Status: done and will not continue.

I'm Lost Without You

One and only

Frank. That name was whispering through his head. He remembered one of the many dates that they had been on. This was the date that he proposed to Frank after only a few years of dating he knew that he couldn't live without Frank in his life. The thought made him smile. He remembered those hazel eyes that now haunt his dreams. The same eyes that glossed over as the life left his body. The eyes he'd never be able to forget. He remembered that angelic laugh that could always bring a smile to his face despite the circumstances. The laugh that he longed to hear greatly.

"FRANKIE! PLEASE I'M SORRY! COME BACK!" Gerard called out.

He hadn't been sober since that dreadful night. The night that his Frankie died. It was his fault. Frankie had told him that if he didn't stop running up debts that he couldn't pay back with drug dealers because one day he'd loose something, something he could never earn back.

Frank was right he did loose something, something that he'd kill to have back. He lost his family, his everything.

Gerard was walking home stoned as usual. Even though he couldn't get clean Frank stayed with him. He wasn't going to question him but the thought still confused him.

When Gerard reached his home, he knew something was off. All of the lights in the house were on and Frank hated wasting electricity. The door was also broken off of it's hinges. That in it's self put Gerard's Nevers on high alert.

He pushed the door open to find his house ransacked. All of their belongings were destroyed.

He made his way up the stair case to find all of the doors open. There were tears in the wall paper where someone's nails ripped it up. Then there was blood on his bedroom door.

His train of thoughts stopped because it was too painful to remember what he saw.

He got up and pulled another bottle of vodka out of the freezer.

This was the second one tonight and he knew he'd pass out soon. In his drunken stupor he started to think about that night again. The night that he found his Frankie bleeding out on their bed. He had made it just in time to watch the light leave his eyes, to watch the love of his life die. Their adopted child lay next to him. The child was unharmed so the next day he dropped the 2 year old off at the police department so that someone more suitable could raise the child.

Gerard found his old anti depressants. He could only think that the only way to relieve the pain was to put an end to his existence. He look at the picture of his Frankie again. He popped the lid off of the pills. He then threw his head back letting about half of the full container in to his mouth. He took a rather large swig of vodka then finished off of the pills. He laid in the same position that his Frankie had lain in the night he found him. It took some time but after about 30 minutes black spots popped up in his vision. He was now joining both Frankie and his late younger brother Mikey who had died in a tragic car accident a year after he and Frank had gotten married. Frank was the one who held him together, Frank is the one who made him see since. Now his Frank was gone but they'd be reunited once more.

He heard Frank whisper in his ear "Why, Gerard?".

"Because I am Lost without you. I love you." He said in his thoughts.

The End.
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Don't kill me. Anyways so yeah that's it.