Status: Just started! WIP (CURSE YOU SCHOOL!)

When the Sunlight Dies

Early Sunsets

(One and a half years earlier)
[Chloe’s POV]

“C’mon, guys!” I yell, giggling and running up the barren path and past several large boulders. My feet ache, sure, but I’m full of energy. No matter how unfit I may be sometimes I could run around for day. The other, though, are a different story. They never seem too keen on chasing after me once I run off. They always go on and on about how I’m too crazy and that they need a break; but I don’t even listen to their ramblings.

God, they can be so boring sometimes! I know how to make this exciting…

I make the quick decision to hide behind a ledge, a plan forming in my head. Anticipating the moment they all come running around the corner, I grin to myself, already predicting their reactions; their faces filled with surprise and terror, their hilarious high-pitched screams ringing through the barren wasteland we call home. I can already picture them stumbling down with panic, sweat staining their clothes. It will be gold. I stand there for a few seconds, waiting for the perfect moment, and then I hear the scattered footsteps running towards me, stomping against the dry ground. As they come closer I can hear their struggling pants as they call out to me, over and over again, but it's no use.

They must be so pissed by now…

I can’t help but laugh- quickly catching myself and shutting up as to not get caught. I don’t need this perfect moment ruined. The volume of the footsteps increase, bringing them closer to their impending doom. Well, close enough, at least. My body aches with anticipation as the victims near. Just a few seconds…


Perfect timing.

I jump out from behind the ledge, roaring furiously. It does the job and I watch as my sister jumps back, squealing in a pitch that could break glass, and falling onto her butt. It’s quite a sight, considering that I just scared the living shit out of her.

“You know, Rachel, for a seventeen-year old, you get pretty scared. You scream pretty high, too.” I say coolly as if nothing had just happened. We both know, though, that it’s the complete opposite. We both know that I will be laughing my ass off soon, and then brutally murdered by the others. As I look down at her, I can see how red her face is; sweat slowly dripping down her forehead and her pained eyes quickly growing with anger. It fills me with a sense of accomplishment to know that I caused this, making me grin.

She looks up to me, staring at me with resentment, “Fuck off.” She may have mumbled those words quietly- in a quite serious tone, too, but I could hear her loud and clear. I giggle slightly, knowing that she doesn’t really mean it. She never does, it’s just something we tend joke around with. Sisterly love, I know.

“Oh, come on, we both know you love me,” I reply, finding it harder and harder to keep my cool. This happens every time; I do something to piss her off, we play fight, and I end up cracking. Not that I have a problem with it, though. I start to slightly bounce up and down with excitement, only ever getting as far as my tippy-toes. A habit I try not to get into.

“You wish,” she snorts, and I can’t help but giggle more, and that’s when I hear the others’ footsteps. Quickly- and forcefully, if I may add, I pick up my older sister by the arm and drag her back behind the ledge. I already know what I’m going to do, and I already know that she is in on it. We don’t have to say anything to each other; the look in Rachel’s eyes reveals her excitement, an evil grin forming on her face. As we wait I realize that I’ve stopped bouncing; preparing for the next victim. Standing for a few seconds, I can already tell that this is going to be just as hilarious, but, for some reason, I feel the lack of a presence. I look to the side I see that Rachel is gone. An immediate sense of panic overcomes me.

What? Where did she go?

'She must have found a better hiding spot or something' is what I tell myself, hoping that she didn’t get lost, or something far worse; killed. But I know that I’m worrying for nothing, nobody knows about our little town hidden in between the mountains of the desert. She'll be fine. Paying my attention back to the victim, I hold my breath so that I can hear the footsteps-- but there are none. My face twists in confusion; something I don’t do often.

What is going on?

I look around, craning my neck in all directions to get a good view without blowing my position; nothing. This isn't normal, they don’t usually do this. My curiosity gains the better of me, and as I’m about to step out from behind the ledge to look for the others, someone jumps in front of me. Jumping back at least a foot, I yelp. I nearly twist my ankle in the process, only managing to pop my knee inwards. My awkwardly double jointed bones are a curse, I swear. The sudden jolt of it sends a shiver up my spine and I nearly fall to the ground. Before I can, though, I feel two hands grab my shoulders, clinging on to the dirty fabric of my shirt. This catches me by surprise. Quickly enough, though, as if by reflex, I rip myself out of their grip. I have them on the ground in seconds. Hovering on top of them, I realize who it is.

“Holy crap, guys! That was mean!” I exclaim to the three people around me, one of which is under me. I pull myself upright, along with my attacker. My knees sting quite a bit from the jolt before, so I support myself up against the ledge, brushing the dirt off of my black jeans. I stare at them in a fury. They have no right to mess with me when I’m 'in the zone'.

Why did they do that? They know what happens when they mess with me!

My attacker, Carmen, is now standing next to the other two; Rachel and Travis. She’s grinning like a madman. I can tell she’s ecstatic. “Ha! Not nearly as mean as what you like to do to us! You deserved it anyways.”

That is somewhat true; I do things like dropping water balloons of paint on top of them or fake kidnapping them, having Travis possibly accompany me. Yet still, her words hit me hard. It’s strange, I know. But it’s true. One hundred percent fucking true. Plus, she knows that I don’t like revenge- or well, hers at least. She knows I hate it. When I do like it, I like it powerful, meaningful; sweet. Sweet, sweet revenge. What they were doing was nothing but a pitiful, failed attempt. It was not what I liked; nothing of the sort. It made me angry, and she knew this, yet still she was bearing a wide grin. This pissed me off even more. I’ve told her time and time again what could happen to her, too. She knows how much it makes me worry. God, that girl isn’t afraid of anything.

“That doesn’t mean a thing! You know exactly how much I hate when you do that!”

“So? It’s fun!”

“You know exactly what could have just happened to you. You know that I like revenge full and hard—not the crap that you give me! You know about my problem! And you know far better than to try to scare me when were so up high into the trails!” I admit it; I am absolutely terrified of heights- or more technically, depth. I can handle nearly anything if I’m nowhere near a drop, but any potential fall scares me shitless. Surprisingly, though, put me on a plane- I’m fine near having the window seat; only the takeoff and landing scare me. I shouldn’t be saying much though, as I’ve only once ever been on a plane once; they’re freaking rare. But if you put me near a balcony or whatnot, I can barely handle it! I feel like they’re the meaning of hell itself. They are the demons that I despise to the core.

I don’t understand how she could be so heartless.

Yes, I realize I’m being dramatic.

I switch my gaze from Carmen to Rachel, who starts laughing as soon as she notices. I can see a slight grin forming on Travis’ face. Wow, even he finds it funny. Everyone seems to think that the situation is absolutely hilarious, but not me. I find it terrifying; the whole thing could have turned out really bad. Who knows? It could have been some assassination attempt for Christ's sake! I finally accept that I'll get over it though. It isn't that much of a deal, right? I mean, it may be to me, but I'm not that normal...
I turn around, releasing a loud and very needed sigh, slipping down to sit against the ledge. I watch quietly as the sun sets in the horizon; appreciating the silence. Everyone else does, too. The topic of mutual interest has completely changed. I'm grateful. This silence is nice. It's not an awkward silence, though. It's comfortable; welcoming. I'ts no doubt because we do this every day. We play, joke around for a bit, and then watch the sun disappear. It's quite calming, so we just sit and wait.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! Here's the second chapter

I wrote the first half of this while crying. A lot. Because I had just finished watching LOTMS, a bunch of MCR interviews, and the MCR Live Hurricane Festival concert in Germany (along with all others xD). BUT IM CRYING ALSO BECAUSE "SOMEONE LIKE YOU" BROUGHT OUT MY FRERARD CONSPIRACY SIDE AND MADE ME CRY SO FUCKING MUCH ARRRGH I CANT EVEN ASDFGHJKL And now I have The Kill by 30 Seconds To Mars stuck in my head.

Sorry for any mistakes!

~ Skyfallen and Anarrow <3