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Destiny's War


Sophia and I had a heart to heart later that morning. Whilst she was sweeping the outhouse steps, I went to collect a large amount of straw to weave into a basket for myself. Whenever it was market day, Mother always went out to it. Sophia rarely ever did although Mother trusted her enough to allow her to go. However, Sophia generally preferred to visit her best friends or boyfriend, David, instead of buy household necessities. Now, as I’d officially turned 13, I was also granted permission to travel to market too if Mother couldn’t go herself. The basket was also for my use too.
As it was currently my birthday, I was let off normal, housewife work but instructed to weave a basket instead. I detest weaving very strongly so probably would have rather have just performed repetitive, everyday tasks alternatively. Deciding to do my weaving outside so that I might enjoy it a tiny bit better, I sat on the cold top outhouse step where Sophia had already finished sweeping. Muttering crossly to no-one in particular, I began the tedious, tiresome task of weaving the impossible strands of straw into a sturdy basket.
After several minutes had passed, Sophia unpredictably seated herself beside me and, without warning retrieved the poorly weaved half basket and continued it herself! I stared confused at her as if anything, this was utterly unlike the normal Sophia I knew so well. “Why on earth are you helping me?” I questioned her, beyond puzzled. She carried on patiently weaving until quietly replying, “Well, it is your birthday after all. And you’re officially a proper, grown-up teenager now and that definitely doesn’t occur every year”. She carried on silently weaving before whispering,” You’re not the only one who misses Father so much”.
Carefully watching her, I wondered if I’d discovered another side to the usually don’t-care, loud Sophia. She must have realised my surprise because her pale arms suddenly wrapped comfortingly around my skinny, shaking body. We stayed huddled together on the freezing cold outhouse steps until Sebastian came bounding outside, bouncing a shiny rubber ball repetitively. “What’s the matter with you two?” he inquired, pausing in front of us. I opened my mouth to speak but Sophia hastily answered,” Oh, it’s nothing Sebastian. We’re just keeping warm in this cool chill”. “OK then. Cheer up Destiny, it’s your birthday. Do you want to come and play catch with me?” I stared back reluctantly at Sophia although a game of catch sounded wonderful to me. “It’s ok Destiny. We can talk later,” she hissed encouragingly. I squeezed her hand gratefully and ran off with Sebastian, loving Sophia all the more in a deep affectionate, sisterly way.