Torn Between Two

Chapter 6

It was the day before the concert and Jason was staying at Sam’s house for the night. They had been spending so much time ever since they met and now that they were together it's even more. Sam was so excited about the concert tomorrow, My Chemical Romance were her favourite band along with others. It had been a hot day, so they decided to go for a swim in Sam’s pool; it felt good having the water on my body Sam thought to herself. Jason looked extremely hot in his bordies, his V so define. When they eventually got out of the pool it had reached the afternoon, Sam’s skin was all weird and so was Jason’s. Grabbing their towels they laid on the long chairs by the pool and relaxed.

“So are you excited about the concert tomorrow?” Jason asked Sam shading his eyes.
“Yeah I’m so excited I can’t wait to go, it’ll be even better because I get to go with you as well” She said smiling.

Sam’s family really liked Jason and always welcomed him over to stay for dinner or the night. They could stay in the same bed and everything; they knew Sam and Jason were responsible for their actions. Ever since Sam and Jason had slept together they were inseparable.

That night when Jason and Sam were in her room sitting and talking and bout how what she was going to wear.

“So what am I going to wear” She said pulling out clothes and putting them next to Jason, “should I wear my My Chem shirt or a singlet?”
“Well it’s going to get hot in the mosh so you don’t want to over heat so wear a singlet just in case” Jason said with a helpful smile.
“Yeah I’ll wear my black tank top then, that should be fine” Sam said putting away all her other shirts she grabbed.
“I think I might wear my short shorts as well, I’ll wear my studded belt too” She said folding her clothes and putting them on her desk next to Jason pre chosen set.

Pulling off her Shirt and putting it away she walked over to Jason whose eye were fixed on her. Walking over to him she sat on his lap one leg on each side and kissed him. Pushing him on his back she kissed him deeper, undoing her bra she pulled it off and threw it on the floor. She could feel his arms snaking around her body whilst caring her skin softly. Then with out a knock Sam’s mother walked in and froze on the spot.

Fumbling for her top Sam went bright red then she said “Mum, don’t you know how to knock, god!”
“Oh, sorry guys I just wanted to know if you wanted desert?” Sam’s mum said laughing.
“No thanks Mrs Binks” Jason said with an awkward smile.
“Jason I have told you can call me Kelly, remember” Mrs Binks said then looking over at Sam and asking “So do you want any”.
“No thanks mum, could you close the door on your way out” Sam said looking over at the door. Without a minute longer Mrs Binks was gone and they were alone again.

“Ok, well that was embarrassing” Sam said looking back at Jason still red in the face.
“Your mum didn’t seem to care much” He said looking at the bed side table clock and realising it was ten o’clock, ‘We should go to bed if we want to get first in line for the concert”.
Then without saying a word they both changed and got into the bed cloths and went to sleep.

The next morning Jason and Sam woke up at 6am and got dressed, had breakfast and headed for the car. Starting it up they got on the road and not long after then they stop at a petrol station for supplies for when waiting in line out the front of the venue. When they got to the gig they parked the car and walked up to the line, no one was there yet so that was a bonus. Sitting down right next to the entrance they saw two guys and one girl walking up to the line and sitting down beside them.

“Hey” One of the strangers said looking at the two of them, ‘how long have you been waiting here?’
“We only just got here ourselves” Said Jason looking over at Sam and smiled taking her hand.
“Sweet, so what’s your name?” Asked the stranger, mine is Shane and this is Haylie and Josh.
“Yeah, I’m Jason and this is my girlfriend Sam” he said as he gave at the other with Shane.

Haylie Was a short girl that had blonde hair that went straight down her back, she had a neatly parted side fringe and bright blue eyes. She was wearing the usual concert out fit band shirt and short shorts.

Shane was wearing a pair of black baggy pants and a button up black shirt that clung to his muscles. He had black shaggy hair and deep brown eyes. Josh wasn’t the same as Shane in looks he had brown hair short at the back and long fringe at the front that swept over his green eyes. He was wearing a pair of black dickies and a blue t-shirt with the super man sign on it. He had piercing’s in on either side of his lips giving him perfect looking snake bights and two pugs in his ears that were blue like his shirt.

“So how old are you guys?” asked Haylie, looking over at Sam shielding her eyes from the light.
“I’m seventeen and so is Jason” Sam said looking at people walking over and sitting down as well.

After a long time of talking with there newly made friends, the line was growing faster and faster with bubbling eager fans to get inside. Walking out of the doors security guards lined around the fans. Then a few minutes later Gerard popped out for behind the door then the rest of the band. Lighting a smoking Gerard looked right at Jason and Sam and smiled then walked over.

“How are you going guys, what time did you get here to get in first?” Gerard said looking at them.
Stunned as they were Jason Sam uttered “7:30am”.
“Wow that early, well I hope you guys have a great time tonight” Gerard Said smiling then moving on to other fans, then leaning over to a security guard and said something in his ear.
A few minutes later the security guide walked up to them and handed them two access all areas passes, and said “Mr Way is inviting you back stage after the concert for a sit down”.
Sam’s jaw dropped and Jason took the passes and said thank you and placed then in his pocket. The security guard walked away and Sam jumped on Jason hugging him, and then saying “Thank god you got these tickets”.
Seeing the band walk back inside a security guard announced that that door would be opening in an hour.

After the agonising hours wait the doors open and the crowd pushed Jason and Sam into the foray to get there tickets checked. Walking out to the main floor Sam tugged at Jason’s hand to walk fast to the barricade. Folding her arms over the metal fence they began to get closed in on by the rest of the fans. After ten minutes of standing there it began to get hot then the lights began to dim, the stage was dark and then the guitars began to play, then the drums. The words that Gerard began to sing flooded through Sam like a title wave. The whole concert was amazing and Sam was entrance by the music apart from when she looked over at Jason.

When the music began to come to an end the crowd still stuck to its spot and then at the sound of Gerard High pitch yell he said “Thank you Brisbane, have a good night!!”.

After the crowd started to dull down Jason and Sam went to the side of the stage where the security guard was standing and Jason pulled out the passes. Taking a look at them he stood aside and in front of them was a door. After telling the two of them to just walk through and down the hall on the left to where the band room was. Pushing the handle down the two of them stepped into a hallway that had red walls and a white floor. Walking to the room where band was another security guard was standing there and looked at there passes and opened the door.
Holding her breath she walked in and saw frank sitting on the couch drinking water and Mikey was sitting next to him playing with his side kick. On the other couch was Gerard sitting there having smoke, but turned around to see who entered the room.

Looking over at Sam he said “Hey, have any trouble getting in?”
Still a bit amazed at how they were in the same room as this band with no one else from the crowd she managed to say “Yeah the security guy showed us how to get here”.
Smiling Gerard said “Awesome, so what are your guy’s names? I didn’t get to ask you out side”.
“Oh my name is Jason and this is my girlfriend Sam” Jason said extending his hand to shake Gerard’s.
Taking his hand Gerard shook it and then put his hand out to Sam, taking his hand she shook it. A tingle ran up her arm when their skin touched each other.

“So did you guys enjoy the concert? Did you get some merch” Gerard said walking over to the long C shaped couch and sat back down.
“No, did get in for any in time just went straight up to the barricade straight away and then came here after” Jason said smiling at Sam.
“Cool, well if you want we can give you some free merch we have back here” Gerard said taking a drag from his smoke.
“Really? Are you sure?” Sam said shocked at how generous this band was.
“Yeah, we have plenty” Gerard Said getting up and grabbing a box of merch and opening it and taking out what the different kinds was.
“What size are you” Gerard said digging through and looking up at Sam and Jason.
“Oh umm I’m size small” Sam said then looking over at Jason and saying “What about you babe what size are you?”
“Medium” he said looking at Gerard.
Handing a white T-shirt to Jason Gerard also pulled out a hoodie out as well and gave then to Jason. Then pulling out a different shirt out that was black T-shirt out for Sam and a hoodie as well. Saying thanks for there Merch that they got they sat there for an hour or two and talked the band.

“Well it was great chatting with you guys” Gerard and then picking up two pieces of paper and a pen and got the band to sign them. Giving each piece of paper to Jason and Sam, Gerard hugged Sam and said bye and walked out the door.

Standing there waiting for the band to clear out of the room, the two of them were escorted by a securtiy Guy who took them both to the foray of the venue. Walking to there car Sam and Jason got in and sat there for a few minutes, and then Jason looked over at Sam and said “Wow that was awesome as”.
Smiling at him Sam looked down at the piece of paper to see what they had wrote on it. Written under Gerard’s signature it said:

Hey Sam it was awesome getting to meet you. Rock on. And at the bottom was his email. It would be great to stay in touch.

Gee xoxo

Then starting the car they head on there way back home.