Status: It's a one shot

Yeah Boy and Doll Face


“Why do you always have to do this Vic? You have to blame this on me, like it’s my fault you got fired” I hate it when he blames me for everything wrong in his life. “Because it’s your fault!” he said. He was a little drunk since I just found him at the bar with his last paycheck, spending it all on beer. This is the third time he has lost his job in the past four months, and now that he’s jobless once again I have too try and find another future job for him to get fired from. “How is this possibly my fault, give me one reason why you getting fired is my fault” I yelled. He turned to me with anger in his eyes like he was ready to just blow up at me and then BAM.

I woke up lying on a hospital bed. My ribs felt broken and I felt bleeding from somewhere on my face. Their was a paramedic circling me shining a flashlight in my eye, then I looked over to the side. “VIC, NO VIC” I started to scream, he was lying down on a bed next to me, but he was wearing a oxygen mask and he looked so still. I tried to sit up but I kept being pushed down by paramedics telling me to calm down. Everything went in slow motion. I noticed the car crashed into a pole, there was blood all over the broken windshield. Is Vic dead? Everything started going to a normal speed again.

I got one solid look at Vic, he wasn’t awake and it didn’t even look like he was breathing. He was bleeding from his forehead and a couple other spots on him, he looked so broken. I felt tears start to come down my face. His hand was falling off the hospital bed, just hanging there without a movement. I reached for it slowly and grabbed it gently. I was crying really hard now. “Vic, it’ll be okay I promise. I promise, I promise…” I kept repeating it but I don’t know why. I felt so dizzy all of a sudden, and tired. A beep started getting more constant but it faded as I fell into a deep sleep.

When I woke up I felt better. We were still at the crash scene, but Vic wasn’t beside me anymore, he was in the ambulance. I got up and I had no pain whatsoever. I stood and this time no paramedic put me back down. I walked towards the ambulance and say Vic lying there, I was at his feet. I started too cry again, he was dead. But then he slowly sat up. He looked at me, worried. “Kellin what’s happening?” Vic asked, he seemed scared. I looked down at myself, and started to think, is this real or is it a dream?

I turned around to ask the paramedics if I was fine but I figured out that answer by myself. I saw my body lying on the hospital bed, I had an oxygen mask on but I was clearly dead. I stared at my own dead body for awhile, but pretty soon it was being wrapped up in a black plastic bag. They zipped me up in the bag and rolled me towards the ambulance. I felt a hand grasp mine, it was Vic. “Are we dead?” I asked him as we watched his body be wrapped up in plastic along with mine. “I think so…” he said. Vic squeezed my hand tighter. “Don’t worry, we’ll be okay” I said with a sense of certainty.
I pressed my lips against his, for awhile. I was scared, I didn’t really want to be dead. But I guess that’s how things turn out sometimes

“Living just wasn’t meant for us I guess, doll face”.
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I'm sorry for this shitty thing