
Four Dates equal Four Dresses (Part 2)

After we four spilt up, Jess and I went to the closest store. We only looked for a second before leaving. The next store wasn’t all that good either nor was the next few. I was starting to get fed up with these un-worthy clothe stores. We found a store that looked a lot better then the lasts and were about to walk in until something caught my eye. “What is it?” Jess asked following my glance only to be as shocked as me.

“I thought they broke up?”

“Guess not, come on better find these stupid dresses,” I finished as I walked in.

“Ah, this is perfect. What do you think?” Jess questioned me with a sour look.
Obviously she had been asking me for awhile now and it had only got to me. Maybe she’s helping him buy something? I keep telling myself. But they have history so they could be back together. “Shut up!” I yelled without thinking.

“Everyone just looked at me confused then went back shopping. “Hey don’t worry about it,” Jess advised me.

But my mind couldn’t leave it alone. Poor Laura, she is in love with him. I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. Then Jess walked up to me with this lovely, red satin dress. I just couldn’t stop staring at it. It was so pretty. “Go one try it on,” Jess insisted and I couldn’t resist either.

As soon as I put it on, I didn’t want to take it off. “It’s perfect,” I squealed. “Do you think Edward will like it?”

“I think he’ll like anything on you,” Jess laughed.

I sighed at the cost then realised my mother was going to pay for it and so I decided to get it. After I paid for it I wondered if Jess had found anything, then before I knew it she came up to holding this rather strange dress. It had a black singlet top underneath this corset-like top. Then a teal skirt which had black underneath it and underneath the black had a bit of white showing. This was the most gorgeous dress I had ever seen, different but elegant dress defiantly suited Jess. After she paid for her dress we decided to find Rachel and Laura. This wasn’t either an easy task as this is a huge mall.

After an hour of searching – with a lunch break in that hour – we found them all excited about their dresses as well. “So Rachel did you see Emmett with Rosalie,” I carelessly announced.

“Huh? Emmett…with…Rosalie?” Laura questioned confused.

“I decided for Laura’s sake not to tell her,” Rachel answered.

“Oh my bad. We better get home, it’s getting late,” I finished before starting to walk.


“She’s a little upset,” Rachel laughed unwillingly.

“A little, by what?” Emmett replied.

“We saw you shopping with Rosalie and well…thought you two where back together,” I explained.

“Back together? Oh, no she was helping me buy something that’s all,” Emmett laughed.

“And what was she helping you buy?” I heard Laura questioned from behind the Cullens.

“This,” Emmett then reached into his jacket and pulled out what appeared to be a small silver jewelry box and handed it to Laura.

Confused, Laura took the small box and looked at it for awhile before opening it. I saw Laura’s eyes open a lot wider in amazed meant, before running around the couch to hug Emmett. Rachel and Jess awed at the moment before cracking up in laughter. Emmett then pulled Laura onto his lap where she sat for the whole time the Cullens where here. We always knew Laura gave in easily and I guess that jewelry makes it even easier.

It was now five-pm and we hadn’t had dinner yet. Jess and I got up to go make the food whilst Laura and Rachel kept talking. When we reached the kitchen I went straight to the fridge to gather some supplies. “Hey what do you think Emmett gave to Laura?” Jess asked.

“No idea,” I answered paying more attention to what I got out of the fridge. “Umm, how do you feel about pizza?”

“I’ll get the others to go shopping tomorrow,” Jess replied grabbing the phone and walking into the Living room. “Hey! What kind of pizza do you want?” I heard Jess call out to Rachel and Laura.

I found a chair and sat down. What was I thinking? I knew her now perfect life wasn’t going to be harmed. It only got better for her. “There’s nothing to be jealous about,” a familiar states.

I look up to notice Edward standing inches from my face. “From reading her thoughts I could tell she’s had it rough until now,” Edward spoke as I felt his breath against my face.
I don’t know why but I just shivered. He just laughed and leaned in closer. I swear I could have felt his ice cold pale skin against my plain boring skin but everything went blurry as I felt his lips against mine. What seemed of an hour of kissing him just turned out to be two minutes. He pulled away so fast yet so swiftly which left me memorized for a while. I felt my pulse fasten along with my heart beats. “Wow,” was my dumbfounded reaction.

“Well, we’ll just be leaving now. I hope we didn’t ruin any plans you had this evening,” Edward politely spoke still looking at my dumbfounded expression.

“You can ruin my plans any day,” I spoke without realizing.

It felt like I’d lost control of my mind, body and soul. I was stuck like this and all he did was laugh. I finally came back to earth and joined everyone in the living room. The whole we waited for the pizza to arrived by our personal delivers – Edward and Emmett – I couldn’t remove my hand from my lips. Had I really fallen for him?