‹ Prequel: Brontide



I'm married. I'm married. It's okay, you know, inhale exhale think happy thoughts. Eleven's bowtie. Sam's Season 1 hair. That damn purple shirt. Jesus, Rae why are you being so weird? It's Chris. The guy you were hellbent on spending the rest of your life with just like three months ago--

"Hi, Chris."

He looked at her, eyebrows raised. "What's up?"

"Oh nothing," she said, a strained smile on her face and her voice a few octaves higher than normal. "Just pondering the distinct transition of Sam's wardrobe throughout the seasons of Supernatural." Chris just looked at her, taking a seat beside her. "No really. He used to wear sweaters and stuff, and I thought it was adorable and now it's all just... Plaid." She pouted. 

"Okay." But they both knew he didn't believe her. 

She tapped her toes and rocked back slowly. "So Jeremy should be back rather short--"

The door slammed open and Jeremy flew in. "Pack your shit. We gotta go now." Kid and Brittany appeared behind him looking flustered. Rae and Chris stood up. 

"What's going on," Chris demanded, taking a somewhat defensive position in front of Rae. She glared at him, annoyed with his sudden obsession with protecting her with his life since they'd gotten married, like the rings they exchanged suddenly made him hyper aware of every threat within a hundred mile radius of her. 

"Nothing. I'll explain when your shit is in your bag. Let's go."

They were out the door and in the elevator within five minutes. Jeremy led the way to the parking garage where he jimmied a car lock within five minutes. It was a huge pearly white Mercedes SUV. Chris and Jeremy took the front seats while Rae, Kid and Brittany sat in the back. Rae opened her mouth to ask what was going on, but Jeremy turned up the radio before she could fully pronounce the first syllable. 

She pursed her lips and they were silent until they were out of the city. Brittany was the one who spoke up then, surprising everyone. 

"Okay, guys listen. You all need to tell us what's going one because this is fucking weird. I don't know what you're all into, but when I ditched those weirdos I didn't sign up for this. What. The. Fuck."

Rae stared at her for a second, the decided that the girl wasn't totally out of place. She made eye contact with Jeremy in the rearview mirror. He nodded. 

"Okay," she said, looking for ways to sugar coat it at least a little bit. "So we're kinda in some really deep shit. There's these two groups. And guys, pop in any time if I fuck this up. One of them is the 'Organization' and the other is the 'Alliance'. And they, uhm, they do special jobs on, like, contracts. You feel me?"

Kid frowned at the seat in front of him. "Are we talking about like the Dark Brotherhood from Oblivion...?"

Rae was sort of proud that he caught on so quickly. "Well..." The look on her face told them the answer. 

"You guys are running from a bunch of assassin?" Brittany demanded. 


"Yes," Chris interrupted. "I was raised to be in the organization. I was in it for a while. And I'm not proud of what I did. Then they sent my own partner after me because I saved Jeremy and I was getting too close to Rae. He was killed." 

"And we've been on the run pretty much ever since," Rae finished when Chris didn't. She looked at Jeremy. "And now it's your turn."

"My people saw me. I'm AWOL right now, and not where I'm supposed to be. They're kinda pissed."

"Your people?" Tyler asked, his chocolate eyes wide. 

"Yeah, cuz. I'm, uh, I'm with the Alliance. But I only work a desk job," he said hastily. "I was spying on the East coast, where the organization is. I was gonna be promoted to a management position before all this. Not anymore obviously." He turned his attention back to Rae and Chris. "The found me and they're a little bit pissed so they may have pulled a gun on me."

"Uhm, what?" Rae asked. "Why would they pull a gun on you?"

"He's a deserter," Chris said. He shook his head, brows furrowed. "I was always under the impression that the alliance was a lot more civil than the organization. They execute their own people all the time. That's why I wasn't so surprised when they sent George after me. Maybe disappointed, because I'm me. But still."

"Well, I don't know if they were really gonna execute me," Jeremy said with a little half shrug. "Maybe just take me in for questioning..."

"We're all insane," Brittany said quietly. "Psychotic. This is freaking insane."

A black Chevy truck pulled up next to them. Jeremy glanced at it nervously and muttered 'shit' under his breath. Before anyone could say anything about it, the truck had swerved and rammed into the side. Jeremy swerved away to lessen the impact, but there was still a huge dent left in Rae's door and she knew she would have a bruise. She grabbed the back of his seat and shrieked his name. 

The truck swerved again, and again Jeremy swerved away. Rae's door received another dent. She threw a protective hand over Brittany, still clutching Jeremy's seat. Chris shouted something that Rae didn't hear because the blood was pumping through her ears too fast. 

Next thing she knew, Jeremy's window was rolled down and Chris had fired three rounds at the black truck. The first two broke the glass and the third missed it's target by centimeters when the cars swerved again. Rae cried out, sure her hip and leg were at least fractured. Chris called her name and Jeremy looked at her in the rearview mirror, his lips forming words that never reached her ear. 

Because the next second, their big SUV had completely flipped over. 

A black Chevy truck took the next exit minutes before an ambulance arrived. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Dum dum dum...

Fun fact # I'm just not gonna number mine anymore if you don't mind. I'm just gonna give them names. This one is Dennis.

Did you know that a cat's penis is sharply barbed along its shaft? I know for a fact that females were not consulted about that.