside him; reaching in again but this time he pulled out her bra, looked at it and then put it back in. Closing the bag and putting it on the desk again, then walking over to the door he walked out and into the kitchen. Sitting on the stool in front of his mum, he watched her as she prepared dinner.

“So how was the party?” His mum said as she looked up at him from the cutting board.
“It was great, I spent the whole night talking to this awesome girl” Jason said with a smile.
“And what’s this girl’s name?” She said putting the knife down and looking at him.
Hesitant for a few seconds then he said slowly “Sam, her name is Sam and she is in my grade”.
"Well will you be seeing this girl again" His mother said with a firm smile.
"Hopefully" He said getting up from his chair and going to watch TV.

Sitting on the couch and picked up the remote and flicked through the channels, searching for his favourite show, supernatural. Finding it he rested the remote next to him and fell into an entrancing coma as he watch the show.

When Monday came Sam woke up tangle in the bed sheets, kicking them off trying to escape the hold. Sitting up she pulled on her dressing gown to warm her, walking down the hall into he bath room she turned on the tape and pulled off her clothes. After a few minutes of washing herself she turned the water off and grabbed her towel and dressing gown and going back to her room. Getting her uniform off she put on the blouse and did the buttons up one by one, then wrapping the pleated skirt around her waste and pulling up her knee highs. Walking over to the mirror she turned on the straightner and started to fix her hair.

Walking out her room once she was satisfied with the way she looked, she walked into the kitchen and grabbed her breakfast. Her already pre made lunch in her bag waiting to carried out the door. Finishing eating she grabbed her phone out of her breast pocket and sent a message to Jason asking if he wanted to give her a lift to school.

Reaching over from under the bed sheets Jason grabbed his phone half asleep, looking at the message he laid there in confusion as to why Sam had sent a message so early. Pulling the blanket off he looked at his clock, scolding him self for not setting his alarm. Jumping up he grabbed his uniform and threw it on, messaging back at the same time to Sam saying sure ill be there soon. Running out to the kitchen he grabbed his bag and his car keys. Running out to his car he sprayed his deodorant over his body. Jumping in he started his car letting it heat up and then he was out of his drive way and no time in Sam’s.

Getting out of the car he walked up to the front door and knocked, pulling open the door Sam smile and closed it behind her.
"So thanks for coming and picking me on such short notice" She said looking over at him as he looked back at her whilst walking to his care.
Looking back at her and giving her a smile he turned away and got in the car. It was still running when they got in so the motor would go cold. Pulling out of the drive way they head towards the school. Parking the car they got out and started to walk into the school, so what class do you have first Jason asked as Sam stood in front of her locker pulling in the code.
"Umm I think I have Science, what about you?" She said concentrating on the combination lock.
"I have History, well have fun" He said walking to where his locker was.

"Hey Jason, have a good weekend" Jess said to him.
Jess was a girl that was in most of his classes, she was in love with him and he new it. He tried to avoid her most of the time because she would never stop talking. She had blonde hair and was about up to his shoulder, she had blue eyes and a smile that showed all her teeth. He cringed and looked over at her and saw her staring at him.
"Hey Jess, my weekend was good" He said grabbing his books and saying well I have to go so ill talk later then walking away.

After the all of Jason's classes he walked to his locker and got his bag and heading to the parking lot. Putting his bag in his car he saw Sam walking out of the building and over towards him.
"So have a good day did you?" Sam said as she leaned against the car next to Jason.
"Yeah it was ok I guess" He said moving closer looking at her.
"So what are you going to do now" She asked looking into his eyes.
"Well I was going to ask this beautiful girl I met on a date to the movies" He said with a smile, I'm not sure if she wants to go.
"Well I think you should ask her anyway because you never know" Sam said pushing off the car and in front of Jason.
"Ok, do you want to go to the movies with me?" He said.
"Mmm ok, but we have to go to your house to get my bag remember" Sam said walking over to the car door.
Pushing off the car and over to the drivers door saying "Sure ok, we'll go to my house and get the bag and ill get ready and then we'll go to yours and then you can get ready ok".
"Cool, sounds good to me" She said as she got in the car.
Driving off they headed to Jason's house which Sam had never seen before. Pulling into the drive way they got out and made there way over to the front door. Before Jason could even put his hand on the door knob, his mother answered the door. With a smile she said looking at Sam "Hello you must be Sam".
Going bright red Jason jumped in the conversation before she said something embarrassing "Yeah this is Sam mum where going to the movies tonight" He said as he walked in the house past his mum with Sam. Walking to his room he open the door and stepped aside so Sam could walk in. "Don't you think I should go out and talk with your mum or something to not be rude" Sam said walking in as he closed the door behind her.
"No she'll just go on about stuff and ask too many questions"
After letting him finish what he said she walked over to his bed and sat down. Watching her as she moved Jason felt himself get excited, to excited. Walking over, he sat down beside her, looking over at her he smile and touched her cheek. His warm smile melted her, she felt like nothing could hurt her. Putting her hand on his leg she lent in a kissed him softly, then pulling back and saying "You should be getting ready".
"Yeah I should, ok ill go have a shower while you wait here ok" He said getting up and grabbing his towel that hung over the chair in front of them. Walking out the door he went to have a shower.

When he came back in Sam was just sitting on his be looking out the window then looking back and seeing him in his towel with water drop still running down his body into his towel around his waist. Looking at her he smile and said "Do you mind turing around, so I can put my close on".
"Are you scared, I might laugh at you" Sam said with a smirk.
"No I'm not scared" He said with a smile.
Turning around she looked back out the window, wondering what they were going to see at the movies.

Taking his towel off he grabbed a pair of bonds and slipped them, opening his closet he pulled out a pair of black baggy jeans and put them on whilst threading she belt through.
"You can look now" Jason said opening his draw and pulling out a black shirt tagging it on.
Turning around she got up and grabbed her gab and said "Well lets go, I have to get ready yet" She said opening the door and walking out.

Getting in the car they they drove over to Sam's house and without a flash they were in the car and on their way to the movies. When they got to the movie's they decided they were going to watch a horror, getting there pop corner and tickets they went and found their seats.
During the movie Jason wraped hs arm around Sam's should and looked over at her.

When the movie finish Janson drove Sam home. Pulling up outside of her house do left the engine running.
"I had a great night" Sam said as she looked over at Jason.
"Yeah it was fun" Jason said looking her in the eyes.
Both leaning the kissed and then Sam got and walked to her door then turning around and blowing him a kiss.