Status: One Shot

Stay With Me


Everytime I pass by the park, a specific person catches my eye. A specific person who rests under the shade of an oak tree with a book and a camera slung around her neck.

Sometimes she would stand up to photograph precious moments all around her, moments that would soon be still on paper. At times, she would just lay there with the comforts of a good book.

Her name and where she came from is oblivious to me. But she continued to fascinate me with every single thing she did. Sometimes I wonder if I should approach her and have a little chat or if I should just watch her as she went on with her daily activities.

This girl was beautiful. Her brown hair was always pulled back into a messy bun. Instead of heels, she would stick to her old chucks. You could see how her face brightens everytime she looks at a photograph she had just taken. She always wore tank tops and shorts. But even in that, she looked gorgeous.

I constantly rave about this mystery girl to my bandmates.

"Garrett," Pat says. "If you're so determined to meet this girl then just go up to her. Were leaving for tour in 2 days so you have to make a move sooner or later."

"That's the thing," I say in annoyance. "I can't."

"And why is that?" Jared raises his eyebrow at me.

I look at Jared and say, "What if she doesn't wanna talk to me? What if she thinks I'm weird? You know how I feel about rejection." I pace the room in frustration.

John and Kennedy suddenly walk in. "Is she hot?" John smirks.

"John, not now okay please." I glare.

"Sorry. Okay I'll shut up now." He raises his hands in defense.

"And yes she is gorgeous." I mutter.

"Just go up there and show her what Garrett Nickelsen is made of! I'm sure you'll do great buddy." Kennedy smiles and pats me on the back.

So I do. The next day, I take a stroll through the park and there she is. She's wearing a light blue tank top, tattered shorts and her favorite converse. Near the swings, she's pointing her camera at a dad giving his son a piggy back ride.

I take a deep breath and walk up to her. I'm practically breathing over her shoulder now.

"Uhm," I peer over her shoulder. "Those are really great pictures."

She stumbles back, puts her hand to her chest and laughs. "Jesus you scared me."

"Sorry." I say while scratching my head. I am the most awkward person in the universe I want to stab myself.

"But thanks." She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and smiles. "Are you a photographer?"

I kinda document for my band so I guess that makes me one. "Yeah, sorta. It's kinda like a hobby."

"Oh God," She buries her head in her hands. "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Abigail." She extends her hand forward.

I flash her a smile and shake Abigail's hand. "I'm Garrett."

"I like that name." She looks at me and keeps on walking.

I grin to myself and follow her. We walk around the park and tell ourselves about each other. I learn that Abigail is a major in Photo Journalism at Arizona State University. She has a younger and older brother but she lives in a dorm. I tell her that I am a bassist for a band and so on and so forth.

I suddenly stop in front of her and her eyes widen for a moment.

"Uhm," I scratch my head. "Do you wanna go out and get dinner with me after I get back from tour?" I sheepishly say.

"I would love to!" She beams. "But when do you get back?" Her expression quickly changes.

"A month or so. I guess you'll have to wait. Sorry." I look down at the floor.

"It's okay I'll wait. I want to get to know you better Garrett Nickelsen."

I feel butterflies in my stomach and smile.

She glances at her watch. "Oh I better go. But first, let's take a picture."

"Sure!" I beam.

We move our bodies closer together and she points the camera in front of us. We both smile and the click of the camera goes off.

Abigail looks at her camera. "I love it." I can see her cheeks turn red. "I'll see you soon. Bye Garrett." She hugs me and scurries away.

Shocked from the gesture she made, I silently said, "Bye Abigail." And walked home.

I cannot wait to see her again, I thought to myself. It's only one month right? What could possibly happen?


One month has passed and I'm back in Arizona. The past month has been incredible. We played shows all over the country and it was always jam packed. Fans came and went and told us how amazing they thought we are. I had a thousand pictures and signed a thousand things but only one thing was on my mind, Abigail.

I missed her so much and I couldn't wait for us to have dinner together. Our tour bus passed the local park where Abigail and I met for the first time. People were gathered under the oak tree where she always sat down and read a book or fiddled with her camera. In their hands were flowers and the expression on their faces looked grim and sad.

I told our driver to stop the bus and I ran out. John, Pat, Kennedy and Jared ran after me shouting, "Garrett! Come back." But I wouldn't listen, I wouldn't stop.

I got there and pushed everyone aside and nothing prepared me for what looked me in the eye.

It was a memorial for Abigail. In te center, a photo of her was placed. It was the first time I've seen her without a bun but her hair was down and she was wearing a dress. She looked beautiful. Around the tree were lighted candles and photographs of her and different people. There were roses laid on the floor. I looked at the oak tree and something was carved on its bark. "Abigail Cruise. Someone we will love and cherish forever."

My bandmates appear behind me and I fall to my knees and bury my head in my hands.

"What happened?" I sob. Tears were in my eyes as I searched the crowd for answers.

A boy who looked as if he was 16 years old and resembled Abigail came forward. "She was killed in a car accident. The driver of the other car was drunk and he smashed right in front of Abigail's."

John kneels beside me and pats my back. "It's gonna be okay, Garrett. Let's go back to the bus."

"I'll never see her again." I mutter.

Pat and Jared help me up and I gloomly walked back to the bus, tears flowing down my cheek.

They stand in front of the bus door and watch me with sadness in their expressions as I walk up the steps and slump down on my seat.

I look out the window and stare at her memorial until we drive away. She didn't deserve to die, I thought to myself. She wasn't some girl who was miserable with life and wanted to kill herself. She was Abigail, a girl full of effervescent joy who sat under same oak tree everyday either reading a good book or capturing moments. She was innocent.

Even though our paths crossed only once, she meant so much to me. The first time I saw her I could tell she would soon be a part of my life. But I didn't think our time together would be so short.

My bandmates drop me off at my house and helped me pull my luggage inside. When everything was settled, Kennedy spoke up.

"You gonna be okay Garrett?" He said, giving me a remorseful smile.

"Yeah I guess."

Pat's face lightens up and he suddenly bursts out, "Group hug!"

They gather around me and pull me into a hug. They tell me everything will be alright and they kind of gave me assurance that it would be.

I escort them out and make my way upstairs. I collapse on my bed and think of her.

I would never see Abigail again. I would never take her out to dinner like I promised. That walk in the park was all I had of her. I wish she was alive. I miss her. Her smiling image was all that I could think of as I drifted into slumber.

The next day, I'm carry a rose in my hand and I walk to the oak tree. Tons of roses and photographs were placed under it but only one caught my eye.

I kneel down, place the rose where it's supposed to be and hold the photo in my hand. Tears come but I smile either way. It was a photo of the day we met. Her hair was in a messy bun and her smile brightened everything, just the way I liked it. I flip the photo and in her handwriting it said, "A walk in the park with Garrett Nickelsen."

I smile and hold the photograph close to my chest. I look up to the heavens.

"Hey Abigail. I hope you don't mind if I keep this photograph of us. It's the only memory of us I've got and I want to keep you alive okay? I'll miss you and I'll see you soon. I'll never forget you."

She entered my life but was gone in an instant. But I'm glad she was in it.
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this is a sad sad garrett nickelsen one shot i hope i could think of something happier next time but omg i haven't written chapter five of fragile hearts yet aaahhh i'm sorry bear with me i've been too lazy