Status: Slowly running along.

Most Wonderful Feeling on Earth.

Can You Feel My Heart

"Michael?" Darren yelled from downstairs. Michael's eyes shot open and he pulled away from our kiss. I finally began to think once again. Michael had kissed me, and I had let him.
"Fuck! I'm so sorry, Kimmy." Michael said with such sorrow in his voice.
"Don't be sorry. I, uh, I wanted it. But, we can't do that again." I removed my hands from Michael's chest and began to run down the stairs.
"Why are you in such a hurry?" Darren squeaked when we ran into each other at the end of the stairs.
"I, uh, I. Fuck. Darren." My eyes started to swell up. "Michael kissed me, and I loved every second of it." My voice reaching it's peak towards the end, and cracking. Darren's eyes began to reach the size of plates.
"Are you fucking serious?!" Darren grabbed my arm, "You have a fucking boyfriend! What about him, Kimberly RaeAnn Williams?!" The tears spilled out of my eyes, as he gripped my arm harder.
"You what?"
"I don't know. I think I'm going to break up with Kyle. I love Michael still. I can't change my heart." I pulled away and pushed through the door. Ally was following me closely.
"What is wrong? Why are you crying?" Ally pulled me into a hug. I pulled away and started off to my car, she shortly followed. I sat down in the driver's seat and started it up. I began to open my mouth and spill everything to Ally. Ally just sat there silently.
"Say something! I feel like an idiot." I started sobbing harder and eventually pulled into the Target parking lot.
"I just, I don't know what I should say. You and my brother. It's just weird, I mean. We're friends now, and we're close. Like, if you guy's got married, you would not only be my best friend but my sister." Ally smiled at me.
"Ally, I honestly thought you would be mad at me!" I laughed and threw my arms around her.
"Smile. Okay? I love you!" Ally wiped my tears away and I smiled and drove off. We ended up at my house within minutes.

After several hours of getting ready, Ally looked like this:
Kimberly looked like this:

I walked into the party with Ally following behind me. All the eyes in the room began to look at us, I smirked and automatically looked for Kyle. I giggled when I felt his arms slip around my waist, I quickly turned around and made eye contact with Kyle.
"You look amazing, babe. I love you!" Kyle smirked and kissed my forehead. I looked behind him to try to find Ally, she was gone, of course. I smiled up at him.
"I love you too." I reached for Kyle's left hand and interlaced our fingers and walked over to the couch and sat down. Kyle pulled my legs across his lap, and began to kiss my neck.
"Kyle, not here." I said, slightly annoyed.
"Why not? It's not like anyone cares." Kyle growled and continued at it.
"Kyle, seriously, stop." I began to feel slightly scared. Kyle kept kissing my neck, and slid his hand up my dress. I tried to push him away.
"Kyle!" I feared the worse.
"Kyle, she said stop. So stop." A deep voice startled me. Kyle stood up ready to punch whoever it was. I turned my head to see Michael standing there.
"What are you going to do about it, faggot?" Kyle said shoving Michael back. Michael smirked and pushed him away.
"You don't want to do that. Besides, it's not like Kimberly actually loves you. If she did, she wouldn't have kissed back earlier." My mouth drop and Kyle turned to me.
"Are you kidding me? This kid?" Kyle gritted his teeth and slapped me. I screamed and Darren ran up to me. Michael growled and punched Kyle right between the eyes, and down he went.
"Don't you EVER fucking swing at a girl." Michael spat at him. He reached down and picked me up, Darren grabbed his arm.
"Her keys are in the glove box, she always keeps them there." Darren smiled sympathetically at me, "Be safe, please. I'll call her parents and tell them what happened."
Michael nodded and carried me out to my car, he laid me down on the seat and ran over to get in on the driver's side.
I smiled weakly at him. He reached for my hand and squeezed.
"You know I still love you." Michael laughed.
"I still love you too." I smiled, my cheek was burning, but I was happy. My life was perfect, for now at least.