Status: On hiatus! :(

Fluorescent Adolescent

Chapter 5

After Alex and I had our chat, I left him to go talk to Dr. Marsh about our plan. As I made my way out of his room and to her office, Kenna stopped me and imediatetly gave me a high five. "Dude! Everyone is talking about how you told Mark off, you're a badass today!"

I rolled my eyes, laughing. "He was being an ass and I had to tell him not to treat my patient like he did. Hey, do you know if Dr. Marsh is in her office?"

Kenna shook her head, "Sorry bud, I have no clue. She might be on call today, why?" I shrugged my shoulders, "I wanted to ask her if I could be Alex's new physical therapist." Kenna's eyebrows quickly shot up and a smirk made its way onto her lips.

"Therapist, huh? You get to play doctor and-" I quickly stopped her from continuing. "Not like that McKenna, I'm not trying to have a relationship with Alex!" She giggled, rolling her eyes, "We both know he's cute, Mitchy. You can't deny that, hell, no one can."

"Yeah? Well what happened to his friend, Jack or whatever?" She bit her lip, biting back the smile. I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "That's what I thought. I'm going to Marsh's office, I'll see you later, ok?" I didn't wait for a reply as I turned around and walked towards the office.

That's when I really got to thinking, did I have any romantic feelings for Alex? I always got this feeling in my stomach, knowing it was bad to feel that way towards your patient, but you can't really choose who you have feelings for. I hadn't had a boyfriend in years, due to how bad my last relationship was. And now because of the asshole I dated before, I'm not good with trusting guys.

When I rounded the courner, my mind still racing with old memories, I ran right into the person I wanted to see. "Oh! I'm so sorry, Dr. Marsh." She laughed lightly, "It's alright, Michelle. I heard you wanted to speak to me about something?"

I nodded my head, "Yes, I did. I was wondering if I could switch Alex's physical therapyst? We had a bit of an argument today, and I would really appreciate it if I didn't have him anymore."

"Well, Michelle, you know he's the only PT in that ward, correct?" I nodded again, "That's another thing I wanted to ask, do you think, that maybe I could be Alex's?"

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe that's safe. You aren't trained in that sort of field, if you were to do something wrong, you might hurt him. I'll find someone by the end of the night for him." She walked away. I stood there, feeling completely idiodic. Of course she wouldn't let me, I'm not trained to those sort of things.

I made my way back to Alex's room, feeling embarressed that I even asked. When I walked in, Alex had a huge smile on his face. "Did she say yes?"

I shook my head, "No, I'm not trained to be it for you. She said she was going to find someone by the end of the night for you."

Alex grumbled, "I wish it was you." I pretended I didn't hear him, knowing he only meant that so he didn't have to have strangers coming in and out of his room all day.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked him, but he only shook his head. He reached over to the side table and grabbed the tv remote, turning it on and switching it to the sports channel.

"I'm not much of a sports fan, so I honestly have no clue what's going on right now." I confessed. Alex laughed, setting the remote down on the side table. "I'm not either, except when it comes to football, cause football kicks major ass." I laughed, "So what, you're a Ravens fan?" I asked him. "Hell yeah!" He shouted, a wide smile on his face.

As we continued to talk about football, and him teasing me about how little I knew about the stupid sport, the door swung open. A bottel blonde named Jen, also referred as Slutty Jenna, waltzed her way in. "Dr. Marsh told me I'd be having a male patient, but she didn't say anything about how good looking he was." She flirted.

'There goes any chance I'd have with Alex', I thought. Then I mentally slapped myself. There wasn't a chance in the first place! Slutty Jenna is the one who fucks her patients, not me. She was prettier, skinnier, tanner, taller...I could go on. She was the girl any guys would want.

I looked back over at Alex, only to be faced with more of a let down. His jaw seemed to go slack as he looked at Jen, his eyes glued to her. Rage, self-hate, and sadness seemed to be pumping through me as I stared at the two of them. Before I could say anything, another person walked into the room.

"Hey Mitch, I was wondering if-" Kenna's eyebrows shot up as her eyes fell on Jen. "Hey Jen, whacha doin' in here? You lost?" Jen rolled her eyes and scoffed, "No, dumbass, I'm Alex's new Physical Therapist." Kenna nodded her head slowly, and looked over at me, "Mind if I speak to you outside?"

I looked back over at Alex, giving him a small smile, and left the room. "Well I was going to ask if you could help me jump my car, but apparently it would be better if I just slept over at yours tonight." I looked at her, my eyebrows bunching together. "What do you mean 'better'?"

Kenna rolled her eyes. "Dude, it isn't good to keep feelings bundled inside of you, you need to let them out! So tonight, you are going to take me to your place, and we are going to talk about what's been on your mind."

"Ken, I don't need you to be my shrink, alright? I have nothing to get off my chest, so if you'll excuse me-" I turned back around, ready to reach for the door handle and let myself back into Alex's room, until she spoke.

"I know you like him, Michelle. You care about him. He obviously cares about you. I know you think its wrong, but you honestly can't help who you fall for." I sighed, dropping my hand back down to my side. There was no point in lying to myself anymore, especially if Kenna knew.

"Fine. You, me, and a tub of ice cream. No secrets." I turned back around and walked into Alex's room. When I saw Jen sitting on the edge of his bed, jealousy instantly pumped through my veins. "Jen, its late. You won't be needed until tomorrow afternoon, so until then, you should get going." She rolled her eyes, but hopped off Alex's bed nonetheless.

"I'll see you later, Alex." She smirked as she passed me, and winked as she left the room.

I walked over to the other side of the room, picked up my papers, and got ready to leave. "Are you going already?" I sighed, "Yeah, like I said, it's late. Do you need anything to drink before I go?" Alex shook his head. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, Alex."

"Hey!" I turned around, looking at him. "Tomorrow. We're going to get to know each other, promise?" He asked.

I nodded, "Promise."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the SUPER LATE UPDATE HOLY HELL ITS BEEN ALMOST MORE THAN A MONTH. I know its short, but it will get more into the story line in the later chapters. How often will I update? I have no clue, I'm not as motivated since I still don't know how this will go, so it'll probably be slow.

Thank you for the recs and comments!

Just wondering, are any readers Supernatural fans? I just finished watching the show on Netflix and DAMN. Tell me if you do!