Torn Between Two

Chapter 8

Standing in the doorway Sam watched Jason pack his things, he hadn't noticed she had been standing there for at least 5 minutes. Turning around Jason got a fright from her standing there looking at him with a smile on her face, then smiling back at her he sat on the bed. Walking over Sam sat next to him wrapping her arm around his shoulder she said "I'm going to miss you". Caressing her face Jason placed a soft kiss on his lips and said back "I'll miss you too babe, can't imagine not having you with me. But it's only for two weeks so not to bad".
"I know but what will I do, like it'll get boring sitting here doing nothing" Sam said with a sad look.
"Go out with your friends and shop, like Rachael and your work friends and don't forget you have your lover boy rock star pen pale as well". He said rubbing her arm then placing his bag out of the way.

Shit Sam thought to herself, crap I forgot to check my email all weekend. He might of sent me another message asking to see me or something. She thought about the way Gerard had looked the other night and how he thought she looked beautiful. She smiled to herself and thought about his voice how it made the hair on the back on her neck stand up.

Sam looked into Jason's blue eyes they were like water, they made her feel as if if she looked in them long enough they would wash way her problems and it would be OK. Placing one more kiss on her lips Jason said "Well I should hit the road hun, I have a long drive ahead of me. Standing up he took her hand and grabbed his bags then walked to the front door.

Putting his bags in the car Jason hugged Sam goodbye and gave her one last kiss then getting in the car he pulled out of the drive way and drove away.

walking back into the house Sam walked to her room where her laptop was waiting for her on her desk. Opening it she click the inbox tab, there in front of her was a new email from Gerard. Opening it she read....

Hey Sam,

It was great to see you again at the gig the other night well your formal dance. You looked really nice in the dress you were wearing. So yeah me and the band will be staying in town for a week or two to just take a break from the tour, been on the road so long its kinda run us down a bit. So yeah we decide we were going to stay at the Legend Hotel. How is you and your boyfriend good i hope, so now no school anymore. What are you going to do now are you going to go to Rafe to study or what. So I was wondering if you would like to show me around town, since i don't know my way here. Well hope to hear from you some time.

Gee xo

Sitting back Sam twirled he engagement ring around her finger, the touching her fingers on the keyboard she opened a new email. Thinking of what to say, her phone rang caller ID popped up, it was Rachael.

"Hey Rach" Sam said still thinking of what to type in the email. "Hey girl, how are you?" Rachael said excitedly "Yeah I'm good, Jason left tonight so I'm sitting here on my PC writing" Sam paused for a second, oh shit she thought all most told her i was emailing him. "Just writing some stuff on myspace, you know the usual". Few the was close Sam said under her breath. "Oh OK, awesome so how long is Jason gone for" said Rachael.
"He should be back in a week or two he said" Sam said with a sigh of boredom.
"Oh well, did you hear My Chemical Romance cancelled the tour for two weeks and are staying in town. Julie rang me before to tell me so thought I would let you know". Rachael said with even more excitement about the news. "Well I've got to go any way just thought i would tell you to let you know, well have a fun night" She said waiting for Sam's reply. "Yeah thanks Rach have a good night". Then hanging up the phone Sam placed her fingers on the keys once more.

Hey Gee,

Yeah was a suprice seeing you play at the formal, didn't expect it and thanks for the complement I like my dress as well. Thats awesome about you staying in town for a few days or more. Would be awesome to show you around town, but just know all my friends some how found out that you guys are staying as well sooo... Yeah me and Jason are good he actually left for a week or two so i dont have much to do now. How about i dirve to the hotel tomorrow and pick you up for coffee or something. I'll pick you up at 10:30am how that sound, well hope you get this.

Love Sam xo

Pushing the laptop back on the desk Sam grabbed her scetch book and opened it to the first page. As she flipped through the pictures, Jasons fill most of them flicking page after page until she came to a blank one. Picking up a pencil she thought of what to draw, they turned to Gerard, his hazel green eyes, pale skin and his smell that intoxicated her that night. Turning the ring around her finger she was broken from her thoughts when a message alert popped up on the screen.

Hey there,

Just got the message yeah coffee sounds good, I'll be waiting out the front for you. Well have a great night.

Gee xo

With that Sam went to bed for the long day she had ahead of her.