
A start of something?

It wasn’t long until the bell had rung, so we all walked together to our lockers to grab our stuff for the next class. As we said goodbye to the Cullens, we talked, actually complained about our next class. I heard Laura sigh. “I got stupid old teacher,” she wailed. I heard Gaby and Jess laughing at her and Laura sighing some more. As soon as we were about to walk to our classes, Jacob and two of his mates walked up to us. Laura quickly excused herself from the fact she was afraid she was going to be eaten if she was late. “Hey, I guessed since I promised to talk to you again I would do it now. What class have you got?” he questioned mostly to me I guessed since his eyes where fixed to mine.

“Let’s see I have psychology what about you?” I responded.

“Well isn’t that interesting I’ve got that as well,” he grinned charmingly. “Oh before I forget, these are my best friends Quil and Embry.”

“Hey nice to finally know your names,” I laughed.

“Well we better get going,” Jess interrupted.

We said goodbye among ourselves and went to our classes. Jacob was following me like a little puppy dog. “Hey how old are you?” I questioned with curiosity.

“Me, well I’m seventeen and in year eleven. Is it the same with you?” he explained.

“Really, you look older then that, yeah it’s the same with me,” I sighed with hope that next year I’ll be on age.

“Yeah I get that a lot,” he smiled.

We walked silently for the rest of the way to class. I found Gabby and sat next to her with Jacob following. Is this going to be a habit? I thought to myself.

Half-way through the lesson and Jacob hadn’t said a word to me. I was glad about that fact but it’ll be nice if spoke every now and then. I sighed with relief the class was over and I had my S.O.S.E next which meant a free period. I walked into the classroom to find everyone was already there and speaking with the Cullens. As I sat down with the group, the head of year eleven walked in “I’m sorry to interrupt but your teacher had to leave early so you’ll have to have this lesson with one of the sport teachers outside,” he announced.

The whole class cheered at this announcement and walked swiftly out of the room and headed for the oval. My group where the last ones to reach the oval, we decided not to join in the game and sat over against the gym. We where trying to figure out what year the other class that we where stuck with but before anyone questioned Edward answered for us. “That’s the year twelve’s,” he pointed out afar. “See Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper are over there.”

I saw Laura shot up when Edward mention Emmett’s name then quickly looked down. Edward laughed then grinned. “If you guys want to go talk to them as well I can get them to come over?” he smiled

“If they don’t mind having to stop their game.” I praised.
Edward gracefully walked over to where his older siblings where and started a quick conversation with them. I knew they agreed to come over as Edward was walking back with them quickly following. “Hello again,” Jasper happily smiled.
He quickly sat down to where Alice was sitting followed by Emmett sitting next to Laura and Rosalie sitting next to him. I could see that Laura was trying to keep herself from looking at him. Then I noticed Edward whispering to Gaby. “Well how about a game?” Edward suggested.

Everyone looked up at him confused. Emmett as well as Jasper both got up and by the look of things they where going to play this game of Edwards.

“Come on, it’ll be fun.” He pleaded. “Gaby, Rosalie, Anyone?”

“I’ll play!” Gabby shouted happily whilst getting up.

“What game first?” I heard Laura ask with her head still down.

Emmett smiled and stuck out his hand toward her. “A little game called you run and we chase. Very popular among us Cullens, we play it almost every day.” Emmett smiled at her. Laura suddenly lifted her head and held out her hand toward him. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

Jess and I watched as Gaby, Alice and Laura were running away from Edward, Jasper and Emmett who were chasing them. From a distance I could see that Emmett had already caught Laura, Edward was having a hard time catching Gaby and Jasper had caught Alice before the game was a minute in. “Hey Rachel!” a familiar voice called out to me.

I turned around to confirm who I suspected the voice belonged to. I heard Rosalie give a quiet growl but I ignored it as I got up. Jess had also gotten up and followed as we met
Jacob and Quil a mile away from everyone else. Jacob came closer to me and hugged me before I could even react. “Nice to see you too Jacob. You can let go of me now!” I ordered.

“Oh sorry,” he replied whilst letting go.

“So what brings you two down here?” I quizzed.

“Well…Quil wanted a drink to get out of class,” he exclaimed.

“Well hate to break it to you but the drinks are that way,” Jess hinted as she pointed over to the buildings.

“As you can see no one wants you here,” Edward interrupted.

“Ah!” I screamed. “Where did you come from?”

“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you,” he apologized. “Didn’t you hear me before dog?”

“Don’t have to be rude,” Jess stated.

“Dog? Haven’t heard that in a while bl – Cullen,” Jacob snarled.

“Stop it with that!” Edward growled.

“Well then…if you don’t like it get out of my head!” Jacob hissed.

“What are you two going on about? How would Edward be in your head?” Gaby quizzed from behind me.

“I think this is a record for you Cullen, took Bella a little longer to know,” Jacob stated with an evil grin.

Edward just glared at him without another word. Alice, Emmett, Jasper, Gaby and Laura just joined our little group.

Edward just then disappeared into a blur and just reappeared attacking Jacob.

“Get off me Leech!” Jacob yelled.

It wasn’t long until Jacob threw the first punch whilst trying to get Edward off him. Edward caught him, inches away from his jaw. Edward then threw Jacob’s fist back his face. I couldn’t see much since all of it was a blur but we defiantly saw every punch that was thrown. “Stop it you two!” Rosalie shouted.

Then all of a sudden everything went calm and the fight stopped with Emmett holding Edward back. We all sighed with relief as Jacob got up. “Next time you won’t be so lucky dog!” Edward warned furiously.

“Whatever you say leech,” Jacob retorted leaving with Quil behind him.

Once they left we all turned to Edward. “What was all that about, the weird name calling and who’s Bella?” I demanded.

“It’s nothing don’t worry about it,” Edward replied when Emmett let go of him.

“Nothing, that didn’t seem nothing. What’s with ‘dog’ and ‘leech’?” I demanded once again.

“What? He is a dog,” Edward smiled.

“Trust us, it’s a very long story,” Emmett answered.

“We have half a lesson then lunch. I believe that should be enough time,” Gaby scowled.

“You won’t believe any of it though, promise?” Edward confirmed.

“Can’t promise anything sorry, so just tell us,” Laura demanded.

“Fine,” Edward hesitated for a second. “Ok…where do you want me to start?”

“From the beginning, where it all started,” I responded.

“Sit and I’ll tell this agonizing tale,” Edward Finished.