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Destiny's War


I have no choice. Mother is practically forcing me to rise from my bed and help around the now miserable, gloomy house. She awoke me at 6:30 even though I was sure that she was fully aware of my unbearable splitting headache giving me merry hell at that exact moment. “Come along now, Destiny. Stir yourself. The best cure for this dreadful cold of yours is exercise,” Mother attempted dragging me out of bed and onto the cold, hard floorboards. Knowing that she’d probably break down if I refused, I struggled to get changed and down the solidly firm stairs. “We’ll pull through won’t we, love” Mother gripped tightly onto me, silently begging me to agree with her. If I was completely honest, I wasn’t at all perfectly convinced that we would manage alright but seeing Mother’s desperate pleasing expression I smiled wanly, “Of course we’ll be just fine Mother.”
Relentlessly, I helped Mother. When she was upstairs stripping the beds, I set a stew on to boil for lunch as there wasn’t anything else left in the cupboard besides a hunk of stale bread. Sebastian tripped on an ancient toy car that he received last birthday and cut all down his leg. I felt like weeping considerably when he ignored my incredible attempts to calm him down. I feel as though no-one loves me at all and our family no longer exists.