The First Punch

Hold My Heart It's Beating For You Anyway

"Maison you need to calm down. He isn't worth it I promise!" Tony said in my ear rubbing my back while I was on my bed crying.

"He cheated on me for two years! Two years! I can't believe it! That cheating ass hole!" I yelled in the middle of sobbing.

"Maison stop crying please. I have to go on stage in like fifteen minutes. I don't want to leave you like this." He said looking at me.

"Okay. Okay. I'll try to stop. Ill go down and watch you." I said getting up.

"How about you have side stage. Ill show you where it is. Come on." He said walking away to the door.

I followed him closely and we walked down the stairs and his our faces from the fans and ran back stage.

"Hey there's our new merch girl! How's it going?" Jaime yelled over at me.

"Merch Girl?" I asked confused.

"Yeah. The guys were talking and we think our merch guy needs a little help because this tour is really big and busy. So would you like to be our famous merch girl?" Tony asked me.

"Hell yeah! Anything to get away from here!" I said.

Tony smiled and hugged me softly and I hugged back.

Then the lights went down low and people started screaming and the guys jumped up and down and took deep breaths. Then they ran out and the fans got even louder.

The lights came up and the set was amazing! The gears were moving and they had sound effects and steam.

"Hey guys we have a special announcement! We have an extra merch person on tour starting now! Her name is Maison! Come on out Maison!" Vic yelled into the microphone.

I blushed and looked down at the ground and walked out on stage.

"Make sure you say hello to her and give her a warm welcome! She is super nice!" Vic said looking at me.

I waved to the crowd and they all waved back. People were taking pictures of me and I just knew that I was going to be on tumblr before the night was over.

"Maison how about you watch the rest of our set and then go hang at the merch table and the guy there will train you on everything. Give it up for Maison!" Vic screamed in the microphone.

The crowd screamed and Tony was clapping his hands and smiling at me.

I waved back and ran off stage and stood on the side and watched the rest of the set.

When it was over Tony went to take a shower and said he would be right back to take me to the merch table.

I was waiting by the bar talking to Emily when fans came up to me and asked for pictures and asked if I was with one of the guys.

I only smiled and replied with a yes or a no. That's when Tony came up to me and tapped my back and pulled me to the merch table.

He stood there with fans while the merch guy was giving me a quick training before the end of the show when kids rush to the merch table.

"Yo! New girl! We need to do induction of the merch person guys." One guy said in the other end of the table with All Time Low stuff around him.

"Vinny please be nice. We don't want to scare her off." Tony said.

"We won't hurt her jeez. So Maison what did you do for a living?" Bunny asked.

"Well I was the bartender here at the venue and then stuff happened so that's why I'm going on tour with you guys." I said smiling.

"You're a bartender? Shit man! When we have crew parties we have to have you there!" Vinny said smiling and patted my back hard.

I froze and almost crumbled in on myself until Tony came over and hugged me.

Before he got over to me I saw him mouth to Vinny, 'Don't touch her'.

"My bad. Didn't mean anything by it. Sorry Maison." He said sounding sorry.

"It's fine." I choked out.

"Hey how about we get your stuff into the bus before the fans come out." Tony said quickly.

I nodded and walked behind him.

"Maison you're going to have to get used to other people touching you. They aren't going to hurt you. At least no one on this tour is." Tony said calmly.

"I know. I'm just scared. It will take me awhile to get used to it because it was only last night that it happened so its still fresh in my mind." I said getting my bag from the floor while Tony got my biggest bag from the corner of the room and we went down the stairs with them to the buses.

"So you are going to sleep in the bunk under mine. Just in case you have a breakdown I can just jump down talk or you get up to mine." He said.

"Thank you. You guys really didn't have to do this." I said.

"Well I knew you needed money for a new place so I thought about merch for you cause they get tips." He said smiling at me.

I smiled back and hugged him quickly and ran bak inside to the merch table and got ready for the wave of people.

I'm saying goodbye to my old life and hello to my new one.
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Thank you so much to the 15 subscribers and 40 readers already and it's only two chapters in!!! Thank you so much!!!! Remember subscribe recommend and comment!!!!!!!