Two Seconds Too Late

Two Seconds Too Late

“At last! I’ve finally created it! The most deadly, excruciatingly agonising poison the world will ever see!” Professor Toxin declared to the silent gloom clouding his crowded laboratory. “I’ll be rich, rich I tell you! No other swotty scientist can ever construct such a genius, merciful toxic as this! Now, to find a willing victim...”
Before 24 hours time, almost the entire world had heard of Toxin’s paralysing product. Eager customers queued in their thousands, just to catch a slight glimpse of the universal poison. However, not everyone was so impressed. Only in the neighbouring country, all the other insane scientists gathered, spiteful and exceedingly jealous. Furiously, they quarrelled for what could possibly have been hours had a portly gentleman wearing a startlingly scarlet tweed waistcoat appeared. At once, the room was eerily still as every figure waited breathlessly. “Gentlemen if you please”, his overpowering booming voice broke the heavy silence. “It is with tremendous anxiety I speak. As I’m sure, you’re all fully aware about the grave fact of Professor Toxin’s latest fulfilment to the present decade. I propose that we, highly intelligent and talented working men, concoct a master plan to steal Toxin’s poison and put a stop to his on growing popularity!”
Kezia peered anxiously at the damp glass test tube containing a most bright emerald liquid bubbling precariously close to the top. What should she do with it? Suddenly, a simple solution popped into her head and she hastily sped off down the filthy London street. Wasn’t this turning out to be a lucky day?
“Stop plaguing me with your childish tales, little girl,” the ancient museum curator sighed drearily at Kezia.