Status: Something new, hope you enjoy it :)

All Music No Love

Chapter 1

Clark, Adriana Marie Clark to be exact. That’s my name and please wear it out. Why? Everyone else is, so join the party at least that’s the way it seems. Being a new artist in this business isn’t easy. Being a new artist who is 17 years old makes things even more difficult. I wish I could say that I deal with the same things that every girl deals with at my age, but I don’t. My life is nothing like most seventeen year olds. And I wouldn’t change a thing.

“And we are back on Kiss fm radio with Ryan Seacrest and joining me today is Ms. Adriana Clark. Hey Adriana,”

“Hey Ryan, how are you?”

My lips were turned upwards into the biggest smile I could manage. My heart was fluttering in my chest and my stomach was churning. This was my first radio interview and my manager, Jackson, was able to book me with Ryan Seacrest. I couldn’t have been more nervous and grateful. I wasn’t sure how he had managed to swing this since I was a new artist, but I didn’t care. I was live on the air with Ryan Seacrest.

“For those of you who don’t know, Ms. Adriana has released a new single that’s quickly climbing its way up the charts. Being in the top twenty the same week you release your single is a big deal for a young new artist,” he spoke

“Yeah I know, I couldn’t be happier.” I cheesed.

“And your single is called All These Boys, right?”

“Mhm, that’s right”

“Well I listened to this song earlier, actually we played it earlier before your interview—“

“Oh wow, did you like it?” I interrupted. I knew that my cheeks would begin to hurt soon from how hard I was smiling, but I didn’t care.

“Well I did actually; it’s a nice fun track. Did you write it?”

I nodded my head. “I did, I did. That’s actually what I was going for when I wrote the track, I wanted something fun and upbeat. Something you could dance to when you’re picking up an outfit.”

“I’ll remember that when I get dressed tomorrow.”

I sat back in my chair as I laughed. As the seconds passed I became more and more relaxed. This wasn’t going to be as hard as it seemed. I just had to act natural.

“So this song has nothing to do with your love life?” Ryan asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Well, it has a little to do with it but it’s mostly just something fun.”

“Really? So there’s no guy in your life right now?” his brow raised skeptically.

I chuckled as I crossed one leg over the other. “Nope, there’s no guy in my life besides my father and my little brother. Besides I’m trying to focus on my music for right now.”

“Really? So if a guy asked you out right now, you would say no”

I laughed before flipping my hair. “Depends on the guy. He’d have to be able to keep up with me”

“Let’s say your celebrity crush—“

“Taylor Lautner?” I interrupted. “Well if he asked me out, I’d consider it but anyone else no.”

“Wow, so if Justin Bieber asked you out you would say no?”


“You’d say yes?”

“I’d say no”

“Wow. I think you’re the first girl I’ve ever heard say that they wouldn’t date Justin Bieber.”

I couldn’t help but laugh as Ryan stared at me in astonishment. “Seriously you would say no?” he questioned again.

I laughed again as I uncrossed my legs and leaned closer to the microphone. I adjusted my snapback so that it was straight on my head but still facing backwards. “Yeah, I’d say no. I mean don’t get me wrong, Bieber seems like a really cool guy and I’d love to hang out with him—”

I was interrupted by Ryan’s laughter. “You make it sound like a rejection,”

I laughed as I shook my head. “No, seriously I really would love to hang out with Bieber; I just wouldn’t want to date him. If he ever wants to hang out, he can give me a call. I know for a fact that I could kick his butt at basketball”

“You play basketball?”

I nodded my head. “I’m one of the best. I may look girly but I’m a tomboy at heart.”

“That explains the hat”

“What’s wrong with my hat?” I laughed.

Ryan laughed as he spoke into the microphone. “For those of you who don’t know, Adriana is sitting here with a black and pink snapback on. Do you want to tell everyone what it says?”

I couldn’t help but to laugh as Ryan joined me. I had honestly worn my hat backwards hoping that Ryan wouldn’t notice the words written on my hat. “It says Twerk” a few giggles escaped my lips as I began to settle down.

“Yes, her hat says twerk. Well are there any last words you would like to say to your fans?”

I licked my lips before I smiled. “I love you guys so much, thank you for all of the support and I hope everyone really loves the song.”

“Here it is folks, All These Boys by Adriana Clark”

As the light switched off I took a deep breath. My first interview was completed and successful. I managed to keep my cool and have fun. I was officially an artist, a singer.

“You did great, kid” Jackson spoke as he entered the room, phone in hand.

Jackson was my manger but he was almost a brother to me. I spent endless hours with him; it was hard for me to not consider him family. I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for him. I wouldn’t have a single, I wouldn’t have anything. He meant the world to me, and I was grateful for him.

“Really?” joy dripping from my voice.

“Yeah, you did really well for this to be your first interview” Ryan chimed in.

“Thanks. Could you tell that I was nervous?”

“Nah, not at all” he winked.

I laughed as I stood up from the chair. I knew that I had to leave right now. Ryan had to finish his show and I promised my mother that I would come straight home from my interview. When push comes to shove, I have to keep my mother happy.

I took a few quick pictures with Ryan before leaving with Jackson. I rolled down the window as Jackson pulled out of the parking lot. I closed my eyes as the wind hit my face, blowing my hair as much as it could from under my hat. I smiled as I opened my eyes, watching the scenery fly past. It was a gorgeous spring day in LA. The weather was in the 80’s but it wasn’t humid. Days like these put a smile on my face. Today couldn’t have been a more perfect day.

I pulled out my phone as Jackson changed the radio station. “You have two more interviews scheduled tomorrow so get some sleep tonight.”

“Mhm.” was all I said as my phone began to light up, signaling a text message. A smile formed on my lips as summer’s name appeared across my screen.

Hey GIRLLLLLL, just finished listening to ur song & ur interview in class. Yea I got kicked out bt u were A-MAZING!!!!! I’ll be over tonight so we can talk about it. Luv ya xoxoxo <3

I couldn’t ask for a better day or a better best friend.
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This idea came to me this morning while I was lying in bed sick so I decided to run with it. I think you guys will enjoy it. Let me know what you guys think of it

Here's Adriana's outfit: Outfit
