Status: All for now, unless anyone wants more. I'm easily persuaded.


Soul Survivor

The name of our lucky survivor is Felix (irony has quite a way with life, hasn’t it?), a perfect image of someone just about over the edge of insanity. His constant visage was distinctive- wild staring eyes, neutral expression. He was highly calculative, very critical. Instinct mostly ran him, though logic kept him alive in tight situations. He was a stone wall of emotion, ignoring personal feelings and relying on his ability to sense, not feel. He was seemingly hardwired to be this way, constant alienation of self was his way of life. Though he relied on instinct he was not daft- his mind was sharper and even enhanced by his instincts. He became the image of a predator, and the world was his prey. He loved to toy with his prey first, though. Unbeknownst to him, his world was about to be flipped upside-down by a chain of events that even he couldn’t predict. He went south about two miles and came upon a caravan. Always up for a barter, Felix brought supplies to the table few others could- he had been to Agua Fria multiple times now, and the only to say he’d ever done so. The caravan owner himself was impressed by his selection of items. When Felix discovered the caravan had nothing for him, nothing to improve his living standards, or even something of menial use to him, he mercilessly slaughtered them. Someone who was of no use to him could be of no use to anyone, he reasoned. He even ended up taking their supplies (which were still of no use to him) in the end anyway. He kept en route for his "home," where he was hoarding supplies in preparation of the second apocalypse. He was well aware of when that was, how, and why, so naturally he prepared for himself. Solitude was his choice, not his problem. He reached the gas station where he resided a few hours later, and took no time to rest. He opened the manhole cover under pump four and went down into a dark room. The lights clicked on as the manhole cover hermetically sealed behind him. This was his home- a military bunker that had a gas station as a front. He went to the warehouse immediately, and stored his new winnings in an empty crate. It was here he kept his food and other miscellaneous supplies. He took the weapons he newly acquired down the hall to the armory, and put them with their respective types. Bladed weapons such as knives were most common, but useless to him. Next were guns, which created too much noise for him- they attracted more ReSouls in a fight. Lastly were the things he found useful- silent weapons such as crossbows, blunt weapons like hammers, and other things of a more unconventional type, like flamethrowers and flare guns. Regardless of being bladed, he also found machetes of particular use on multiple levels, and as such always carried one. Any scavenger that found this bunker would have cried tears of joy first because of its abundance, then tears of pain because of the machete in their chest, disrupting normal living functions. Felix was certainly not a home-body thought, he slept the night and set off again in the morning. He wanted to scavenge the small town of Bella Morte as soon as he could, for he heard of a cache of military supplies was buried in the graveyard there, in one of the mausoleums. It would not take him long to get there, it was half a mile due east from the gas station. The town had been left alone by scavengers because of its creepy aura- the name of it translates to “Beautiful Death,” it had the largest graveyard in 5800 square miles, and it had been abandoned even before the accident that occurred only 50 years ago. Felix had no worries- only he could best himself, so he felt invincible. He would go so far as to say he could never die. He also had no emotions whatsoever, something discarded years ago. Emotions left him a weak and lowly creature in his view. Felix reached this town sooner than expected, so he was pleased. Directly towards the graveyard he went, focused solely on the prize. He felt static in his head as he entered the graveyard, like a radio signal being jammed. There was a stranger in there with him- trying to take his winnings. He rushed to the location, and saw that his prediction was right. Felix looked at the stranger, and for a split second thought she was familiar. He waited in the shadows for his moment to strike…