Status: On going (also on Wattpad)

The Prophecy Child

Chapter One

Chapter One
Annabeth stood on the stage in the middle of main square feeling important with all eyes on her, for once she was in the spotlight instead of one of her rude sisters.
“As many of you know there has been a new prophecy, speaking of a human child who can see us and knows of our existence, my mission is to take a troop of a dozen and find the mortal, it’s my job to make sure the girl dies.” She said confidently with a smile evident on her face her voice sounding way to happy as she spoke of a child‘s death, even while she was talking mummers were heard in the crowd all worrying about leaving their safe land into a world they hardly get to explore.
“SILENCE!” Annabeth yelled, surprised the audience followed her directions. They always listen to her dad like that, but never her it made her feel powerful.
“I will take the strongest men, since this mission is different than the troop will be too so women will be accepted.” She said surprising her father as well as everyone else, it was to late for her father to object and the audience had erupted into mumbles again though Annabeth didn‘t even bother trying to make them be quiet this time.
“Now, any volunteers?” Annabeth asked grinning and wiggling her eyebrows, looking extremely informal compared to her father but it helped relieve the tension in the area to see the princess acting odd and immature, not that it‘s an abnormal sight to see her acting like this.
“Princess, allow me to accompany you?” One of the strongest men fighters said kneeling on the ground in front of the stage.
Annabeth made a face at his choice of words, “As long as you don’t talk like that.”
“I volunteer!” A few people said at the same time, men and women. The twelve spots were quickly filled and they followed the princess to the armory where the king was giving them all the supplies for the journey.
“Annabeth, why do you insist on wearing human attire?” The king asked with a sigh as he inspected his youngest daughter wondering why he agreed to any of this, if it didn‘t ensure her safety he wouldn‘t have let her lead the troops, but he knew either way she was going with or without help and he would much rather her at least have trained guards.
“Because this human girl can see us, so we need to look normal, plus it’s cool looking.” Annabeth said cheerfully passing the people clothing that looked odd compared to the old fashioned as the princess would say ‘crap’ they wear.
“Now everyone, this is my favorite part pick your weapons.” Annabeth said excitedly pointing to the table full of things like knives, guns, and other small weapons that can be hide easily in clothing.
Annabeth’s face lit up like a kid seeing snow for the first time as she snatched a couple weapons from the table recognizing them, even though no one in the kingdom is supposed to use modern things especially things like weapons.
“Alright, you guys will need to learn to use your weapons, I will teach you, father can we use the field to practice?” Annabeth begged.
“I’m beginning to question letting you lead this mission, Annabeth you are to modern the human world can only make you worse.” The king lectured.
“Thanks dad we will be in the field.” Annabeth said with a smile and walking off without permission with the others who were hesitantly following her all holding some type of weapon that were practically foreign to them. Once they arrived Annabeth climbed up one of the trees expertly even though she could have just flew, and attached some sort of target.
“What are we doing princess?” The female red head asked nervously as Annabeth jumped from the tree and gracefully landed on her feet.
“Practicing, Mark you are up first.” She said ushering the dark haired boy over who wanted to correct her and say Markus but he was afraid of her power even if she is the nicest and calmest princess of her four sisters.
“Alright you chose throwing knifes, these are pretty easy just aim it at the middle of the target.” Annabeth instructed, after hours of knife throwing and teaching them how to pull a trigger (literally) they had all the things they needed for their trip except for the destination.
“Where are we going?” The female red head Claudia asked as the princess looked at the hologram map of the world.
“No clue.” Annabeth said bluntly making them all go wide eyed and exchange glances in fear of their leader‘s lack of knowledge.
“The prophecy stated the girl is under the age of twenty residing in the United States.” the best male fight, Aero said helpfully.
“Do you know where in the U.S?” Annabeth asked making Aero shake his head.
“We will split up. Five of you will start in Maine for the search if anyone appears to see you contact me, five of you will start in California and again if anyone sees you contact me.” Annabeth instructed.
“What about the other two?” Markus asked.
“One will go to Alaska, and one will go to Hawaii.” Annabeth said confidently knowing her plan would work, it was perfectly logical.
“Claudia, would you like to go to Alaska?” Annabeth asked, the red haired girl’s eyes lit up at the thought, if she could find this human on her own she’d be famous especially since she is a girl and has never been out in battle before. If she can just defeat of the evil shadows on her own she will be legendary.
“Of course princess.” Claudia said grabbing what she needed and transported to where she was needed to before Annabeth could change her mind.
“Wait, princess where will you be?” Markus asked curiously, partially he was hoping she would be no where near him because he would never trust her judgment.
“I’ve always wanted to go to California so I’m going there, anyways Louis are you okay with going to Hawaii by your self?” Annabeth asked one of her most trusted soldiers.
“Yes, why thank you my fair lady.” He said bowing and quickly disappearing with his weapons and other supplies in hand.
“Alright, now everyone form two groups.” The dark haired princess commanded, they all quickly followed orders splitting in half.
“Mark’s group will go to Maine, Mark I expect you to lead that group since I won’t be with you guys. If you run into any problems contact me.” Annabeth said, though her seriousness can only last so long no one expected it to last that long anyways they knew it would end soon, “now the rest of you grab your things. We are going to California baby!”
The groups disappeared to each of their stations, and as soon as Annabeth’s group arrived on a beach the princess was literally skipping through the sand to get to the bathrooms they provided on the beach so they could change into modern clothing.
“Princess, we could easily just poof them on us.” Arielle short brunette said with confusion laced on her features.
“That’s not fun, we need to get in the spirit of acting human, and if this girl is here then she’ll immediately know something is up if we use an magic, now go change.” Annabeth said a grin never leaving her face as she looked around seeing it exactly as she imagined. Once the eager princess convinced everyone to ’get in the spirit’ they stood on the beach again looking uncomfortable though Annabeth was practically glowing in her skinny jeans, converse, and t shirt that advertised a band the others of her kind have never heard of.
“How do you plan on finding this girl?” Arielle asked hoping the princess actually had a plan for once though she knew if the princess does somehow have a plan, it won‘t be a good one.
Annabeth grinned and spoke as if she had came up with the best idea in the world, “We cause havoc and wait until someone points us out.”
“Princess, are you sure that’s a good idea?” Gabriel a tan blonde asked as the others just looked at Annabeth blankly to afraid to say anything.
“Nope but we are going with it.” Annabeth said smiling and skipping up the beach, they all exchanged looks before reluctantly following her. They all knew the princess was different but she is nothing like her father and four sisters, she’s not logical, not formal in the least, and they were now beginning to wonder if she is smart at all.
“Annabeth, you don’t deserve to lead this mission, you will never be a true soldier and you have no clue what you are doing.” Gabriel spat, the princess turned around her usually happy green eyes were darkened as her face was centimeters from his.
“I do deserve this, just like you will deserve the evil ones.” Annabeth growled motioning towards the group of shadows following and mimicking humans.
“We all know you will be dead in a minute if I don’t protect you when they find us.” The princess said angrily trying to restrain from screaming at him. The others were just watching, now fearing the dark haired girl that moments ago seemed so relaxed, and carefree.
The youngest girl in the group Luna put her hand on Annabeth’s shoulder instantly calming her, “Princess remember why we are here, now lead the way.”
“Of course, follow me.” Annabeth said backing away from Gabriel and scanned the beach to see only a mom with a little girl and shadows mocking them.
“We should stay away from them, the shadows are over there.” Arielle said and you could easily tell she was extremely afraid.
“No, we need to check those two, Leo come with me the rest of you stay here, only come if you think we need it.” Annabeth commanded pointing at Leonard who knew better than to correct her on his name. The princess put her hand on her hip where her gun and throwing knife were hid and walked slowly ahead with Leonard following her cautiously.
“Ah what do we have here? The princess of the cowards and her weakling guard ay?” One of the shadows asked his eyes a sickly red that looks much like blood.
“I am NOT a coward and he is not weak nor is he my guard.” Annabeth hissed, her eyes darkening again making the shadows smirk having the satisfactory of knowing they managed to get to her easily, they were already planning her demise.
“So little goody princess can be feisty?” The red eyed one asked stroking her cheek, in response she kicked him in the stomach making him fly backwards.
“Mommy!” The mortal girl yelled making Annabeth’s group all looked at her in fear of the little one seeing them.
“Look I made a sand castle.” The little girl said making Annabeth sigh in relief and look back at where the evil ones stood to see them gone.
“It’s safe c’mon.” The princess said allowing the others to follow again all of them were now even more afraid after seeing what she can do.
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So I hope y'all like this story, it's better than my others. I really don't like my other stories anymore because I'm a lot better now.