

“Even though the ‘Homecoming Dance’ is tonight and that it’s Friday, doesn’t mean you can all slack off today!” our homeroom teacher yelled.

This immediately woke up everyone. “Thank you. Now as you all know Kevin Rudd is our Prime Minister…” he babbled on with everyone groaning.

My group just tuned out and started chatting with each other. “You’re joking right? Someone was actually in your room, who?” Jess automatically started.

I leaned in closer and whispered a name. The whole group was shocked. “Do you know why he was there?” Laura asked.

“No, but I would if Edward didn’t scare him off,” I half laughed and scowled.

“What’s the point of this class?” Rachel asked.

“To learn about politics for those people who actually want a boring job like that,” Jess laughed.

“Oh, right well yeah this is pointless,” Rachel finished before ‘trying’ to pay attention.

“I can’t believe the dance is tonight. I’m so excited, I hope Oli is properly dressed and everything. That reminds me, do we have self defence today?” Jess squealed over excited.

“Sorry no,” I sighed. “Too bad though I wanted to learn some more tricks,” I chuckled.

Thankfully now S.O.S.E. was finished but now we had English. This was a mixed class meaning it had a chosen group of students in our year from each class. Jess, Laura, Edward, Alice, the new girl who hung around our group who was called Liz and Jacob along with his two friends. This was one of the two advanced classes. The teacher was a middle aged lady with a sort of poor fashion sense. “Today class, we’ll be watching Romeo and Juliet,” she announced.

“Do you know Shakespeare?” I heard Laura asked Alice.

“His work yes but not him personally. Carlisle might,” she laughed.

“How old is Carlisle?”

It took a while for Alice to count up the years. “Three-hundred and sixty-three, I think.”

“Holy Jepha,” Laura replied astonished.

“Yeah but his really twenty-six,” Alice laughed before the teacher called the class to order again.

The teacher played the film which was the original Romeo and Juliet. Through most of the film I heard Laura’s non-stop complaining about the fact there wasn’t much violence and she couldn’t tell who was who half the time. This actually got on my nerves. I wanted to tell her to shut up but I didn’t want to hurt her feelings so I just ignored her and tried to listen to the rest of the movie.

This was a one of the most quietest lesson’s of English we’d had all year since all of our classes were quiet nosey from the guys non-stop talking about the most gayest things.

“Glad that’s over,” Rachel said out of the blue whilst walking to her locker.

“Who would want to deny someone’s love?” Laura answered.

“Honest to Jepha I thought I’d never hear you say that,” Jess laughed.

“Yeah well, I say a lot of weird things,” Laura laughed.

Just then Jess excused her-self and ran off. We all looked to see where she was running too. We saw her run into some ones arms. We all awed at her and Oli before closing our lockers and walking to our usual area. We sat down on the brick wall and started chatting.

“Hey guys,” a voice called out.

We turned to see Jess and Oli with their arms around each other coming up to us. I heard Laura aw at them when they reached us. Jess just smiled freely while leaning her head on Oli. Behind them were Gerard, Shane and Derrick just standing there, glaring at their now jovial friend. “Sup everyone?” Derrick smirked.

We just ignored him and chatted among ourselves hoping that they’ll leave but no luck.

Ah the bell, how much we loathed it unless it was the last one of the day. It just went and some of us had our most hated class. “Hey Alice, how come you’re the only one here today?” I asked perplexed.

Alice just danced some more before realising what I just said. “Umm Emmett needed to do something and Jasper, Edward and Rosalie are getting ready for tonight,” Alice smiled.


I walked into art to see Darcy there being annoying as usual. Darcy has been giving us grief since year nine. He was always calling us ‘emo’ and all that just because our group listens to MCR and The Used. He was sitting there with his group of friends probably making fun of everyone. I sat at my usual seat which was far away from him as possible. The class had started and we got to work. This lesson was about creating plaster molds. I wanted to make a mold of a face and there was only one face that was perfect for what I wanted. “Hey Darcy, can you come over here for a second,” I called out across the room.

He turned to see who was calling him and strangely, he came over. I told him what I needed him to do and surprisingly enough he said yes. He leaned over and stuck his head into the mold. Just then I realised I forgot to put air support in the mold as I held Darcy’s head down. I screamed with everyone rushing over to us. The teacher couldn’t find a pulse and I just kept screaming. Thankfully the teacher got a pulse and sent him – along with me to explain – to the office. The office lady there told me to go to deputy principal’s office. I was freaking out in my mind. It was just an accident. I kept telling my self but I didn’t even believe it.

The deputy was just trying to be calm as she explained that she knew this must have been an accident but she still had to do something about it. I was about to start pleading with her when she just said I was suspended for a week. “A week?” I said astonished.

“Yes a week, you’re one of the best students at this school and we can’t afford to loose the few we have. You have ‘til end of lunch to leave the school grounds,” she explained.

I thanked her for it only being a week and letting me still go to the dance and left her office. Thankfully it was now lunch so I didn’t have to go back to class. As I walked to our brick wall everyone was already there waiting for me. They all ran up to be with Jess in the lead. “What happened?” everyone kept asking.

I walked with them back to wall explaining what had just happened and the fact that I was suspended for a week. They all gasped. “Is he alright?” Laura asked really concerned.

“Yeah he is,” I replied making sure I had all my stuff with me that I needed.

“So what you tried to kill Darcy just because his been calling you shit for years know?” Rachel yelled defencive.

“It wasn’t like that okay. It was an accident; do you really think I could kill someone? Even if I hated them so much I would never do that!” I yelled feeling my anger rise all of a sudden.
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