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Destiny's War


“Wake up now Destiny otherwise your Father won’t be able to say goodbye,” Mother’s always firm, fresh voice sounded oddly thick. Sleepily, I turned onto my back, her recognisable features slowly coming into focus. Then I abruptly started, a sense of realisation hitting me like a stone against a wall. Please let this all be a dream. But it’s not and Mother’s desperately hauling me out of bed and down the strong stairs. There’s Father, patiently waiting by the door for us all. He’s actually going now in a hurry without enough time to say goodbye.
“Father”! I cry, emotionally devastated. “My Destiny. He clasped me to his great chest before reaching out for Mother and Sofia and Raiden and Sebastian. Everyone embraces, wishing for the family to stay together. After only a minute, the fearful brown taxi draws up outside our house ready to capture Father and lead him to his death. Father strides so confidently as though he’s simply taking a morning stroll. I know for sure that I’d be a bundle of nerves if I had to leave my so dearly beloved family. My job is to look after Raiden and Sebastian who seem to have only just taken in the ghastly, horrendous fact about Dad going to war and probably never coming back. This thought is so crushing that I’m dangerously close to howling in awfulness.