The Best Kind of Therapy

Chapter Five


A whole week had passed since Aubree and Oliver hung out at the beach and that week had been filled with helping her parents pack up their things. Aubree still couldn't believe that she was getting to keep the house plus all three horses. Logan had made sure that the house was payed off and that he would be able to keep up the other bills along with sending her money for the horses. Justine on the other hand was ready to just fall apart. She had never been away from her daughter like this before. She was a weeping mess.

"Cara mia." Justine said, yanking Aubree into a tight hug. Aubree giggled and hugged her back.

"I know mom, I'll be okay." Aubree brushed a strand of hair out of Justine's face and she realized that she would miss her mom more than she thought she would. She was ready to be alone but she wasn't quite ready to let her mom go.

"I know you will, your father and I raised you right. You're a smart girl Aubree, be careful." With just those few words, Aubree knew exactly what her mom was talking about. She was afraid Aubree was going to try to hurt herself. Aubree didn't know what to say so she just nodded her head and stepped back. It was a touchy subject for her.

"Justine, she'll be fine." Logan stepped in and Aubree sighed, feeling relieved. As she hugged her dad, tears formed and she blinked furiously to get them to go away. Things were going to be a little harder now that she was going to be by herself. Why was she so worried? She had a great job that paid more than enough, she had food, she didn't have to pay any bills, everything was great.

Aubree escorted her parents out to their car and gave one final wave. That was it, she was alone...and bored. She had all this house and nothing to do. Maybe she should call Oli. With a sigh, she walked inside, grabbed her phone, and texted Oli asking if he wanted to come over. She just didn't want to be alone that night. To go from always having someone around to having no one so fast can be overwhelming. But she was going to be okay, she had to be.

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"I think this 'as to be the worst Steven Spielburg movie ever!" Oli exclaimed as he took a sip of his beer. Aubree shot him a dirty look and paused the movie. She turned to face him, feeling the need to slap him upside the head.

"Are you kidding me? Jaws is a classic! Spielburg is a genius!" Aubree took a sip of her own beer and brushed her hair out of her face. Oli pursed his lips and shook his head, disagreeing with her.

"I'll admit that he's a genius but I still think Jaws is stupid. It's unrealistic."

"Unrealistic?! That has to be the most realistic thing ever! Being eaten by a shark is a legit fear!" Aubree argued. If there was one thing you didn't want to do, it was argue with Aubree Hannigan on her beliefs. She was good at ripping people a new one even if she was playing around. She could be really mean.

"Whatever you say." Oli said with a small grin. Aubree couldn't figure out what it was but she couldn't argue back. Maybe it was his cute English accent. "So you never told me what you do." He added. Aubree took one last sip of her beer and set the empty bottle down on the coffee table. She never told him cause he never asked and Aubree was a strict 'if you don't ask, you'll never know' kind of person.

"I'm actually a model. I have modeled for literally every clothing company in England. So, be warned, I do have some racy photos out there." She might as well tell him what was out there. She didn't want him to be caught by surprise if he ever did see anything. Oli nodded his head understandingly and finished off his own beer. Aubree smiled to herself, she was actually having a good time.

When Aubree looked away, Oli looked over to her. He thought it was sad that she was messed up, she would have made an amazing girlfriend. Before he knew what he was doing, he reached out and brushed his finger down her cheek. He immediately felt stupid for doing it but he couldn't take it back. He noticed her breathing become deeper and faster and he couldn't help but smirk. He wasn't going to lie, it had been a while since he had slept with someone and he felt himself unraveling at the feel of her skin.

With a small sigh, he dropped his hand. He wasn't going to do that to her. He was just there to help her...nothing else. He would have to be insane to take advantage of someone like her. Although, he knew that a good fuck would probably help her feel better. But

Aubree took a quiet deep breath and let it out. It had been so long since a man had even touched her and she desperately wanted Oli to do it again, but that would be wrong. With a shake of her head, she pressed play on the remote. She wanted to watch the movie and get her hormones under control. 7

The rest of the movie was awkward and neither Oli nor Aubree could keep their hands off of each other. There wasn't anything that was full blown but there were subtle touches. Oli would occasionally run his hand up her thigh and then pull it away. Aubree would trace light circles on his arms and hands. To the outside world it would look cute but to them, each touch was filled with sexual tension.

"Okay, I need to go to bed. I have work in the morning. You can crash here if you want." Aubree said as soon as the movie was over. She couldn't take being around him anymore, if she stayed, she'd probably fall apart. Without waiting for his reply, she took off to her room and practically slammed the door shut. She collapsed onto the bed and groaned.

This was going to be a long night...
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I'm feeling pretty good about this story. I'm slowly getting some inspiration back but I'm terrified of
it leaving it's known to do >.<

I really hope you like this :)