
The Night Before a Dance

Finally the dance is tomorrow and our girls night in is tonight. None of us could stay still, as we all explained what we were going to do. Like always I suggested that we play the old school party games. Defiantly this was going to be the best before party ever! No one has ever had better parties then us since no one has their own dance floor, DJ booth or even has karaoke. “So ladies, who’s invited to your little before party?” Edward asked.

“Ladies exactly oh and Laura,” I laughed.

“In other words,” Jess started trying not to laugh as well, “Umm, Gaby, Gabbie, Jackie, Me, Rachel, Alice, Rosalie if she wants to, Chloe, Chelsea, Liz and Laura.”

“Not many people I take it. How come there aren’t any guys mentioned in that?” Edward asked making a sad face which was quite funny.

“We already explained that,” Rachel stated.

“And who is going to the after party?” Edward interrogated some more.

“Friends like; Oli, Gerard, all of the Quileute’s, the Cullen kids, us and other people we’ve chosen,” I assured.

“You do realise that ‘the Cullen kids’ and ‘the Quileute’s’ don’t along very well?” he acknowledged.

“Actually we do and we believe you’ll be able to put aside your differences for a night. At least for our sake,” I hoped.

“That’s a joke, don’t blame us if a fight brakes out,” Edward laughed before the teacher butted in and called the role.

We all said our goodbyes and went to the next class. Jess, Laura and I had Self Defence right now which wasn’t a good lesson to have first.
“Ladies and of course Gentleman today we are going to do a fitness test,” the teacher said with heaps of enthusiasm.
The class – mostly the girls – groaned at this idea like usual. The teacher signaled all of us to get up and head to the gym as we were in the drama room for some unknown reason. We reached the gym to see the Outdoor Ed class was there climbing the indoor Rock wall. More of the class moaned at the idea of doing the fitness test in front of other classes whilst the others helped set up. “After this quick test, you’ll be helping the Outdoor Ed class with setting up the gym for Assembly,” he laughed his evil laugh some more.
The whole class groaned this time as none of us wanted to set up the stupid Assembly. “Hey guys!” someone called out from behind Jess, Laura and I.
We all turned around to see Gerard, Oli and Derrick standing behind us grinning. Oli walked closer to Jess and hugged her whilst the other two stayed where they were. “Can you believe it, the dance is only tomorrow,” Derrick said excitedly.
“Yes I can believe it and your point is?” Laura said sarcastically.
“No need to be rude I was just making conversation,” Derrick scowled but Laura just looked at him weird before I laughed.
“So what’s your class doing here?” Gerard asked.
“We’re here for a fitness test then to set up for assembly,” I moaned before laughing.
"Oh really well I'll be watching," he laughed before leaving us with our horrible teacher.
We groaned some more before the teacher called us over to start.

It was now twenty past and it was time to set up for the assembly. We all groaned – like usual – at this. Jess, Laura and I went and pretended to help by standing outside of the room where the chairs were kept. “Hey slackers why aren’t you doing anything?” someone familiar called out.
We all turned around to see Derrick holding at least ten chairs with the help of Gerard. “Where not slacking, where just waiting until it’s not cramped,” Jess stated.
The boys laughed before leaving as the chairs appeared to be too heavy for them to hold for much longer. We all grabbed three chairs – one for each of us – and joined everyone else in the gym. “Took you long enough,” Oli laughed. “I thought you would be just standing around and doing nothing but it appears you are actually doing something for once.”
We glared at him before he walked closer to us and put his arm around Jess’s shoulders and walked off with her. I followed with Laura just dumbfounded to the spot. I was about to signal her to come when Derrick walked over to her so I kept following after Jess. “I can’t wait for tonight!” Jess yelled excitedly.
“Neither can I. The old fashion party games, truth or dare, being complete girls!” I yelled with more enthusiasm then Jess.
The rest of the setting up time was a bore. Laura eventually joined us again until the classes came in, and then ditched us to find Emmett. We just stayed with Oli and Gerard until Edward found us which didn’t take him long. He came up to us with an angry look upon his face but quickly hid it behind his beautiful grin. “Hello there ladies…and their friends, what have we been up to today?” he grinned.
“Hey Edward, not much just setting up the assembly,” I laughed before walking closer to him.
We found each of our class groups and sat with them. After a long chatter among ourselves Rachel eventually found us and joined in.

Half-way through the assembly and it was already more than a bore. Then the principal came up with an announcement that shocked us all. “May I have Edward, Alice and Jasper come up here please,” the principal announced.
Mystified Edward – followed by Alice – got up and stepped onto the stage not long followed by Jasper. “These three students have been chosen to represent us at the fight for best school. Yes we know it’s a dumb thing but we would actually want to win just one,” the teacher laughed signaling the three to stand afar as she’d explain the event to the school in a bit.


The rest of the day was blur, but now it was the end of the day and the party started at six. Jess and Rachel and I decided to go change whilst Laura set everything up. It must have taken me three hours to pick two outfits out, one for tonight and one for the after party. I went downstairs to see Alice and Rosalie had already arrived. "Hey Alice, Rosalie!" I yelled as I greeted them with hugs.
Rosalie was taken back by my sudden out burst. I guessed she's usually hated because of her beauty. Just then the door bell rang and I went to answer it. Standing there was two males. "No boys allowed," I explained.
"I thought you'd say that but I also thought you wouldn't mind," one of them told trying to get in.
"As I recall I said no guys. I think you’re included in that seeing as you’re both guys, I hope," I answered.
"Yes we realised that too but we were...umm invited," he laughed getting out his phone.
"Move Gerard, people who were actually invited need to get in," I said pushing them out of the way.
"See." Gerard handed me his phone.
"Obviously you think I’ve never heard of sending yourself a sms, since this clearly isn't any of our numbers," I replied handing back his phone and signaling him to leave.
"Oh right, can we come in anyway?" Derrick asked.
"Of course but since it’s a girl’s night we'll have to put a lot of make-up on you, dress you skirts..." I trailed off looking behind them.
They looked too, to see Edward standing there nicely dressed coming towards them. "What are you doing here?" I questioned.
"I think Alice forgot the fact she was coming camping with us tonight," Edward stated.
"Oh sorry Edward can't we go tomorrow?" she asked just coming up behind me.
"Esme won’t be happy with this and I thought this was a girl’s night?" Edward replied cross armed, looking at Gerard and Derrick.
"It is, but they won’t leave," I laughed for no apparent reason.
“Okay I believe you need to leave now,” Edward politely asked to guys.
“We were invited by your girlfriend but she decided to change her mind because you’re here,” Gerard answered.
Edward just gave them a funny look before he turned to leave. “Wait Edward!” I called out to him.
He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. I would’ve crashed into him if he wasn’t holding me. “Edward you can stay since you won’t be here for the after party and if you don’t mind staying with a bunch of girls either,” I stated loud enough for the other two guys to hear.
They walked off leaving me and Edward outside. “Would you like to come in? We were about to watch a very interesting movie called; The Day the Earth Stood Still,” I announced.
He looked at me like I was a freak. “You’re joking right? You’re actually going to watch that film?” he chuckled.
“Why what’s it about anyway?” I quizzed perplexed.
“Just wait and see,” he finished with entering my living room and joining us girls.

The most interesting movie had just finished. “Well that was crap. Why didn’t you tell me it was about aliens – that really looked like robots – transforming into humans,” I scowled at Laura who chose this movie.
“It’s not about that. How about some music whilst I get the food?” Laura answered whilst getting up.

It was now midnight so we decided to call it a night even though everyone was staying over because of the prom and for the next party. I went to set up a place where everyone could sleep. “Umm Alice, Rosalie, Edward where do you wanna sleep?” I yelled out to them since they were in kitchen and I was setting up in the living room.
Edward then came walking – more like gliding – into the room. “About that, we don’t sleep remember,” Edward whispered.
“So where are you going to “sleep”?” I asked again with air quotations.
“Well since Alice and Rosalie are now going to school tomorrow they can’t stay for the rest of the night,” he whispered.
“So where are you staying?” I joined in the whispering for the fun of things.
He moved closer to me, I could feel his breath against my face. At that moment I felt a little faint. “I think I’ll stay in your room making sure nothing bad happens…are you okay?” he queried.
“Umm yeah I think I am,” I replied a little light headed.
Just then Jess walked in and saw us. She awed at me before saying night. “It’s more liking morning,” I called out to her before laughing.
I decided to let everyone know I was going to bed before heading up myself. When I reached my room I noticed a shadow in the darkness. “Edward?” I called out but the shadow didn’t reply.
The shadow came closer and I still couldn’t see it. Maybe I should have turned on the light first? I thought as it took another step closer to me. It was now right in front me now. I could feel it touching my arm. My eyes finally adjusted to the darkness and I could now figure out who the shadow was. Just then the lights in my room flickered on and my guess was right. “Get out!” a familiar voice called from behind me.
The shadow fled out of my room, right passed Edward who just stepped out of the way. “Are you alright?” he asked.
I didn’t realise he was already beside me. “Yeah I’m fine,” I assured him as I grabbed my pajamas – well just a singlet and pajama pants – and headed into my bathroom.
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This is for my lovely Gabby.
Because she keeps giving me ideas for new chapters!