

I grinned at Bob as everyone fell out of his car. Really we should have taken two but Mikey wasn’t complaining about being sat in Frankie’s lap. I looked round at all the guys stretching, Gerard was smiling but his eyes were hidden by his sunglasses.
“Last one there’s a rotten egg.” Frankie squealed, running away from the car. I was the first to follow him and passed him easily. Ray wasn’t far behind us within seconds, followed by Bob then Mikey. We all piled into the comic shop and the guys began looking for what they were after. It was a while before Gerard came strolling in without his sunglasses on.
“Well, he smells like a rotten egg.” Bob whispered in my ear as Gerard walked past us. I covered my giggle with my hand but Assface still looked over at us and frowned. I leant on Bob as he looked through the Superman comics. I didn’t have much interest in comics, I’d borrowed some of Frankie’s to take ideas for coursework from but that was it.
I wondered away from Bob, unsure of what to do now he had been absorbed into his bubble. I flicked through the Spiderman comics.
“This is a good one.” Ray said, finding one of them out and handing it to me.
“Um, thanks.” I said, smiling at him. I felt mean telling him that I didn’t really like comic books.
“Aww, dude, Spiderman sucks.” Frankie said, walking over to us, his arms laden with comic books. “He’s all whiney and annoying.” he groaned. The rest of the guys all walked over to see what was going on.
Slowly they all joined into the argument. They came to a decision that Batman and the Hulk were the best. It took them most of the day to reach this conclusion, in fact, it took them until we got home. I was about to crawl back to bed when someone grabbed my arm.
“Peacekeeper, remember?” Assface said to me. For once he wasn’t smirking at me, his face looked neutral, completely devoid of any human emotion. I nodded. He grinned and grabbed me by the wrist.
The guys had already placed themselves around the room, the only place left was on the sofa next to Assface. Inwardly I groaned and took the seat next to him as some slow moving sci-fi film began to play. I tried to concentrate on the slightly terrible film but HE would fidget every few minutes, knocking into me every single time.
Not once did he start laughing though. Or look at me. Nor did he show any indication that I was even there.
“I might go to bed,” I grumbled, trying to push myself out of the space I’d ended up squished into. Only Assface seem to have heard me.
“Awww but this is the best bit.” he said, holding my wrist and pulling me down again. I’m not sure if he meant to be so rough but I felt his action throughout my whole body. I sat back down and placed my hand on the shoulder, unsure of what else to do. No one else seemed to have seen, maybe it was an accident. Maybe I was crazy.
By the time the film had finished I had fallen asleep. I was woken up by someone giggling.
I looked around confused. Bob and Frank were standing over Assface and trying not to giggle. Someone’s hand had a marker pen in their hand. I was about to move when I noticed that somehow me and Assface were all snugly on the sofa. His arm was around me and my head was on his shoulder, his head seemed to be on top of me.
I couldn’t see what they were doing but I didn’t want to move and wake him up so I stayed as still as I could and tried not to talk. Bob placed a kiss on my forehead before dragging Frankie away. Both of them were still giggling but now they had moved it wasn’t as loud.
I tried to force myself to go back to sleep but it didn’t seem to be working. The TV had been left on but it was playing terrible adverts for junk no one would ever need. Frankie and Bob were either asleep or very good at pretending. I could feel myself dipping in and out of sleep but it wasn’t real sleep, it was that false sleep that makes your body jolt.
Jolt and wake up the Assface sleeping next to you.
♠ ♠ ♠
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It makes me happy to know that people are enjoying this.