Status: All for now, unless anyone wants more. I'm easily persuaded.


Anything Goes

Felix carefully calculated this potential threat. Judging on the equipment she had, there was no threat at all. She had inferior weaponry, and carried nearly no supplies. One crossbow bolt could end her instantly. He drew a bolt, prepared the crossbow to fire, and aimed. However, something caught his eye- the weapon she did have Felix wanted. She carried a prototype plasma pistol. This silent weapon used simple batteries for ammunition, melted metal, and the selling factor was its light weight and portability. Felix recognized the prototype from schematics he found back at his bunker in the armory. This prototype military side-arm was called the PLAS-47 a9 pistol, it was used for auxiliary firepower. Felix stalked behind the spared traveler until she reached the mausoleum that contained the cache. Sparing no time, he swooped in front of her, resulting in a large amount of shock on the traveler’s face and the drawing of her pistol. Yet another striking sense of familiarity was witnessed by Felix. He still dismissed this, but somehow he knew that face. Felix focused his thoughts in one sentence, one he projected directly to her mind via a rare skill he always possessed-telepathy. He thought

I mean you no harm, I merely want to trade!

This was startling to her, but what was more startling was the reply. I don’t trust you.

Felix was so shocked that he said softly

“Who are you?”

He knew his mistake instantly. Any vocalization outside attracted the ReSouls from their home. Silence should be kept or they hear- the residents of every town don’t like disturbance. Bella Morte was the first small town close in proximity to Agua Fria and one of the first to be wiped out by the relentless hollow shells. The residents are much akin to those in Agua Fria- they stick to familiarity. They swarmed the closed gates of the graveyard in moments. Felix took control of the situation. He wanted that pistol, and needed her alive. Something inside him couldn’t kill her, something that seemed to click in his brain. He placed info into her brain telepathically- most of his plan in detail. She didn’t know everything he had in store (so he thought) and he wanted it this way. Only he was capable of executing plans perfectly- Felix was not subject to human error in his eyes. The plan was to let them breach the southern gate, and focus on getting out the northern side. Simple enough, but easily foiled. Even though Felix revealed the instructions to her, the margin of failure was too large based upon the presence of imperfection for Felix’s favoring.

She disregarded the instructions as a whole- made her own rules. Felix’s way of life was based upon order, calculation, and meticulous detail. This catalyst started a world of chaos in his universe, brought discord to his harmonious order. Instead of heading to the north gate, she went to the sewer grate and pried it off with a crowbar she had packed with her. She messaged him Get over here. Now. We are doing this my way.
Felix was furious at her inability to follow simple directions, but was lured by the valuable weapon she had. He obeyed only to get the weapon he newly prized, but there was a small static at the back of his head that seemingly forced him to trust her.

The two slipped down to the sewers, and headed off in an unfamiliar direction, that Felix’s newfound and unlikely companion seemed to know well. The tunnels were a dark, frigid, and metallic maze, so Felix could do nothing but put blind faith in someone he didn’t know or trust. It was not long before they reached a ladder, leading up to the surface. She went first, followed closely by Felix. Looking about, he recognised the terrain quickly. They were just outside the town limits, somewhat to the south. Immediately, Felix expressed his anger to her.

What did I tell you to do? You could have gotten me killed! Listen to me sometime and maybe you’ll actually have a chance out there, you insufferable pestilence!

Felix felt a sharp sting on the side of his face. There was the outline of her hand in blazing red on his cheek. He was dumbfounded, but somehow knew he deserved it. The little static at the back of his head told him so. Not even stopping to think about it, he sent her another message.

You seem like you need some place to stay for a while. I have a place you can stay, and its safe.

Quickly he realised what he said, and got angry with himself. Still, he stuck to his word, a part of his own proud honor code. The trip took longer because of the tagalong he had now, but still he went. Once they reached the gas station, she was immediately skeptical. She pointed this out to him.

Seriously? A gas station? Do you seriously think this place is safe? You have more problems than I’d have guessed.

Felix wore a cracked smile. The manhole cover at pump for lifted with ease, and he crawled down. She was in tow, still ever the skeptic. When the cover hermetically sealed behind her, she was quickly startled. Felix, in the process scaring his guest half to death, said,

“Well. Here we are. A safe place.”

She was freaking out, almost in hysterics. Fearing that this maniac was going to kill her, she raised her weapon.

“Easy there, tiger,” he said to her. “Plasma and delicate electronics don’t really mix well.”

He pressed a combination of buttons into a pad, pressed a larger button, and the wall opened up to reveal a large vault-like door. This hissed open, and the foyer to the bunker was revealed. Stunned, she lowered her weapon and wandered in.

“Oh, no, that’s fine. Just walk in without asking. Fair enough,” Felix chimed in with. “Now, let’s get to business. What will it take to get that pistol off your hands? Money? Food rations? Other supplies? Or will I have to resort to esoteric measures beyond your comprehension? Name your price.”

“Let me live here a while,” she said. “Share your food with me, and let me live here for a week.”

“Deal,” he said with a falsely benevolent smile.