
A Week...

Finally a week until the dance! I thought to myself as everyone else just arrived to class.
“Today class, when you return we’ll be learning about ‘Making Laws’,” he laughed.

The whole class groaned. “Why the Jeph Howard are we learning about this crap?” Jess asked.

“Because miss. It’s in your learning curriculum,” he explained before laughing some more and walking off.

We just groaned some more as the teacher called the role. We had math’s first which was always a drag. The teacher never helped us ever. “This is such a drag,” I quietly stated.

“Yeah we know,” Jess moaned.

Thankfully that class was interrupted with a fire drill which was at least better then that class.
“Dude, what’s up with the fire drills?” I asked angrily.

“To make sure we’re safe duh,” Gabbie laughed.

“I know but one every year? I think we know what to do by now,” I rebutted.

“Please stop arguing over something so gay. Jess OMJ did you hear about what MCR…” Gaby started to Jess whilst I blocked it out.

After the fire drill ended, we all had to go back to our classes and head to the next class. I had psychology which meant I had to listen to more of Jacob’s pleading for forgiveness.

“Hey did you hear about me and Shane?” a pass by started.

I just stopped and waited for her to say more. Gabbie stopped as well before looking at me weird. “Why’d you stop?” she asked.

I shushed her and kept trying to hear what this other chick was saying. “You’re joking right? I thought he was going out with that Rachel chick?” her friend questioned.

“That’s a laugh. He loves me, he even told me so,” she sniggered before walking off.

Dude not cool. I thought to myself as I finished walking to class. “So what’s happening at the before party?” Gabbie asked.

“A girls night for the before party I believe, then we have to homecoming dance then an after party with friends,” I explained.

The whole lesson was worse then the short math’s lesson. Jacob wouldn’t stop apologizing some more and every girl was talking about Shane. After class I thought it was about time I confronted Shane about it. It didn’t take long for him to find me. He tried to greet me with a kiss but I quickly rejected. “What’s the matter?” he asked before holding me around the waist.

“I want an honest answer, are you cheating on me?” I asked with struggling to get out of his grip.

He just looked at me with shocked eyes. “How could you say such a thing? Of course I’m not cheating on you. I don’t even think we’re going out,” he laughed.

Just then I got pissed off. “Not going out! Then what’s with the last couple of weeks of calling me your girlfriend?” I asked ready to kill him.

“It’s called a lie which gets a lot more girls wanting you and it worked out quite well to be honest,” he laughed.

“You sick bastard!” I yelled as I punched him in the jaw before walking off.

I went to my usual spot in tears. Everyone came up to me wondering what was wrong. I explained to them that Shane had said he was using me so other girls would want to go out with him. They all felt really remorseful towards me. Not long after Jacob was around and without think I ran up to him. He just looked at me bewildered. I just kept crying as he put his arms around me. For some reason I just felt really safe with him. “I thought you hated me?” he asked perplexed.

“I…am…I…just…needed…some…one…to…cry…on,” I replied in the breaks of crying.

“Really?” He asked. “Well I’m just glad you chose me. Come on, I’ll let you hang around with me.”

I walked off with him whilst in his arms. For some reason I didn’t want him to let go. “So let me guess you don’t have a date for homecoming anymore?” he asked slyly.

I knew what was about to come. This was how he asked me before but this time I was crying in his arms. “No, but I don’t want a date anymore,” I stated as my crying started to slow.

“Damn, and here I was going to ask you to the dance again but this time so your not alone and still has a date,” he laughed trying to cheer me up I guessed.

“As long as it’s because I’m not going to be alone. No funny stuff,” I tried to laughed but failed miserably.

For this whole recess I was hanging around Jacob and his friends. I eventually stopped crying and instead started laughing. They were great people – or werewolves according to the Cullens – to hang around with. The whole time I was there I felt like I was getting to know the real Jacob and not the try-hard version of him. The bell rang for next class which meant I had S.O.S.E now and that class was the tedious class, worst then maths as well. I arrived in class with everyone sitting with Derrick and Shane. I quietly walked over and sat in the only available seat which was thankfully away from Shane. The lesson was a long one again but we didn’t do much work. I just looked down not saying a word until Gabbie started talking to me. “Hey what are you going to do about the dance?” she asked.

“I’ve already decided that I’m going with Jacob but only as friends and be a third wheel around you guys,” I whispered.

She just laughed like normal. “Really cool,” she then turned her head around to the others.

“What’s happening for the before and after parties?”

“Girls night for the before party, no boys!” Gaby laughed. “Then a VIP after party, where whoever we choose get to crash it.”

“And everyone knows our parties pwn all other parties,” Jess added.

“Ladies quiet please, and do some work!” the teacher yelled with his awful breath near us.

This lesson wasn’t all that bad but I felt like Shane was watching me the whole time and it really made me uneasy. I didn’t ever want to look at him but I knew I still have feelings for him even though he doesn’t for me. For the rest of the day I just sulked around, which everyone sick of hearing me they just ignored me, which was good because I kept sneaking over to were Jacob was and hung out with them for lunch. The day happened to not be a long one with having my final class for the day.

I walked into my Science class to find Shane sitting in my usual seat. Feeling confident I walked over to where he was sitting and sat next to him. “I’m saving this seat for someone if you don’t mind!” he told me.

“Oh really?” I started. “Well hate to disappoint you but this is my seat so get lost!”

He was shocked. Not by what I said but I just realised myself that I just slapped him across the face. He just kept staring at me and all I did was run out of the room and sat outside. The whole lesson I was sitting outside – mainly because I was allowed to – and just stared at the opposite wall. The one time I looked away at the wall I saw a shadow next to me. I looked up and saw him just standing there. He came and sat down next to me and for some reason I just rested my head on his shoulder. He turned around and looked at me before picking my head up and brushed his lips against mine. I didn’t want to let go and I think he didn’t want to either. It got more intense and we didn’t care if anyone was watching – well at least I didn’t – and just kept going. His hands where going through my hair and for me it was exhilarating. Even though I kept forcing myself to keep my hands away, I couldn’t help it, feeling his lushes hair made me fall in love with him. I didn’t care on what anyone thought anymore I just wanted to be with him. i kept trying to wake up from this dream and I think he realised that too. “This isn’t a dream it’s all real and I do love you,” he whispered between kisses.
Stop this, its wrong! My mind kept saying but I kept ignoring then in one moment he stopped and disappeared. “I knew it wasn’t real,” I said to mainly myself.

“It was real and it’ll never be a dream,”
♠ ♠ ♠
This isn't going to be one of my best chapters in this Fan Fiction but every writer has their bad moments.
Comments are welcome - positive ones mostly - but those people who want to criticize my work are welcome as well because it helps me to improve and nothing you can say can offend me anyway :D