
Edward's Story

“It all started in a little town called Forks. There had been a lot of commotion about this new student. The chief of police’s daughter, Bella Swan. She started her first day as any normal person would but whenever she got close to me, I’d go crazy with wanting to kill her and drink her delicious blood,” he started.

“’Cause that’s totally normal,” I heard Laura questioned.

“Whoever said we are normal because I surely don’t remember saying that. Also somebody wanted to disclose our little dark secret,” Emmett Laughed.

“What secret?” I interrogated.

“Well believe whatever you want. Some people, for example your friend Jacob Black and his tribe who call themselves ‘The Quileute’s’ believe that where the ‘undead’, ‘Blood-suckers’ or ‘leeches’ in Jacob’s case but we prefer Vampires,” Edward explained.

“That was a little bit too straight forward,” Jasper commented.

“Vampires? You mean those who drink human blood, sleep in coffins in the day-time since your skin burns in the light?” Laura questioned.

“If that was so, why are we at school with a lot of humans and in the daytime?” Emmett quizzed.

“Oh right, my bad,” Laura finished before looking down in embarrassment.

“If that’s true,” Gaby started. “Then how old are you?”

“Old,” Emmett laughed. “For some of us almost a century for the others over a century. On with the story.”

“Anyway, so everytime I went near this girl u just lost control and wanted to kill her since her blood was too irresistible but then I saw the face of my father, well the man who adopted us, and then I realised that wasn’t right so I held my breath until the rest of the lesson,” Edward continued.

“How could you hold your breath for the rest of the lesson?” I questioned.

“Easy we don’t have to breathe, it’s just a habit,” Emmett answered.

“Continuing on. After I got out of the classroom, I hid in my car until the day was over and we all went home. I decided to move to Alaska to get away from her smell but realised that was too cowardly and returned. I choose to become friends with her instead which turned out so good. I soon fell in love with her. When she showed her how vampires play baseball, we where interrupted by Nomads, Vampires who aren’t vegetarians like us. They drank human blood whilst we hunted for animal blood. Anyway they also smelt the sweet smell of Bella’s blood and tried to kill her. Our whole family did our best to protect her from these vampires but in the end almost failed. Bella got away to find the vampire who she believed had her mother. She knew where he was and found him. We eventually found her and it was almost too late, she had been bitten by the vampire and was becoming one of us. Luckily for her Carlisle knew what to do and saved her. End of that story,” Edward finished.

“Don’t forget the others,” Emmett laughed.

Edward sighed and continued his agonizing tale. “So it was now Bella’s eighteenth birthday and Alice was holding a birthday party for her at our place against Bella’s will. Whilst Bella was opening one of the presents she got a paper cut which sent Jasper into a frenzy of trying to kill her. Then I tried to save her by pushing her out of the way. After that the situation got worse. I had pushed her into a cabinet full of glass plates which cut her arm up pretty badly. Emmett was luckily able to hold Jasper back and took him outside to calm down whilst Carlisle fixed the wound and Esme bleached everything so the smell of blood was gone. Jasper went to the Deleni to get back in control. After that incident I decided, against my will, that we should move so Bella could have a normal life. So for four months I let Bella have the normal life she deserved. After those four months Alice saw Bella jumping of a cliff and since Alice can’t see the dogs, she believed Bella had killed herself. So when Rosalie told me I decided to go kill myself so I could be with her again. I went to Italy so the Voltri would kill me but they refused so I decided to reveal myself to the humans as I knew the Vultri wouldn’t like that.”

“So wait who are the Voltri?” Jess asked.

“The Vultri are considered the peace keepers. Just never double cross them especially if you’re a non-vegetarian vampire,” Jasper stated.

“Ok so, you were going to kill yourself just because Alice saw Bella jump of a Cliff?” Gaby asked.

“Edward believed that Bella was his reason and his life,” Emmett laughed. “Okay now with a more interesting story with us in it but mostly me.”

“Okay…there isn’t any really,” Edward replied.

“Well then,” Emmett said as he got up. “We’ll just be leaving.”

Edward laughed. “The rest of the story we’ll have to save for later,”

After Emmett got up, he was followed by the rest of the Cullens.

“Where you guys going?” I asked.

“Home the suns coming out even brighter,” Emmett explained.

“Oh okay…you going to be here tomorrow?” Laura asked.

“Depends on the sun,” Emmett laughed. “But most likely.”

We realised that our group had already left along with the year twelve classes. We said our goodbyes to the Cullens and started heading back. Before I knew it, there was only Jess and I. We looked behind us to notice Gaby and Laura still talking to them. “Hey are you coming?” Jess called out.

“Yeah soon!” I heard Laura call out before being hugged by Emmett.

“See you tomorrow!” Gaby called out to the Cullens as she and Laura walked towards us.

I could see Laura blushing from underneath her hair. “So what now?” I asked.

“We find the others and join them,” Jess confirmed as she started walking off with Gaby following.

Laura and I followed until Jess and Gaby came to a stop. I looked around to see Jacob and his group walking towards us. “Hey what’s happening?” Jacob asked from behind the leader.

“Uh…hi,” I replied.

“So guess what, there’s a dance coming up next month. Are you girls going?” Jacob questioned.

“Might be depends…” I trailed off.

“Depends on what?” Jacob asked slyly.

“Depends if we want to go, I thought that was obvious,” Jess speculated.

“Oh right sorry…it was just…that I wanted to know…if…Rachel…you would go with me?” Jacob stuttered.

“Oh really? Well in that case…no,” I retorted.

“Oh, okay. How about I take you on a date and you decided afterwards?” Jacob solicited excitedly.

“If that gets you to leave me alone then…okay,” I answered.

“Ok cool. What time, day and where?” Jacob quizzed keyed up.

“Umm…you decide. Nothing fancy!” I finished before walking off.

“Hey! Wait up!” I heard Laura call out to me.

Finally it was the end of the day and the bell just went. I couldn’t wait to get home. I was first out of the classroom. I walked over to the bus stop and waited. Then a voice from behind me called out my name. I turned around to be standing face-to-face to Jacob. “Oh, hey Jacob,” was my boring response.

“Hey,” he replied cheerfully. “So what would be a good day for you?”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I see how it is. Okay, how about Friday night? I mean, I really want to take you to the dance,” he replied more eager then before.

“Oh…you’re talking about that date thing. Sure Friday is fine for me just as long as it’s not fancy,” I finished before hopping on the bus.