The First Punch


Maison's POV

I sighed when I finally sat down on the couch. Could I just have these babies already? I had about maybe one to two weeks left and I just wanted it to be over.

"Babe I have to go to a quick band meeting. They asked me if you wanted us to move it over here just in case. They don't want you here alone." Tony said leaning on the kitchen counter.

"That might be a good idea. I don't want to be alone if anything happens." I said sighing already out of breath.

He smiled and called Vic.

"She wants me to stay home so could you guys come over here? We're only talking about songs not playing them right? Because what if she needs me and I can't hear her? Jaime shut the fuck up! You did the same thing when Jess was close to labor!" Tony said smiling walking into the kitchen.

"Okay bye guys see you in twenty." I heard Tony say. He hung up the phone and walked in and sat beside me and pulled me close.

"Jesus I love you. I wouldn't be able to do what you do at all and I love you even more for it." He said kissing my forehead.

"I love you to." I replied trying to hide a sharp pain in my back.

"Another one?" He asked concerned.

I just nodded and let out a big breath.

"Hey that means its close so that means its almost over. We will have a little Maison and little me running around." He said smiling from ear to ear.

Tony has gotten more excited everyday about the twins being born. He would come home everyday with Star Wars stuff for the boy and turtle stuff for the girl. The twins room was already decorated with stuff for them and they weren't even born yet.

I kissed his nose and smiled up at him.

We were interrupted by a knock on the door.

Tony got up and opened it and saw Jaime with little Samantha in his arms.

"Jess had to go visit her mom for something so I'm playing daddy through this meeting. Sorry Tone." He said placing the diaper bag down and sat down and started feeding Samantha.

Her eyes were wide open and were exploring the big world.

"She gets so much cuter every time I see her." I said looking at her.

Jaime just smiled until Samantha started crying.

"Come here baby." He said getting up and holding her close and walking back and forth.

"You ready for this Tone?" He asked.

"Of course! I mean I should be. One or two more weeks. Could happen anytime now." Tony said kissing my cheek.

There was a knock on the door again and Tony walked over and Vic and Mike walked it.

"Samantha!" Vic yelled and ran over to Jaime.

"Hey Maison! How are you and the babies?" Mike asked.

"Alive and kicking. All night." I mumbled.

"Well it's almost over with so you won't have to worry about the kicking keeping you up." Mike said kissing my cheek.

"Tony can't even talk to me without them going crazy." I said.

"Really?" Tony asked.

I just nodded. He walked over sat on the ground and put his hands on my stomach.

"Hey there babies." He said.

Sure enough four kicks one after the other.

"That's so amazing." Tony said smiling from ear to ear.

He jumped up and kissed me.

It was cut short when a sharp pain went through my back once again.

"Mace are you alright?" Tony asked once again concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine it was just another contraction." I said holding my stomach and breathing deeply.

Jaime was just smiling still holding Samantha.

Just then another pain when through my body and I felt something wet happen. It felt like I peed my pants.

"Well damn." I breathed deeply.

"Well Tone I hope you're ready because its happening now." Jaime said.

"Shit! Maison come on let's get you to the car. We need to go." Vic said helping me up while Tony ran to go get the overnight bag and the twins stuff for when they were born.

Vic walked me to the car and Tony put everything in the backseat and got into the drivers seat and buckled up and backed out of the driveway with the other three guys behind us.

Tony grabbed my hand and held on for dear life.

"Everything is going to be fine." I told him softly before the pain came back.

He just nodded and got onto the highway and went as fast as he could to the hospital.

When we got there Tony helped me out of the car and walked me into the hospital.

"My wife is in labor." He told the lady behind the counter.

"Okay go that way and they wi guide you to an empty room and get you situated. Congratulations you two." She said smiling.

Tony walked me to the other people who took me to an empty room and told me to change and lay down on the bed. They did the IVs and asked me all the questions that were needed. Now all we do is wait.

Seven hours later I was screaming and crying in pain.

"Tony I swear to God I'm never letting you touch me ever again." I said squeezing his hand tightly.

"Now lets not swear to God. Lying is a sin Mace." Vic joked.

"Dude shut up." Tony said gritting his teeth from me squeezing his hand so tight.

"I joked with Jess while she was in labor and she almost killed me. You better watch out." Jaime said still holding Samantha.

Just then the doctor walked in with nurses.

"Okay then guys if you aren't the god parents or the father you have to leave I'm sorry.

Mike and Jaime both left saying bye and a good luck.

"I wish Jess was here." Vic said pouting.

"She is here what are talking about!" She said walking through the door breathless.

I smiled at her.

"Hey there babe. You feeling okay?" She asked getting the hair out of my face.

"As good as I can be." I said smiling at her.

"I know how that feels." She said smiling back at me.

"Okay Maison are you ready to meet your children?" The doctor.

I nodded while the nurses were getting me ready. Tony looked scared for his life. Vic came over and patted him on the back and smiled.

"You're gonna be a dad soon." He said smiling.

I breathed deeply and got ready for it to happen.

A good hour later Tony and I were holding the twins in out arms.

"What are we naming the girl?" Tony asked.

"How about Spencer?" I asked.

"That's a great name." He said looking down at Spencer and smiled from ear to ear.

"What should we name the boy?" I asked looking down at him.

"Tyler?" He asked.

"I like it." I said looking down at him.

"Spencer and Tyler. They are too cute!" Jess said looking at them.

"Here Vic." I said handing him Tyler.

Tony passed Spencer over to Jess and went outside to go get Mike and Jaime.

"Tyler looks just like you Mace." Vic said looking down at him.

"And of course Spencer looks like Tony. She's going to be a little heartbreaker. I can tell." Jess said.

"I wanna see!" Jaime said walking in with Samantha.

"Look Samantha! This is Spencer. You two are going to be the best of friends and look after each other." Jaime said.

Tony and Mike walk in and he goes straight to the chair and almost falls asleep.

"Okay guys lets let the parents sleep. They could use it." Said the nurse who was now taking Spencer from Jess and putting her in a little crib and doing the same with Tyler.

She wheeled them out and everyone said bye and told us congratulations and went home since it was like twelve in the morning.

"You did amazing today Mace. Thank you so much." Tony said kissed my forehead lightly and scooted the chair close to the bed and sat in it and leaned over and took my hand an fell fast asleep.

I sighed from happiness and thought that today was such a beautiful day.
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Thank you to tturtle__ for giving me the baby names! This is too cute! Comment Subscribe and Recommend!