Undisclosed Desires

Electric violet

I walked towards the front door, pretending to trip over every so often and swaying slightly. There were two vampires guarding the front door.
“Oh… oh hey there. Hey. My name’s…. my name’s Jill” I slurred, feigning the look of a drunken mess. One of the guards narrowed his eyes, zoning in on my neck, whilst the other smiled savagely at me. Almost like a paedophile smile.
“Hey Jill” the paedophile called, moving closer to me. I felt my hostile instincts kick in, but fought them off. I needed to distract them by acting like a drunken hooker.
“You know… sexy… we could have some fun” I murmured, falling into his body. He liked the sound of that. He liked it a lot.
“Sure, why don’t I show you where my room is” he whispered, sliding his tongue along my neck. I felt my insides revolt as I felt his scaly tongue touch my skin, but pretended to relish in it.
“Hey um… why don’t you join us?” I asked, hooking my finger in-between the buttons of the other guard’s shirt. He didn’t seem so into it. I channelled my inner slut and concentrate on getting my face to look like a mask of seduction, before looking up at him slowly. That seemed to get his engine running. He looked around quickly, before ushering me inside, waiting for the other guard to come in and close the door.

As the paedophile guard was about to close the door, my pack struck like lightning and staked them before they had time to turn around.
“You’d made a good prostitute” Floyd muttered, as we entered the building. I gave him a half unimpressed-half cheeky look, before we continued exploring.

“Stick together. We need the element of surprise, and we need as large a number of people as we can have surrounding us at any time. Splitting up would make us weaker.” I ordered, as we continued to glide across the building, checking each corner for sign of the vermin we were hunting

“There” Florence whispered, pointing at big, metal doors that swung inwards. This was where the coven would be.
“Do we go in?” Helene asked, as we positioned ourselves into battle stances. I lifted my two primary fingers and pointed towards the door. I then held up three fingers to notify them of the 3 second interval we would take before attacking.

We counted to three slowly, before barging into the room with all the force we could. It happened all so quickly. The vampire coven responded using their quick reflexes, and all hell broke loose. I left my pack to fight the vampires, taking out my share of them by staking a blonde haired teenage boy, before heading towards the main room. I was sure that that was where Odysseus would be. He wouldn’t even bother coming out to defend his coven, because he knew of their capabilities. Besides, Odysseus had never lost a fight before, so what would make him think he would now? What he didn’t anticipate, was that someone would be coming in.

I swung open the door slowly, and saw Odysseus sitting in his throne. He didn’t react as quickly as I thought he would. Maybe because I had entered slowly. There was almost an air of serenity. He studied me slowly, as I stood near the doorway. I almost felt exposed under his judgmental eyes.
“You’re foolish for coming here tonight… You are no match for us” he spoke regally, slowly, almost wisely. I pressed my lips together, my throat feeling dry.
“Physically we may be less than your coven but mentally we have as much hatred towards you as you do for garlic” I replied facetiously.

I heard a stifled laugh, and my eyes locked in on someone I hadn’t even noticed before – hiding in the shadows.
“What? Too afraid to come out and say hi? Hiding behind daddy, are we?” I questioned, with an amused smile playing at my lips.

A figure emerged from the shadows in a brisk manner that seemed almost offended by my jibe. My eyes locked in on the character and saw he was dressed in a black cloak. He sported dark brown, dishevelled hair – almost black – which contrasted with his pale white skin. He had full, curved lips. They look almost angelic. I looked up at his eyes then, and felt a surge run through me.
They were an electric violet colour – crystal clear but seductively dark at the same time. He seemed just as surprised to see me properly.

“You won’t win” Odysseus interrupted our moment.
“Maybe I’d believe you, if I didn’t have the white oak sword” I replied lazily, brandishing it from my jacket and twirling it playfully in my fingers. “Now I’m guessing, since I’m the most powerful vampire hunter on the East side, that you won’t try to take this from me. In fact, I think you’ll keep your distance. Which gives me leverage” I explained, smiling at him successfully. Odysseus didn’t look angry or offended. He simply stared me, studying me.

“Now…” I continued, looking at the stake “What do I want in return?” I asked, enjoying the power I had. I glanced at the boy that looked good enough to be plastered on the Calvin Klein billboards, to see annoyance in his eyes.
“Give that to us, stupid girl” he remarked quietly, moving a step closer. Odysseus held out a hand to stop him. I scowled at the boy.
“Girl?” I hissed “I’d be surprised if you have even hit puberty. You look about as wise as a toilet roll. I’ve earned my name in the vampire world. Ever heard of the midnight slayer? I think you’ll be happy to know that that’s me. I enjoyed every single vampire that I killed. I relished in their pain” I announced, looking between the two.
Odysseus stared at me with raised eyebrows, and the boy had a look of almost… discontented sorrow.

“You’re being stupid. You’ll never get out alive. Just give us the sword and you’ll have the chance to live. You don’t want to mess with this world; it’s not your place. You’re a human. You have the gift of ignorance. Why do you want to be involved in this?” he asked, his voice sounding almost painful. I couldn’t understand why he looked sympathetic.

My thoughts were cut off as I felt a slight breeze behind me. Turning swiftly, I delivered the sword into the vampire that had appeared behind me, driving it clean through his heart. I yanked it out swiftly and let his body drop lifelessly to the floor. I turned back to face Odysseus.
“As I was saying, leverage. What do you want to do for this sword, old man?” I asked, resuming the conversation as if it had never stopped. And then something odd happened. Odysseus smiled. He looked almost… impressed.
“You would be a valuable addition to our coven” he mused quietly.

My mouth dropped open as I processed this. What the bloody hell was he suggesting? The hand holding the stake lowered, as I looked at him wonderingly. All defences were down.

I don’t really know what happened after that. I wasn’t concentrating on what was happening behind me, because I wasn’t in defence mode. I was still trying to comprehend the fact that Odysseus would even suggest, for a moment, that I should be a vampire. I felt a blow to the head and then I saw darkness as my body hit the floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
comments, anyone?

"I didn’t have much to contemplate after that, because all I felt was the piercing of my skin. It was all I could do to not cry out in undeniable, anguishing pain."

"I’d never felt a vampire’s fangs sink deep into my vein, and drawing the blood out manually. My head felt dizzy and cloudy as the pain overwhelmed me. I felt like I would explode, like it was so excruciating that I could only hold on for a few more seconds. I could feel the life drain out of me"

"My eyes felt heavy, as I felt my body in turmoil – changing, dying. I gasped for a last breath of air, before my eyelids shut and I fell into a deep slumber."