Status: Starting.



Millie sighed as she flopped on her bed, phone in hand. It had been a long day and the next few minutes were not going to be easy. She unlocked her phone and dialed the number she had come to know by heart. She sat up, blowing her hair out of her face. Tapping her foot more rapidly with each ring the other line gave before it was finally answered.

His voice came in clear still setting butterflies ablaze in her stomach after all these months. "Hello there." She could picture the smile plastering on his face. He always said his day gets better when he sees her name pop up on his screen.

"Hey." She sighed dejectedly. "Are you busy?" She asked. Part of her hoped he would be then she could avoid the conversation that was about to ensue for a few more hours at least.

"Uh..." He looked around the quiet bus; James was skyping with his girlfriend, Carlos was playing games, and Kendall was angrily pounding at his phone most likely fighting with his girlfriend again. Logan breathed a sigh of relief that he and Millie were nothing like Kendall and Amelia. He got up and walked back towards the bunk for a bit more privacy. "No. All yours." He climbed into his bunk and shut the curtain. "I miss you."

"Logan." She sighed again. Logan knew something was up. And he knew exactly what it was. The one thing he'd been avoiding for weeks seemed like it would finally be coming to a head. But that didn't mean he couldn't try and stall her in hopes that she would change her mind.

"I remember the first time I saw you..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Logan is so fucking cute.
