The Confessions and Revenge of a Sacrifice Gone Wrong

Did I Do That?

"Dead." said a voice from behind.
I turned around, standing in front of me tattoos and all was my deceased friend, and lead singer of suicide silence; Mitch Lucker.
"This isn't real." I muttered.
Mitch was dead; I shouldn't be able to see him. Why am I seeing my dead friend.
"You're dead Taylor" Mitch said. "Why else would your boyfriend be crying. Don't you get it you're D-E-A-D."
I looked down at what I was wearing. I had on the exact same outfit on. I had blood stains on it. Damn it this was a brand new shirt. I looked down at my arms they were almost transparent.
"Go hold Ricky's hand, my point will soon be proven." Mitch said with a frown.
I nervously walked over to Ricky; I took a deep breath and grabbed his boney hand gently. My hand went right through his hand, my eyes widened. Ricky turned towards me, he could feel me.
I started shaking. I was mad …no that was a lie; I wasn't mad, I was pissed off.
"Taylor you need to calm...." Mitch started to say.
The lamp post next to me fell over, there was glass on the ground. Everyone turned to see what had happened. But, they didn't know how it happened.
"Did I do that?" I asked in a Steve Irkle voice.
"Yes you did, you need to control your temper." Mitch said, "Let's go back to my place, we have a lot to talked about."
I nodded as I followed Mitch.
Ricky turned to Lela and whispered, "Dude something or someone grabbed my hand. I felt so cold, it was very weird."
"What are you trying to say?" Lela asked.
"I think it might have been Taylor"
Lela shook her head and said, "There is no such thing as ghosts, Ricky."
Ricky nodded, and pulled out a cigarette.
"Ready to go home?" Lela asked.
Ricky nodded as he lit his cigarette. He blew a kiss to Taylor; then he turned toward Lela's car and walked over to it.
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I know i spelled things wrong but mitch finally comes into the story yay