‹ Prequel: Brontide




"Frank," Jim said. Rae looked from Jim to Chris, her delicate brows furrowed. The color had drained from her husband's face. 

"Hello James. Christopher." He looked at Jeremy and with a sly smile, said, "Son."

It took Rae a moment and another glance at Chris to comprehend what had just happened. She even missed Jeremy's response to Frank. This was Jeremy's dad. Of the West Coast Alliance of assassins. 

He was introducing himself to her and Britney, having already greeted Tyler, his nephew, but her eyes were focusing in on a red dot wiggling on Chris' chest. She looked up to the giant skylight windows, following the dot, and saw a blurry and barely noticeable black figure. She pointed it out as discreetly as possible to Chris, hating that her brain turned to mush in times like these. 

Chris followed her finger and reacted immediately, shoving her a few feet away from him. The movement caught the attention of Frank, who chuckled evilly. 

"Oh, I see you've found my friend. Yes, you are being targeted. So if you would all come with me to chat. I would hate to have to-" He made a little movement with his fingers and the dot appeared on Rae's chest. "Well, I'd rather not talk about it. Come along. All of you." He turned and walked away, his cronies lingering to follow the follow the group from behind. 

Rae couldn't move. She just kept staring at the tiny wiggling laser directed at her chest, bouncing up onto her collar bone and the base of her throat. Her feet stayed put until Chris's insistent tugging told her it was okay to move again. But she kept an eye on the tiny red light, moving onto Chris's back, until the entered a hallway and couldn't see it anymore. But her heart rate didn't slow; the two henchmen were keeping a very close eye on her. Chris's mouth was set in a thin line as he led her, shaking, behind his father. 

They were led to and seated in a conference room, Frank at the head and the group down the sides of a huge table. Rae sat next to Chris but in a way so he was partially blocking her from the Frank. Britney took a seat on the other side of her and her small hand found it's way into Rae's. Frank smiled at them all and took a shallow breath before beginning. 

"Well, Jim you and your son have made a mistake coming here. As you well know the west is my domain and crossing borderlines can get you and your little entourage killed."

"They've got nothing to do with it-" Jim started to respond. 

Frank interrupted with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Up to a very short time ago, we thought one of your agents had killed my son. As you know, I've been out for blood."

"Now let me tell you why that's bullshit," Jeremy said. "You don't give a fuck about me, you just want to pick a fight you arrogant asshat-"

Frank looked at his son with a flash of true rage that shook Rae to her core. "Shut up Jeremy or I'll forgo the explanation and just have your friends killed." His anger faded and he smiled warmly at the rest of the group. Jeremy sat back in his seat. "Seeing that he's alive, I suppose I would have not had any reason to kill the lot of you, except for the fact that you were trespassing on our side. So therefore, James and Christopher Huntington, I'm afraid I must kill you."

"You can't just kill them! Not in the middle if an international airport," Rae said, her voice wrought with emotion. 

"My Dear, I own half this state," he chuckled. "I could kill you wherever I please." He cleared his throat and prepared to stand. "But tradition mandates I do it in an honorable fashion, and if anything I am a sucker for tradition."

"Well then what about me?" she demanded. "I'm witnessing this. Shouldn't I be executed too?" 

Jeremy kicked her under the table and Chris said, "Shut up, Rachel."

He stood up. "Mrs. Huntington, you should accept the advice of your husband while he lives to tell it. As for your position, I'm sure it won't be hard to keep your mouth closed as long as your mother's life is on the line."

Rae didn't say another word. 

Chris looked at her, worried. Not so much for his own life, or hers-- the Alliance generally kept their word and didn't opt for unnecessary death when it could be avoided, and she was smart enough to know when not to be reckless. He was mostly worried about Kid and Britney. He hated that they were being exposed to this shit. Frank should have just let them go as soon as he got him and Jim and Jeremy into custody. 

But now both had been exposed to a horrible truth; that Tyler's uncle was evil and more than willing to kill several people at the drop of a hat and that they may very well die along with what had become a sort of makeshift family over the last few weeks. Both, though, were handling the situation very well. Kid's face was white and Britney's free hand was shaking, but they kept their mouths shut and neither of them were crying, so Chris categorized this as an allover decent reaction to the situation. 

Rae returned Chris's look as a skinny man opened the door and nodded at Frank, who smiled from the man to the group at the table. He put his hands together. 

"Ah, it seems transportation is ready. Please be aware a team of snipers is watching your every move, so if you could be so kind as to follow me and not make any sudden movements, loud noises, or attempts to run." He smiled again and led them out the door, the original henchmen taking their place in the back of the line. 

Rae put her arm around Britney, and Chris positioned himself between them and the hulking men following. They wound their way through the crowded airport until they came to an equally as crowded curb. Frank looked around, frowning. Apparently, their car wasn't there. He stomped a foot childishly and poked a number into his phone. 

A second later gunfire went off and everyone was running. They were swallowed by the crowd and Rae quickly lost sight of Frank and the rest of their party, except for Britney, who she was still holding on to. Two more shots went off and she felt someone grab for her shoulder. Bracing for the worst, she turned to see Chris. Relief flooded through her. 

She reached out for him and then Britney was gone. She looked around, Chris holding her elbow, and momentarily caught sight of what may have been Jeremy. But Chris was pulling her away towards an exit. 

Several minutes of walking and jogging later, they broke into a clear spot of the airport they had passed on their way to the 'transportation'. He held a finger his lips and pushed her into a little alcove. Jeremy came running into view. 

Those little fucks planned this out, she thought with pride. 

"What's going on?" Chris asked. 

"Ty and Britney are gone. They were pulled into a van and then they were gone and that's it. I don't know who shot, all I know is they've got one helluva driver. I couldn't catch them in a crowded parking lot." Jeremy shrugged, a little out of breath. "That's all I got."

"Any sign of my dad?"

"Yeah he was chasing my dad, who took off when the shots were fired."

Chris frowned. "So I guess it wasn't the Alliance shooting at us then."


Rae interrupted him. She had been looking at the ground, trying her hardest to absorb what was going on when she was distracted. Blood was dripping off Chris's fingers and pooling on the floor. "Chris I think you've been shot."

He inspected his arm and shrugged. "It just grazed me. I'll be fine."

Jeremy nodded. "Yeah. Right now we gotta find my cousin."
♠ ♠ ♠
D: wut

Fun fact#Rufus

Rae write a paper in high school where the only punctuation she used was an interrobang and the whole thing was gramatically correct and on topic. Her teacher gave her an A for creativity.