
Vampires Will Never Hurt You

I took my headphones off and listened carefully. Frank and his friends were playing music loudly downstairs. I stood up and stretch, walking down the stair towards them. I knew it meant that Linda couldn’t be back yet, but that was just meant she had been offered another shift. I stood in the hallway watching for a few moments.
Afro-Boy’s hair was the first thing that caught my attention, it was all fluffy and bouncing around the place as he went crazy on the guitar. It was then that I noticed that the living room had been completely moved around to make room for Frank. He was practically crawling round the floor and playing guitar at the same time. Mikey, the guy I’d given a ride home too was hidden in the corner with a look of pure concentration on his face.
The last person was the biggest surprise. It was the ass face from my detention. He was screaming down the microphone, keeping rather still except for his leg bouncing.
No one had noticed I was in the room as I crept over to the sofa and threw myself down on it.
“You guys need a drummer.” I stated, looking straight at Frank, who jumped up in the air a surprising height considering how small he was. He smirked at me and ran his hands through his dyed black hair.
“I know, we put some notices up at school but we didn’t hear anything back.” he said, moving to the corner of the room where his guitar stand was.
“Well, if you quieten down and let me sleep I can put some notices up at work tomorrow.” I told Frankie, he was bobbing away as he messed around with the head of his stand.
“Are we going to listen to some little skank?” The guy from detention snapped, that same smirk was playing on his lips.
“Gerard, shut the fuck up.” Afro man said, putting his guitar back in its case. I smiled at him in thanks, he was the kind of guy you wanted for a big brother. Frank was glaring at Gerard too.
“I think it’s time you guys left.” he said, his voice was harsh, I’d never heard him sound so pissed off.
“Whatever.” he grumbled, storming out of the room. The room turned slightly awkward.
“I’m gonna get going too.” Afro man said too, we all mumbled goodbyes and he left, he only lived a few doors down from us so we knew he would be ok getting back.
“Look, Frankie, he wouldn’t normally be like that, I promise he’ll be nice next time.” Mikey stuttered to frank, his hand was on his arm, his thumb carefully stroking him and I suddenly felt very awkward. I was disturbing a very private moment between the two of them. One of those private moments you have at the beginning of a relationship when you slowly begin to show each other your souls. I looked away and began texting.
“It’s fine, Mikey, c’mon, you better go.” Frankie said. I couldn’t help but watch out of the corner of my eye. Frankie looked at me carefully before kissing Mikey on the cheek. Everything about Mikey changed in that second, his eyes lit up and his face was transformed with a smile. Frank blushed and walked him to the front door.
“I cant believe you started seeing someone and didn’t tell me.” I squealed, launching myself at my cousin and hugging him. “How long have you been together? Does anyone else know? Have you met his parents yet?”
“Hey, slow down.” Frank said, his face splitting with the grin on his face. “You don’t care that he’s a guy?”
“If he makes you happy, I wouldn’t care if he was a houseplant.” I said, hugging him again. He laughed and hugged me back. I could sense his relief at how I had taken the news of him having a boyfriend but I genuinely was happy for him, I knew a lot of our family wouldn’t be though and that worried me.
We stayed up for most of the night talking. It was mostly him telling me about Mikey, just talking about him made Frank so happy.
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Vampires Will Never Hurt You
