‹ Prequel: Brontide



Rae watched Chris. He'd been sleeping off his bad trip for the last thirteen hours and she was just about on her last nerve with him. She was pissed. Pissed cause he did the drugs, and pissed cause he was a fucking idiot and a half on them. She had been rehearsing the impending ass-ream since they got to the hotel. She had it ready for when he woke up. 

Tyler and Brittany had really hit it off from the beginning and they were on a food run with Jeremy, who had momentarily taken on the role of caregiver while Rae was busy being pissed and staring at the sleeping form of her ex-boyfriend. Part of her worried that with Jeremy in charge, he would end up taking the kids on one of his more personal errands, if you catch the drift. But the. She decided that he seemed too adamantly against Kid being involved in any of that to take them along. But still, she hoped they would hurry up. She chewed on her nails and made fun of herself for acting like a mother hen. It was ridiculous. Rae didn't even want kids, at least no tip she was in her thirties. And now here she was in her early twenties with two teenagers and a homosexual man-child. Not to mention the druggy on her bed. Definitely not the life she'd envisioned for herself. 

Her head jerked up when Chris groaned. She breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately put on a look of anger when he looked at her. 

"Hey, Baby," he said tentatively. 

She stood, flames flickering in her wide grey eyes. "Don't you dare 'Hey Baby' me you bastard," she hissed. "What. The. Fuck, Chris? You pig. You absolute pig. Who the fuck do you think you are? The smoking and the drinking I could handle. Fuck i felt like doing that shit sometimes. But street drugs? You could have died. Fuck, you almost did. If I hadn't come when I did-- ugh I can't believe you would do something so stupid. Is this cause I broke up with you?"

She meant it at a rhetorical question, but he opened his mouth to answer her anyways. "Well..."

Her eyes stretched bigger and wider than she thought they could go and her jaw dropped. It startled her a little bit and she blinked rapidly before sputtering, "You baby! What a big fat baby! Oh my god! You're so damn lucky..." She paused and her voice dropped. She shook her head. "You're lucky I want you back so bad." She looked at her hands before continuing. "I missed you so bad, Chris. I said... I said if I ever saw you again... I would beg for you back-" her voice rose again. "I was gonna beg for you back, you son of a bitch. Even though I was the one who dumped your sorry ass. I just don't fucking know any more. I just don't know."

He reached out and grabbed his hand, but she shook him off. "Rae, I just..." He fumbled for words and she looked up at him. He looked so genuinely sorry, it broke her heart. She reaches out and took his hand again, slapping herself for being a desperate pushover. She gave it a squeeze before getting up and walking away. He stood and followed her out the door and down the hallway. 

"I'm still pissed at you-" she started, almost running headlong into Jeremy as they rounded a corner.   

Tyler grinned, his mouth full of what may or may not be chocolate. "Hey Rae. Hey Chris." His grin broadened. "Have a nice trip?"

Chris rolled his eyes. "Nice to be back," he muttered. 

Jeremy left after that to run his own errands. He wouldn't tell Rae what they were, but him and Chris seemed to have a silent understanding. Rae frowned and glared at the two of them, her lower lip popping out in a pout. Chris smiled crookedly at her and Jeremy gave her a kiss on the cheek and left. Kid and Brittany were too lost in each others presence to notice what was going on. 

Rae found herself out on the balcony, looking between the crowded street below and Tyler and Brittany, who were animatedly discussing the how excited they were for the new Hobbit movie because the graphics were supposed to be excellent and Brittany was in love with someone named Bennysnap Cricketmunch. Rae chose to stay out of that conversation. Chris was taking a much-needed shower, washing the remnants of his trip off. 

He joined her outside a while later. His hair was wet and the collar of his t-shirt was damp. He smiled and sat down in the chair next to her. 

"Let's get married," he said. 

Rae snorted and laughed. "Right," she said. He didn't say anything, so she looked at him. He was completely serious. She raised her eyebrows. "For real?" 

Chris shrugged. "I don't see why not-"

"Maybe cause I'm mad at you."

He hadn't heard her. "-Crime of opportunity type thing. We're in Vegas and we're consenting adults that are in love."

"You can't be serious right now," she laughed. 

"No, but I am." He was determined, even though she was shooting him down. 

Rae looked at him for a few minutes and he waited patiently for her decision. Finally, she threw her hands up. "Fine. Fuck it, let's get married," she said. 

He grinned at her. "Really?"

"Crime of opportunity." 

"I guess I'll go pick out a ring then."

"I guess you will." 

Rae watched him go, wondering what the hell she'd gotten herself into when she took that job at the bar. 


They had to have two witnesses over the age of 18, so Chris took Tyler to procure a fake ID while Jeremy dragged Rae and Brittany to go "at least get a decent white cocktail dress or something, I mean come on you only elope with someone as hunky as Chris once in your life so you should make a thing of it. Plus, we need some feminine bonding time." At which point Tyler asked if Jeremy was gay and everyone, including Brittany, just sort of chuckled and wandered away. 

Rae was kind of sad that this was how it was going down. She always imagined herself with a small wedding in the front pasture at her home in Nebraska. Even when her and Chris had become official, she played with the idea of getting married at his dad's estate. Never did she think she would ever get married in Las Vegas. Or without her parents there. God, her parents, what would they think?

They ran into Chris and Kid in the lobby of the hotel. Chris wrapped a hand around Rae's waist and kissed her forehead. Jeremy sighed behind them, muttering something about how freaking adorable they were, and they all went upstairs. Chris pushed open the door and tensed, blocking the door so no one could get in behind him. He deftly reached around and pulled his knife out of Rae's purse before going in. Jeremy pushed in front of Rae and followed. And then suddenly

"Mel?" Rae's eyebrows knit together and she entered their room, Tyler and Brittany right behind her. 

"Chrissy!" Marissa smiled at her brother and wrapped him in a hug. She turned to regard Rae stiffly. "Rachel," she said. 

"Hi, Marissa."

"Uhm, this is my sister," Chris said to Jeremy, Kid, and Brittany. "Marissa."

"Does this mean I don't get to be the second witness?" Tyler asked. 

Rae looked at Chris and shrugged, but Marissa said, "Witness for what, Chris?"

"They're eloping," Jeremy said proudly. "Tonight." He grinned and reached out to squeeze Rae's hand. 

Marissa's eyebrows shot up. "Naw aw. Not my brother. You've obviously got the wrong guy." She smiled at Chris. She turned to Rae. "But it wasn't his idea, was it?"

"Nope it was mine," he answered. 

She gaped at him. "What have you done with my brother?" she asked. 

Chris just smiled. "Are you gonna keep questioning it, or are you gonna be the only family member we have there."

Melissa just grinned. "What are we waiting for?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Yaaaaaaay. Marriage. Wooh. Cool beans.

Fun fact #I'm too lazy to go back and check:

Jeremy's Dad trained him to be in the alliance the same way Chris's dad did. Except because he failed the physical exam too many times, Jeremy was forced to work a desk job for months before they were able to promote him to a spy on the East coast, which is where he met Rae.