

I sat there waiting for something interesting to happen but not this interesting. Two new students had arrived in our class. A boy and girl, the boy with reddish brown hair, pale skin and topaz eyes, and the girl not much different to him but with just brown hair. They took their seats which where at the back of the room. I along with my friends, took a quick glimpse of new students, before quickly turning away so they didn't notice. "They took lonely, should we introduce ourselves?" one of my friends questioned.

Before we knew it, the new students where standing right in front of us. "What are your names?" the male requested.

We hesitated for a second. "Well if you really must know...I'm Rachel, this is Gaby, Gabby, Jess and Laura. What are your names?" I replied grinning.

They took a second to remember who was who. "Well if you really must know..." he imitated. "My name is Edward Cullen and this here is my sister Alice."

I looked over at Alice who was peering over Edward's shoulder, full of grace, happiness and of course beauty. Unlike Alice, Edward was beautiful too but more serious looking until he ginned and held out his hand. "It's nice to meet you," he finished before walking back to his seat along with Alice following.

This lesson was already a long one. We talked among ourselves most of the time whilst doing the tiniest bit of work, like usual. The bell just rang and we where already out of the classroom before anyone could get out of our seats. We walked out of the building to go to our usual area. When we arrived, the rest of our group where already waiting for us. Before any chances of greetings Gaby went straight for the talk of the new students in out class. While everyone was distracted by Gaby’s rambling I decided to try and locate the students. Whilst on my search I saw a few people who also looked knew. As I looked passed my eyes couldn’t leave one of these people. From far away I could see he had black, long hair, good-looking and not much a fashion style from what he was wearing, which was just a T-shirt and jeans along with runners. I finally turned away before any of them noticed I was staring. Then I found them but it wasn’t just two of them, they seemed to of gained three others. Edward looked over to where I was staring, he grinned before turning back to his group and speaking to them again. I looked away to noticed Gaby had finally finished. “Guys, looks whose coming over!” Gaby screamed happily.

Before we knew it the five of them appeared right in front of us. “Hello once again,” Edward grinned.

“Hey! Who are your friends?” Gaby questioned slightly too happy.

“Oh, this is the rest of my family. This is Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper and you already know Alice.” He replied still grinning.

I along with the others poked our heads around him to notice the others standing behind him. The one he pointed out to be Emmett, had short black, curly hair, dimples and looked quite strong. Rosalie had long shining, blonde hair and was exceedingly beautiful. Lastly was Jasper, who compared to his brothers, didn’t look quite as strong but the look of things from their family that could be an understatement and also had blonde short hair.

I looked behind them to notice that other group of people I spotted earlier had started walking over towards us with the oldest looking one in the lead. Edward and his family knew the other group had approached my group as well and their beautiful faces turned to disgust. They excused themselves and walked off. “Hey, what’s up? I couldn’t help but to notice one of you staring over at us,” the one with the long black hair commented.

I blushed about the last bit. “Umm…sorry about that I was looking for someone. So what brings you over to our group?” I quizzed.

“Umm…to meet new people I guess. The name’s Jacob Black. Wait aren’t you missing one?” he queried.

I looked around my group to notice Gaby must have walked off. Looking back I also noticed their expressions had turned to disgust as they looked over to my right. I followed their glance to notice Gaby standing with the Cullens and by the look of things; she was trying to chat Edward up. I sighed turning back to face Jacob and his group. “I see you are friends with those bl – I mean the Cullens,” he commented.

“Umm sorta, is that a problem?” I questioned.

“Honestly it’s fine. We just loathe them. We had better get going. I’ll talk to you later,” he smiled before walking off.

“Do you promise?” I demanded without thinking.

“Sure, sure.”

He left with his group following. A couple of seconds later The Cullens along with Gaby had returned to our group but this time Edward was chatting her up this time with his charm.

“Why’d you walk off Gaby?” I heard Gabby ask.

“Sorry, I was being kind and wanting to get to know them better.” Gaby whispered back.

“So what year are you three in?” I heard Laura question Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper.

“Year twelve but it’s too easy.” Emmett grinned showing his bright white teeth.

I saw Laura was too, smiling at him and I quietly laughed.

Jess, Gaby, Laura and I were left chatting to Cullens since everyone else had enough time ignoring us.