Runner in the Night

Runner In the Night

The San Diego-based mega band, Pierce The Veil, are living in the fast lane. Playing for thousand of kids, touring the country, selling their records, and making friends with a lot other great bands. But beyond their shows, music, fame, and rock star life there are things they chose to keep to themselves. But no matter what, they're a team on and off stage.

They save people's lives with their music and save even more with guns.

Meanwhile, the lead singer, Vic Fuentes keeps on having visions about the night his girlfriend died. And that's just the start of a bigger plan that had been set up for him and people like him. Will he be able to contain all the secrets?

Disclaimer :
I do not own the pictures used for my layout and Pierce The Veil or any other band dudes' characters. I, however own the original characters and plot. The title was taken from Bruce Springsteen's Blinded By the Light.