Status: Completed.

Smiley Faces and Your Secrets


I've spent my time carefully crafting walls of brick and cement meant to keep everyone out. So that their thoughts and words would not be able to get at me and so that they couldn't find out the truth about all of the things I think and do. My thoughts are scared of all the outside possibilities finding them and hurting them, but my mind searches for someone else's to identify with and keep it safe.

All of these innocent thoughts running through my head, terrified of the world outside and looking for someone to nestle into and protect them have been cowering inside me. They have been waiting for just the right moment, the right person to take the time to sit down, encourage them out and take security beside their own.

But this prison cell is hard to break out of and these old thoughts are scattering. And when someone comes along with a key to the prison and a sledgehammer, ready to take down my walls, they'll find those scared thoughts still cowering in the corner, hopeful of escape and gaining courage to sneak out. But they will be mixed with ready thoughts of whole new worlds and a child's hopeful courage of riding a new bike, leaping for joy that they didn't have to wait around for someone like you.