Status: What is this? An update? No, it can't be...



I wanna be drunk when I wake up
On the right side of the wrong bed

“I don’t wanna wake up,” Cara cried as she rolled over and flung her hand onto her bedside table. She fumbled around blindly before finding her phone. She peered open her eyes only for them to water at the sudden bright light. Six in the morning was far too early for Cara to wake on her days off work.

And never an excuse I made up
Tell you the truth I hate
What didn't kill me
It never made me stronger at all.

She slid her finger across the screen and shoved her phone against the screen in a bid to stop the noise coming out of the phone. Normally Cara would have been more than happy to be listening to Ed Sheeran, a fellow ginger ninja, but after her trip to hospital the night before she was not too keen on being awake.

“HAVE YOU SEEN IT?” Brenna screamed into the phone.

Cara sat up quickly, waking fully from the sudden noise but simply groaned as a response.


“Why are you calling me?” Cara said slowly, her voice croaky from sleep. Brenna slept down the hall from her so Cara saw absolutely no reason behind her calling, particularly at six in the morning. The phone call disconnected and Cara rolled to go back to sleep.


She heard a door open and then slam shut. She heard heavy feet run across the wooden floor in the hallway. Cara groaned once again, she knew what was about to happen.

Her door flung up with such a force that the prints on her walls rattled.


Cara reluctantly sat up. It seemed as if Brenna wasn’t going to go away until the question was answered.

“Have I seen what?” Cara asked slowly. She was weary about what was about to happen. Brenna had been known to barge into her room at all hours of the night, and early morning, to show her stupid things that she had found while surfing the internet.

Brenna bounded over to Cara’s bed and thrust her iPad right in Cara’s face.

“So, I got a text from your brother Bastien who got a text from Jonathan saying that he had heard from his fiancé Samantha that her friend Deena, you know the one with the really big eyes, found this.” Brenna said very quickly while pocking at the screen rapidly.

Cara was momentarily annoyed that neither of her brothers, Bastien and Jonathan hadn't actually contacted her but rather each other and then Brenna but that was forgotten when she looked down at the screen.

Cara immediately was drawn to the huge black print that read,

Love hurts? Louis Tomlinson leaves Central Middlesex Hospital with a petite Red.

She scoffed and was about to turn to Brenna and ask why this was so important when she caught a glimpse of familiar red-hair. She quickly scrolled down the page of the trashy gossip website to see something that almost caused her a heart attack.

“Is that me?”

She looked at Brenna hoping that maybe she would tell her that she was wrong and that Cara was simply being silly but instead Brenna simply nodded.

It was a dumb question to ask because there on Brenna’s iPad was a huge picture of her outside of the hospital. Well, it was a picture of the side of her body, face and… Louis. In the picture she could see his uninjured hand was pressed against the small of her back and her face was turned to look up at his. For a spilt second Cara was glad that she had changed her jumper before leaving the hospital and had cleaned a little of the blood off of her face because a least the world wasn’t going to see her looking too dishevelled. And then she stopped, her blood when cold and she almost fainted. The whole gossip reading world was going to see this.

Against her better judgment Cara continued to scroll down the page and began to read the article which had already made her stomach churn.


Last night a rugged looking Louis Tomlinson, member of the world famous boy band One Direction, was caught leaving the Central Middlesex Hospital with a petite red-head in his arms.

A source, a staff member from the hospital, told us at SugarGoss that Tomlinson arrived at the hospital at around eight-thirty last night with fellow band member Harry Styles. The source went on to say that Styles left quickly after dropping Tomlinson at the hospital and while they could not confirm whether Tomlinson was treated or not or who the red-head is, the source did confirm that she and Tomlinson were together.

The source said, “They looked awfully chummy together. She had arrived about half an hour before Louis and Harry came bursting through the lobby. Louis looked to be in a mad rush and Harry seemed to be trying to calm him down.”

For the past few months Tomlinson has been no stranger with the paps after being frequently snapped leaving clubs in the early hours of the morning looking highly intoxicated.

Tomlinson has also had more that his fair share of controversy surrounding him including the claims that he arrived to an interview on The Radio 1 Breakfast Show with Nick Grimshaw drunk after behaving in a rather odd manner. While the claims have been denied by Tomlinson, the remaining members of One Direction and their management anyone who listened to the interview was left wondering if Tomlinson wasn’t drunk what, indeed, was wrong with him?

The members of SugarGoss, however, are glad to say that the somewhat troubled Tomlinson has seemed to turn a new page. According to our inside source,

“He [Tomlinson] didn’t leave her side the whole time that he was there. Even when they were waiting in the lobby to leave, he sat as close as he could to her.”


We were filled with warm feels when we were told this. While we are a little saddened that our trouble Boy Band member is apparently once again taken, Tomlinson is yet to confirm the claim, we can’t help but be giddy at the idea of a new romance!

SugarGoss out!


Obviously the article was full of crap, but why Cara, why didn’t you tell me that you’d met two fifths of the world’s hottest boy band?” Brenna finally asked.

Cara had to give it to Brenna, for the first four hours after Cara had read the article she had sat on the bed with her and simply offered warm words of wisdom and kindness and for the next five hours she had let Cara wallow alone, but it had only been at matter of time before the questions started.

“Honestly, I had no idea who they were until I,” shudder, “read that article. I mean, I thought that they looked somewhat familiar. but more like the kind of familiar where you know that you’ve seen the person at a shopping mall somewhere but certainly not like the familiar of seeing their faces on every magazine and every second Tumblr account.”

Brenna seemed to accept this and moved from the lounge, where Cara had recently relocated, to the kitchen. Cara was a little confused, she had been expecting dozens of pointless questions that she would have absolutely no idea how to answer not just one.

“You know,” Brenna suddenly called from the kitchen, “we only have, like, two hours to get ready for the Christmas Party.”


Cara walked out hand in hand with Brenna out of her apartment exactly two hours and eleven minutes later. She instantly regretted wearing the outfit that Brenna had literally thrown at her, shoes and all. It had seemed that Brenna had all but forgot that it had been her throwing objects at
Cara that had ultimately created the whole article fiasco, as Cara had begun to call it, in the first place. When Cara had reminded Brenna of such facts, she had simply shrugged it off saying that maybe something good might come out of tonight now that she had thrown things at her.

Cara could feel the cool air slip through her flimsy cardigan and then straight onto her bare skin. At first she had been very pleased that Brenna had chosen an outfit that didn’t fit into the ‘Christmas’ theme but now she would have given her left leg for a thick pair of stockings and a heavy jacket. Although the walk from the apartment to the car had taken a mere matter of minutes, Cara had been thoroughly chilled to the bone.


The smell of candy canes and freshly cooked ham filled Cara’s nose as Brenna and she made their entrance into the warm ball room that had been filled to the brim with Christmas cheer. It took all that Cara had in her not to gag, turn quickly on her feet and exit the second that she walked in.
She could hear a very familiar chuckling off to her right, she spun and was faced with a very welcome face.

“Beetle, I didn’t know you were Brenna’s ‘plus one’!” Mr Lachlann MacSual cried out as he engulfed Cara into his bear like hug. Beetle was what Brenna’s family had called Cara from the first time that they had met and every time that she heard it, it warmed her heart.

At just fourteen Cara had been used to being put into a room of her own at her prestigious boarding school, so after arriving she thought nothing of putting on her favourite music and dancing around because she had never been given a roommate. So it came as a colossal surprise when the newly immigrated sixteen year old Brenna and her family had burst through the door whilst Cara was dancing, with absolutely no rhythm, to her favourite Beetles album. From that awkward first encounter, Cara had informally become an intricate member in the MacSual family, so naturally when she and Brenna had both graduated it had come at no surprise that she had moved with the family back to the UK.

Mr MacSual pulled away from the hug and squished Cara’s face in his hands, just like a father would do to his young daughter, and said, “I’ve got someone for you to meet.”

Cara looked over his broad shoulder and spat, “Oh, we’ve already met.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so happy right now!

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