A Match Into Water

Chapter Twelve

I shyly let go of Jaime's hand, my cheeks flaming. I took a clumsy step sideways and pretended to look at something on the wall. My stomach was churning, like a million restless butterflies were fluttering inside.

Did he want me to make the first move? Or was I reading too much into this and it wasn't what he wanted to happen at all? I stared more intently at what turned out to be an academic certificate taped to the blue wallpaper. My thoughts were racing. What if I made the wrong move? What if he hated me for it? What if...

I felt arms wrapping around my waist, slowly turning me around. I was met with Jaime's mouth on mine, warm and demanding. His lips clashed against my own, tongue darting into my mouth. I melted into him, thankful that I hadn't misread the signs. It was rougher than the other times we'd kissed, and I couldn't say that I minded. I threaded my fingers through his hair, pulling his head even closer. I could taste his tongue, and all I could think of was how badly I wanted him.

I took a step backward, dragging Jaime with me until we were next to his bed. I spun so that he was closer to the bed than I was before leaning forward and pushing him onto it. His tongue still frantically probing my mouth, I sunk down so that I was straddling Jaime's waist as he lay on his back. I began to grind my hips back and forth on top of him, feeling him grow hard underneath me.

He moaned, and I pressed down even more. Rocking in rhythm with me, Jaime reached up to pull my sweatshirt off of me. My heart stopped for a moment, realizing that my arms were exposed, but Jaime was paying no attention to them. He was now trying to work my shirt off over my head. He was still pinned down underneath me, so I pulled back after kissing him even harder for a moment before stripping off my shirt myself.

Jaime's eyes widened at the sight of my bare chest, looking hungry. He wrapped his arms around me in a quick motion, fingernails digging into my back as he pulled me towards him. I propped a hand on the pillows behind Jaime's head, the other reaching down to feel him under his jeans. He moaned again, reaching his hands to push against my hips. I shook my head at him, taking his arms and pinning them against the bed over his head.

I leaned forward so that I was nearly on top of him, lightly running my lips along his neck. I felt his body shiver beneath me. I stopped at a soft spot at the nape of Jaime's neck, gently nibbling at it until I heard his sound of pleasure. I began to suck on it, feeling Jaime interlace his fingers in my hair. His skin tasted so good. I just had to leave my mark, prove that he belonged only to me. When my lips broke away from his smooth skin, I planted small kisses on the tender spot, then ran my tongue over it.

In a surge of dominance, Jaime rolled me off of him so that I was on my back, shifting on top of me. He bent down to kiss me, his lips quickly connecting with mine. I felt a sharp pinch as he bit down on my lower lip, and my eyes slipped closed in bliss. I opened them again as I felt Jaime's fingers trailing down my exposed chest, leaving a surge of energy in their wake.

He paused when he reached my hips, pressing his thumbs into them in deep circles. I moaned as he slowly slid them lower.

"Stop fucking teasing," I gasped out as he began unbuttoning my jeans.

He just smiled and planted another quick kiss on my lips before sliding my pants off of me and tossing them onto the floor. They had barely even hit the ground before Jaime had settled onto my lap, brown eyes staring into mine as he ground the tough fabric of his jeans against the growing bulge in my boxers at an agonizingly slow pace.

"Faster!" I cried, but he did the opposite. His movements became more gradual, but he pressed harder against me. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed him. Now.

I took his hands and guided them downward, aching with anticipation. He knew how badly I wanted him, needed him. Starting at the creases of my inner thighs, he began to massage me. Softly at first, then harder, so hard that my pelvis bucked upward and my thighs clenched around his hands, squeezing together. I rubbed against him, begging him to touch me. He grinned as he dug his fingers even deeper into me, causing a moan to escape from my lips.

I squirmed beneath him as he continued to move closer to the spot where I needed to feel him, where I'd fantasized about his hands being far too many times. His hand finally closed around me, feeling how hard I was through my boxers. I gravitated toward his touch, pressing against his hand. Damn, did it feel good.

I could tell by the look in his eyes that he was finally ready, that he'd teased me enough. He leaned back to take off his own jeans while I lay on my back, panting slightly. I reached a hand forward to touch myself while I waited for him, but he swatted it away. He wanted to be the one to do it. I bit down on my lip as I tried to keep still, which was proving to be quite difficult.

Once his pants were off, Jaime turned back to me. I could see how hard he was, and it turned me on even more. I put a hand behind his neck and pulled him close to me, practically begging him to give me some head. He seemed as though he was going to oblige, reaching to pull down my boxers. I braced myself for the the feel of his mouth when suddenly there was a loud slamming sound, and Jaime jumped back.

I quickly sat up, looking around frantically. "What was that?" I whispered.

"Shit," he muttered. "Shit, shit, shit."

I waited for an explanation.

"My dad's home."

I glanced at him in terror. What was I supposed to do? He'd see me if I tried to go back out the front door.

"There!" Jaime said, pointing to the closet.

I grabbed my various clothing items from around the room and took them with me to sit on the closet floor, Jaime sliding the door closed so that I was in almost complete darkness. I heard him pad out of the room, sliding his jeans back on. It was probably a good idea not to have his dad come in here with me only protected by a thin wooden door.

As I settled back to wait for Jaime to tell me that the coast was clear, I became aware of how uncomfortably hard I still was. I tried to wait it out for a few minutes, but it was too much. I knew Jaime wouldn't be back in time, so I quickly snuck my hand inside my boxers. It wasn't Jaime, but it still felt good. I thought of him the entire time, pretending it was his hand instead of mine. When I came, not even the thought of Jaime's dad in the next room could keep me from moaning in pure bliss.

I was still thinking about how good Jaime had felt when he cracked the door open a bit, peeking his face through. "He's out cold," he said, stepping back so that I could pull myself to my feet.

He led me over to his bed, where we both laid down. He spooned against me, his back on my chest. He could obviously tell that I had finished after he'd left. "You couldn't wait?" he sighed.

"I thought of you the entire time," I murmured into his hair.

Even though I couldn't see his face, I could tell he was smiling. He reached over to grab my hand, which I had draped over him, leading it toward his crotch. He pressed my hand against it, and I found that he was still hard. He chuckled at my surprise.

"Come for me, baby," I whispered, feeling his back strain into me as I began to play with him.

I slid down his boxers so that he was fully exposed, and he let out a hiss of pleasure as my hand cupped him. It only took a few hard strokes before he came in my hand, moaning loudly and in pure ecstasy as he did. I loved that I could make him feel so good.

As the adrenaline died down, I felt my eyes growing heavy. I drifted into a dreamless sleep, my last thought of Jaime snuggled against me.


When I opened my eyes, it was still dark outside. Glancing at the clock on Jaime's nightstand, I saw that it was one in the morning. Shit, I needed to get home. I gently shook Jaime awake. He groggily opened his eyes, seeming confused for a moment as to why I was in his bed.

"Hey, listen, I've gotta go home now, okay?"

He nodded, although his eyes were only half open. He must've still been exhausted from before. I didn't blame him- he put up quite the performance. He then laid his head back down on the pillow, eyes already slipping shut. I planted a soft kiss on his forehead before putting my clothes back on and heading to the door of his room.

I tiptoed out, passing the empty kitchen lit up by white strips of moon coming in from the skylights. I carefully made my way through the maze of broken bottles, keeping my eyes set on the door. When I was halfway there, I heard a loud grunting noise. I spun quickly, my hands impulsively taking up a defensive position in front of my face. My sight landed on a the huge form on the couch. It took me a moment to piece together that it was Jaime's dad. And that he was asleep. Or, more likely, passed out drunk.

I continued the rest of the way to the door, cringing as it creaked when I pushed it open. However, the man didn't even stir. Breathing a sigh of relief, I exited the house and closed the door behind me. I practically skipped to my car, my mind still filled with thoughts of earlier tonight. I hummed to myself as I drove home, not a care in the world. That is, until I saw that all the lights in my house were on.

Swallowing hard, I forced myself to get out of the car and walk up the front steps. The second I pushed the door open, I knew I was done for. Seated at the kitchen table, able to glare at me all the way at the door, were both of my parents. My mom thrummed her fingers against the table, beckoning me closer. "Where in the world have you been, young man?"

"Uhh..." I scrambled to come up with an excuse that sounded better than saying that I'd been fucking my boyfriend. My mind drew a blank.

"We've been worried sick. What makes you think that you can just leave like that without telling us?"

Instead of saving my own ass, I tried to turn the heat onto someone else. "Mike's not here! Why aren't you mad at him?"

My dad butted in to answer this one. "Because he had the decency to call us."

This made me feel somewhat guilty, since Mike had found a way to call them even without his phone. But still, what would I have even said to them?

"Sorry," I muttered.

My parents seemed confused about my nonchalant reaction. Usually, I'd be pretty upset knowing that I was in a ton of trouble. But that thought couldn't even stand a second because it was immediately replaced with a thought of Jaime. His touch. His moan. I was getting slightly horny again just thinking about it.

I barely even listened as my parents told me that I was grounded for the rest of the month. Honestly, I didn't really care. I was still smiling as I went upstairs to my room, still thinking about that perfect time with Jaime as I fell asleep the instant that my head hit the pillow.
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Wow. I can't believe I just wrote that. I guess now I'm just that person who writes porn at 2 in the morning. I'm sorry if it's bad, it's kinda my first time writing smut. Well I hope you guys don't hate it too much.