Tormented Love

Short Story

One would think that with our society depending so much on technology that any love story could play out. Only, I got stuck with the one that doesn't. Our story isn't even an epic one. Neither one of us is a superhero, a god, any supernatural being. We're just humans. That some higher being decided that we had to fall in love but couldn't actually be together.

I've come to fall in love with the darkness. That's what you do for the one you love, right? You suffer so they don't have to. It doesn't always work though. You're other half usually is thinking the same thing. Which is why I told him I couldn't stand him anymore. That I hated him. It was the most painful experience. Even the darkness causing it's pain couldn't compare.

What kind of superior being would create this? Being apart from him is horrid, but for him to be near is sickening. Unfortunately, I cannot hold back the darkness. I am past the point of tears. They offer no peace. Even the razor to my skin does nothing, it's gotten rusty and dull. So here are my last words, from me to you.

Sometimes love isn't all that grand. Sometimes death is the better choice.
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Again, I literally wrote this then immediately posted it. No editing was done. So it's a very rough piece.