
Four Dates equal Four Dresses (part 1)

It was only weeks until the dance. Today Gaby, Jess, Laura and I decided to finally find our dresses.

We decided that we were going to the dance if we all were able to get dates. Edward asked Gaby to the dance, Jess was asked by one of the new year twelve’s named Oli, Laura was asked by Emmett and I was asked by Shane.
After I spoke to Shane for the first time, I found out that I had heaps in common with him which made us friends quite fast. Until it got to the stage were I knew I had feelings for him. Before I could even act on those feelings, he asked me to the dance which without a second to think about it, I blurted out yes.
Jess on the other hand was actually asked out in Self Defence lesson. Her and Gaby where casually talking about the usual when the two new students came over and introduced themselves. Jess instantly fell in love with Oli who on their first time they met, he asked her out.

So here we are out buying lovely dresses for one of the two dances this year. I was looking for a pretty blue dress, Jess was looking for a teal dress, Gaby wanted a red satin one and Laura was after a black dress. That was our mission and it wasn’t going to be easy. We spilt up so Laura and I went to find our dresses together whilst Jess and Gaby went to find theirs. We walked into one shop that look fairly decent enough and looked around. “May I help you?” the shopkeeper I presumed asked us.

"We're just looking at the moment, thank you," Laura politely answered.

"Well if your just going to look then you better not make a mess because then i'll have to clean it up," the shopkeeper snarled before walking off.

We looked around the whole store and found a few dresses we admired. We decided to go look elsewhere before deciding on those. While we where looking in other stores, I saw Emmett looking in shops with Rosalie. I knew Laura wasn't in the most happiest mood and seeing this could set her off so I made sure to steer her in different directions, which by the way wasn't all that hard.

After a long day of dress hunting, we found two perfect dresses. I found this gorgeous dark, glittery, blue, ball gown dress. Laura had found this gorgeous magnificent black, sequent patterned dress with it spilt near the end with the white part of the dress showing. These where the most extravagant dresses we had ever seen and we where surely glad we had found them. After along morning of dress hunting we decided to get some lunch.

After eating and talking about the dance we finally ran into Jess and Gaby again who also found their perfect dresses. After a long talk with them, we went back to our home. It was one building but it was a gigantic three story place. We all had a room to ourselves. Since Laura moved away from home, her parents brought her a house for her to stay in but it gets very lonely living in a huge house and not being able to share it with anyone. So as her closest friends we moved in with her and made the house our awesome crib.

We arrived home only to find it unlocked. Confused with caution we walked in but only to be scared to death. “Out!” Laura yelled at the top of her lungs.

“Relax, it’s only us,” the voice replied.

“Shane what are doing breaking into our home?” I questioned.

“Wanting to know if you’re safe that’s all,” Shane replied walking over to us to hug me.

Laura sarcastically laughed as she hung up the dresses in one of the many closets. “We can easily take care of ourselves thank you. We don’t need anyone to help us,” she finished before walking off.

“Okay just checking to make sure,” Derrick smiled.

“Get out!” Laura yelled from afar.

I see Derrick go walks about to – I presume – find her since Shane has his arm around me, I can’t stop Derrick. Then all of a sudden we hear a scream of pain and along with Derrick crouched over in pain. “What happened to you?” Gerard laughed.

“She freakin’ kicked me in the stomach,” Derrick agonized.

All the guys laughed at him before apologizing for the intrusion. Laura had just walked passed and into another room in a totally different outfit. Just as the guys left there was a knocking at the door. I went to open it and standing there was the most beautiful people in this dull place, Edward, Alice and Emmett. “Hey is anything missing?” Alice questioned.

“You mean, someone broke into our house?” Gaby replied from behind me.

I just randomly screamed. “Stop doing that. Anyway yeah someone broke in but it was only four friends of ours,” I nervously laughed.

“I’ve never bead of friends breaking into other friends house’s before,” Emmett laughed.

“Where’s Laura?”

“Never speaking to you again after today,” I stated.

“I’m lost. Can we come in please and discus this, really,” Emmett grumbled looking perplexed.

They walked into our living room and sat before Laura walked into the room and by the look of things she saw Emmett and walked – more like stomped – out of the room again. “What’s with her?” Edward pondered.

“She’s a little upset,” I laughed unwillingly.

“A little, by what?” Emmett replied.
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only short, longer version will be part 2
and more exciting (: