
Future Decisions and Thoughts

Two weeks had passed and the Cullens hadn’t returned. “Stupid sunny days,” I heard Laura sigh.

Two weeks ago the Cullens told us a story explaining that they may or may not be vampires. Our group meaning; Jess, Gaby, Laura and I, hasn’t been able to stop talking about it. Laura and Gaby believe it, Jess is wishing she believed it but still doesn’t, whilst I believe they’re just trying to make themselves more popular. We had S.O.S.E first so we didn’t have to go anywhere. It was really cloudy today so we all hoped the Cullens would turn up today. As homeroom started the teacher had an announcement. We all hoped he wasn’t going to say that the Cullens had left but we realized that was false since at that moment, Edward and Alice walked swiftly into the classroom.

“Hey come sit over here!” I heard Gaby yell to them.

They looked over at us and I could easily see Edward’s most likely famous grin. “Settle down class,” the teacher called. “I have an important announcement to make!”

“So where did you guys go?” I eagerly asked.

“Uhh…camping. Our family usually goes camping a lot,” Edward laughed.

I heard Alice gasp. Edward rapidly turned his head towards her. In return Alice shook her head from side-to-side which seem to calm him down. Just then two new, male students walked in. The teacher introduced them as; Shane and Gerard. Shane had brown hair and blue eyes. He was quite tall and slim. His dress sense wasn’t that bad either. Gerard had short black hair, and was wearing a black shirt with dark jeans. They took the empty seats behind the six of us. “Hey what’s up?” Gerard asked predominantly to Gaby.

“Uhh…nothing much,” Gaby replied hardly paying attention.

I peeked a look behind me to see that both of the guys were staring at me and Gaby. I looked back to notice everyone else chatting to the Cullens. “So I heard that you went on a date with the Quileute boy. How’d it go?” Edward asked half interested.

“How’d you? It went horrible and I hope it never happens again!” I stated.

“Really? What was horrible about it?” Alice questioned.

“Honestly don’t worry, it’s never going to happen again!” I finished.

“Please! I promise not to laugh,” Alice pleaded.

“Fine!” I grumbled. “It all started on Friday after six-o-clock. He came to my house dressed nicely, of cause I looked nicer.” I laughed. “He drove us to this restaurant, which thankfully wasn’t fancy like I asked. We sat in a booth, and waited to be served. We spoke for a bit, and then one of his friends came and joined us. Then the whole time they sat there talking about wolves or something like that which left me out of the conversation. So for an hour they talked and I ate. Every time they had a pause I tried to ask Jacob something but Quil I think it was, kept butting in. After four tries I gave up and walked out leaving him with the bill. Before I was out the door he caught up to me wondering why I was leaving. I explained to him that he was discounting me and he just laughed. Foolishly I tried to punch him but instead hurt my hand and he drove me home. The end,” I explained showing my injured hand.

I heard Edward laugh. “Should have warned you to never punch a Quileute boy. Here let me look at it,” he proposed carefully taking my hand. “Yep I was right. It would be broken. If you don’t mind I would like to take your hand to show our farther to confirm my suspicion. If you don’t mind of cause,” he questioned.

“Umm…thanks but I think it’ll be alright but thanks anyway,” I rejected for Gaby’s sake.

“Are you sure?” he kept asking.

“Yeah it’s fine,” I finished before the teacher began the lesson.

The lesson seemed like the longest lesson I’ve ever had since we had to do work this time.
During the lesson Shane kept asking us for our names but it seemed like Alice didn’t trust them so I decided to ignore them for her sake. It was now eleven-o-clock meaning the end of one lesson and the start of the next. We all walked out of the class to go to our next. We had one of three electives which meant our group was spilt. I went to Art while Jess, Gaby and Laura went to Self Defence. When I reached my class I found Jacob there with all of his friends. I found my group and sat with them. During the whole class Jacob kept trying to talk to me but I kept ignoring him. There was nothing he could say that would make my hand heal faster.

It was now recess so I went to meet everyone at our area. When I saw the other three, I saw mainly, Jess and Laura over excited and Gaby normally excited. “Hey what’s up with you two?” I asked.

“Omj! You won’t believe it, there are two new year twelve’s and they are hot!” I heard Laura say more excited then I’ve ever heard.

“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you like that before, well other then when you first saw Emmett,” I laughed.

“Moving on,” Laura finished.

“So…Have you and and Jacob become friends again?” Gaby asked me.

“No, and I don’t plain to become friends with him again. End of story,” I concluded.

It wasn’t long until the rest of our group arrived and started talking about gossip and other stuff we didn’t care about. Laura described the two new guys she’d met in Self Defence, which helped me located them for her. Jess and Gaby where non-stop talking about My Chemical Romance and The Used. After five minutes we where about to give up until the Cullens walked up to us. “Hey, who are you looking for this time?” Emmett grinned.

“Oh no one important. Is it that obvious?” Laura asked.

“Pretty much yeah,” he laughed before joining everyone else with his arm around Laura’s waist.

Only Emmett, Alice and Edward stayed with our group. Jasper and Rosalie didn’t really want to stay around since there was nothing for them with my friends. “So Edward,” I started to gain his attention which was stuck on Gaby. “Why do you always react weird when Alice gasps?”

He looked at me weird before what I said really sunk in. “It’s nothing don’t worry about it,” was his response before looking back at Gaby.

So I tried to talk to Alice about who explained it. She told me that her, Jasper and Edward are different. That they have these ‘powers’ where she could see the future of a made decision, Edward could read peoples thoughts and Jasper could change one’s current mood. My first reaction was laughing but then she looked at me angrily and I just stopped. “Sorry,” I apologized for the sudden outburst.

Alice then called Edward over who gladly came. “Edward could you prove to Rachel that you can read minds,” Alice demanded.

I quickly thought of something which just happened to be something that they would like. Edward laughed whilst showing his bright white teeth. “Wasn’t that interesting,” he asked Alice.

“Why are you asking me? All I saw was Rachel talking to herself,” Alice laughed herself.

“Myself? I decided to talk to Jacob and thank him for my injured hand,” Rachel stated.

“Well that explains the talking to yourself. For some reason I cannot see those damn dogs,” Alice explained.

“Why do call them dogs?” I pondered.

“Cause they are,” Edward grinned. “Well they become dogs when they’re too happy, depressed, angry or other emotions like that,” Edward clarified.

“I don’t understand, that makes no sense,” I replied confused obviously.

“Those dogs are werewolves. For example if they get furious they become werewolves until they can calm down. It’s not like those stories you hear, actually I don’t know the story on how they became werewolves and honestly I don’t care. All I know is they don’t need a full moon,” Edward explained.

“So the Quileutes are werewolves and you – the Cullens – are vampires,” I replied trying to make sense of this.

“Yes that’s right,” Edward grinned.

“You realise that Werewolves, Witches and Vampires aren’t real?” I stated.

“Witches yes, their not real, werewolves and vampires on the other hand are,” Edward finished.

“You do realise I still don’t believe you?” I quoted.

“Yes, your mind just says it all, but I also know your two friends over there believe that we are.” Edward laughed. “I also know that your friend Gaby has a major crush on me and your other friend Laura has fallen in love with Emmett.”

I honestly felt like my jaw hit the ground or at least my hand hit something. I couldn’t believe that he knew that. Gaby but especially Laura would never admit those things to anyone. I just stood there looking dumbfounded until I heard a voice behind me. “Hi, your Rachel if I remember correctly. I’m Shane, remember from homeroom,”