Status: On going (also on Wattpad)

The Prophecy Child


The king sat in his office trying to plan a council meeting for later on oblivious to the odd women in the room until she cleared her throat.
“Peasssssssssssssssant.” She whispered with a snake like sound as she hissed her S.
“I am no peasant foolish one I am the king of the shadows the almighty and undefeatable!” The king bellowed taking in her dark cloak, and antagonist looking features.
“It’s comical how you think you are undefeatable, yet you will be destroyed by a mortal child.” She hissed again with a smirk on her face that showed inevitable evil.
“You speak of something that will never happen.” The king insisted.
“Don’t listen to me then on wise one,” She said with a sarcastic tone, “just watch your kind die off at the hands of a silly little mortal girl.”
Before the king could reply she had just vanished, as if she was one of the shadows though the king knew full well she was not one of his kind.
“FATHER!” The young maiden screamed entering the room hurriedly, her long dark hair trailing behind her.
“What is it now Annabeth?” the king asked with a sigh as he laid eyes on his most reckless daughter.
“A new prophecy has been spoken, our date of our perish is near.” She said in a grave voice, one that didn’t suit her happy attitude filled self.
“Did the snake queen put you up to this?” The king asked angrily.
“Take this seriously,” She demanded aggravated her father didn‘t believe her, “we could all die at the hands of a human!”
“Our end is not near.” The king insisted.
The persistent girl narrowed her eyes, “If you don’t send troops to the human world I will go on my own.”
The king’s eyes widened, she’s reckless but he still cares for her and knows she would do this, it’s not a bluff, “Fine.”
“And I will lead them.” Annabeth said with a smirk knowing her father would have to agree.
“Absolutely not!” The king said shaking his head, he would never send any woman to lead men to the human world.
“Either way I’m going, with or without help.” She threatened.
“Fine, you will choose your men tonight, I will gather all soldiers at the main square tonight. You may only bring along a dozen men.” The king agreed in fear of his daughter dying alone, he knew the mission was foolish but the evil shadows all reside in the human world, and he knows better than to leave his daughter alone there.
“Deal.” Annabeth said happily, if she can show her father this mission is more dangerous than he thinks and that she can conquer it perhaps he will see her worthy of fighting along side of the men.
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I hope you guys like this, I'm on Wattpad aswell so if this is familar it's because I posted it on there first.