Status: I'll update when I get the chance...

Untitled Document

You Call That a Knife? This Is A Knife

I was in third period when I got called into the counselors office.
When I got there Mrs. Renee, a old ugly hag with too much makeup on, directed me into the main counselor's office.
When I arrived in the small room Mr. Cardinal called an office, I sat down and looked expectantly at him.
"Ms. Smith, you are probably wondering why you're here." He said in a artificially happy voice.
"Um... Ya."
"Well, we have been looking at your transcripts and it seems we have made a mistake."
"What?" I asked, suddenly worried. What had I done wrong?
"Now, now. No need to worry, it isn't anything bad. We will be moving you up to a higher math class, that's all." He said chuckling a little at my worry.
"Will my whole schedule change?" I really liked my schedule so naturally I didn't want to change it.
"No, just your math class. Instead of going to Mr. Flacker's class, you will be going to Mrs. Vincent's class."
Now I was scared. I had heard my share of horror stories about her and no one wants to talk to me.
"Okay!" I said trying to sound happy. "I assure you she is an amazing teacher." Mr. Cardinal said, sensing my distress I struggled to hide.
"Okay..." I said.
"Now get back to class. Remember you have Mrs. Vincent 5th!" And with that he dismissed me back to class.
4th period went by slowly while I tried to listen to Mr. Hader read To Kill A Mockingbird. I wasn't too worried about listening because I had already read the book.
When the bell rung I ran to my locker. When I got to my I saw the 'popular kids' standing in front of my locker. Like literally right in front of my locker.
"Excuse me." I said quietly.
They all glared at me. I couldn't see it, because I was staring at the floor, but I could feel their eyes burning holes through my head.
"Who are you?" A boy said. The boy was gorgeous. He had sparkling blue eyes, long beautiful black hair, and pale skin.
"Ummm... My locker is right behind you guys..." I said shakily.
"Alright, beautiful. We'll move." The second he said that the entire crowd split, giving me a path to my locker.
"Thanks." I said blushing.
I knelt down to my locker which was the bottom one, acutely aware of a million eyes on me, studying my every move. Once I had gotten my stuff I turned to go.
"Hey. I'm Kellin. I never caught your name." The boy said.
"I'm Julie." I said shyly.
"See you around, Julie." Kellin said in his sweet sing-song voice.
"Yeah." I said. I took a risk "Good bye sexy" I said as seductively as possible, as I walked away letting my hips swing. I heard a chorus of "Ooo!"s. I continued waking to the cafeteria with a smug smile on my face.
When I got to the cafeteria I was looking for a table when suddenly I was lifted off the ground and spun around.
"AHHHH!! What the fuck???" I screamed. I heard an adorable laugh and looked at down at Jaime.
"Calm down! I'm not gonna drop you!" He laughed. I heard laughs coming from all around me from people who saw the ordeal. I lightly hit Jaime as I walked with him the table the rest if the boys were sitting at. Jaime pretended I hit him hard and ran to Vic fake crying.
"What did you do?!?" Vic said. Falsely worried. "Aw baby are you okay?" He cooed to the now whimpering Jaime.
"The mean lady hit me!" Jaime pouted like a 5-year-old.
"Shame on you!" Vic scolded me.
"I did what had to be done." I said in my blunt voice. With that everyone, but Isabela, started laughing.
"Do you guys know anything about a Kellin... I don't know his last name." I asked.
"He's out of your league." Isabela said.
"I'm sorry what?" I said menacingly.
"You heard me. He is too cool for you." She said.
The tension between Isabela and I was palpable.
"Well I don't remember asking you. As I remember I said 'guys' and judging by your tits hanging out of that top you're a girl."
Then, that bitch slapped me.
For a second I just stood there. I didn't know what to do. The whole area around us had either not seen or had started muttering and yelling and such.
Then I punched her. Hard. She wasn't expecting me to do anything, I could tell. She was about to fall when she grabbed my black and blue hair and pulled me down with her. I punched her again and struggled to get up as she scratched my face, screaming profanities at me. I finally got up and kicked her for good measure.
"Bitch." I said. And walked away. As I was walking away Mike, Tony, and Jaime caught up with me and started to congratulate me on beating her up.
"Has anyone told you you fight dirty?" Mike asked.
"I never claimed I fight clean." I laughed.
"You don't seem like the type..." Tony said.
"Don't seem like the type to what, Tony?" I said amused.
"To fight. You don't seem like the type to fight." He said with a smirk.
"Well I usually don't. It isn't my thing. But she had it coming." I said bluntly. I actually hate violence so I usually never resort to it, but today was different.
Just then Kellin walked up to me.
"Whoa! That was amazing! Damn, babe, didn't think you had it in you. What was the fight about anyway?"
I was smiling like an idiot the entire time he talked but when he asked that my smile instantly dropped. I looked down at the floor finding a sudden interest in everyone's shoes.
I realized he was waiting for me to answer so I quietly said "shesaidyouwereoutofmyleague"
He laughed. That beautiful laugh. "Well I promise" he said lifting my chin making me look into his eyes "that I am not out of your league... You might be out of mine though."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooo shit went down in this chapter...